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libya 115

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Posts posted by libya 115

  1. HI Meerkat,

    Perhaps you have not been in Thailand long and perhaps you are not familiar with the relationship between Thai banks and the Thai government.

    The position here is that Thai banks are strictly controlled by the BOT. The interest they charge and all their fx dealings unlike in the EU are strictly regulated. In addition they must be licenced and follow the rules and regulations . There is no free market here in fx . The Thai government is aware of the huge importance of the tourist industry. One facet thereof is the exchange of money that tourists bring to Thailand. The government decided a long time ago that tourists were to receive a fair and honest rate of exchange from the banks and the banks pledged they would follow this principle.

    If you have any doubt ring the directors of the major banks, the finance ministry , the tourism ministry or the BOT.

    Well this rule is followed and we generally get a good deal here as contrasted with previous postings indicating a different policy from uk banks that do operate a free market policy towards fx. I am old enough to remember a similar policy after the war. Until the 1970's in the UK banks were not permitted to charge a commission on the purchase of fx only the sale.

    The UK was in desperate need of fx in those days

    Well banks being banks and wanting to improve their bottom line , some have found a loophole enabling them to double and treble their margins on fx by the simple expedient of speeding up the updating of rates when the baht is rising and delaying or stopping updates when the rate is falling.

    THIS POLICY IS NOT APPROVED BY THE BANK OF THAILAND who probably are unaware of what is going on. So yes they are cheating vis a vis the BOT breaking the rules under which they are licenced to operate and yes they are cheating vis a vis the tourists by concealing the fact that they are offering out of date rates. They are assisted in this by the BOT rules allowing purchase of fx but not the sale thereof as were deals permitted both ways the banks could not get away with such a policy easily as the spread would give the game away.

    I agree Topfield: a total rip-off: If I had changed GBP 1000 I would have lost GBP 10 and that is 20% of a good night out in Pattaya.

    Maybe you could look into this nasty rip-off: A bus from Pattaya North Bus Station-Bangkok Ekamai costs 113 baht; yet the reverse journey Ekamai-Pattaya costs 117 baht. I make that a total rip-off of 3.54%, so if you travelled the Pattaya-Ekamai route return, one hundred times you would lose a total of 800 Baht! That is just over another GBP 10 : another 20% of a night out in Pattaya.

    No wonder I can't sleep at night!

  2. I think that it's rather pathetic that Great Britain is sending Prince Andrew to such a significant event. My God why can't Queen Elizabeth come herself? After all she's the second longest reigning monarch in the world isn't she.

    The King of Thailand has been an exemplary monarch for his entire reign and must be one of the most well loved monarchs in the world.

    Who will represent t6he Government of Thailand i wonder?

    H.M. The Queen of England is busy: see below;

    Friday, 9th June 2006

    The Queen will visit the Pepper Pot Day Centre, 1a Thorpe Close, Ladbroke Grove, London W10, to mark their 25th anniversary.

  3. I bought my weekly supply of spuds yesterday, I pay 40 baht per kilo from the supermarket, and when I was about to peel and cook them today; discovered they were very green, even after peeling. I know this can happen anywhere in the world; but a warning:

    Green potatoes are toxic; although you have to eat several kilograms to die, very unpleasant symptoms can occur, even if you eat a couple.

    The toxin is called solanine.

  4. I feel confident, that this being Thailand, the men who are guilty will be caught and brought to justice.

    If a similar attack happened in the U.K. I fear the police response would be less efficient, and that those responsible would 'get off' on a 'technicality'; and even if found guilty, be released back into the 'community' following a European 'human rights' ruling.

  5. Simple test to find out if your an alcoholic.

    There is a big difference between a heavy drinker and an alcoholic.

    Go out and have a drink and stop after a couple. Then have soft drinks the rest of the night.

    If you feel uneasy or crave more, there is a good chance you are an alkie. If you can do that there is a good chance you're not.

    When I quit, I was taking 2 large bottles of "Sang Thip" a day plus 200mg of valium. 20 years of abuse got me sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.

    200mg of valium?? you mean 20mg right?

    Drinking Sang Thip no wonder you were 'sick and tired'.

    I reckon an alcoholic is someone who has vodka for breakfast, instead of a nice big fried breakfast.

    Also, I reckon if you don't drink wine or spirits, and just stick to beer you can't go far wrong.

  6. I heard from a friend, who regularly visits soapy massage rooms in Pattaya, that there used to be quite a few Uzbech's working there. However they were not so popular with European men; who opt for the 'Asian' lady.

    They are popular with Thai men and oriental tourists (mainly Korea).

    There was a raid last year on one such establishment.

    I feel sorry for them; they stick-out with white skin and fair hair. There are so many Filipina ladies here, who just keep there mouth shut a pretend to be Thai (whilst on the pull).

  7. Something pops up on a check-in screen if you have a one-way ticket anywhere. I have been asked to show my 90/60 day visa in my passport a few times, not just in the U.K.

    I am surprised if this is not enough; better to print out the Thai Embassy instructions; saying that a tourist visa is O.K. for a one-way ticket. Sometimes check-in staff really want to spoil your day, by being really evil.

    That's because they are on a minimum wage, and the job is so boring. How would you like to check-in hundreds of holiday-makers every day for forty years?

  8. Buying the tickets off the street vendors is pointless, just 960 baht returns if your last two numbers come up.

    However if you buy the hand written tickets; you receive odds of 64-1.

    So if I had put my money on 99 yesterday, lets say 100 baht; I would be collecting 6500 baht today.

    Yes but you don't get the chance for the bigger prizes.

    They would have to pay to a farang.

    The Thai people wouldn't like it very much though.

    There was a Pakastani won the big UK jackpot a few years back. He blew his anonymity as his business was the only corner shop ever to be closed on a Sunday.

    I've won the lottery heaps of times. There is a lottery tree near where my mother in law lives.

    I know a farang who won 200,000 in the lottery a year ago.


    'Yes but you don't get the chance for the bigger prizes.'

    On the hand written tickets there is a six digit number as well (for free) so there is a big jackpot for every hand written ticket you buy. (Look on the back).

  9. Buying the tickets off the street vendors is pointless, just 960 baht returns if your last two numbers come up.

    However if you buy the hand written tickets; you receive odds of 64-1.

    So if I had put my money on 99 yesterday, lets say 100 baht; I would be collecting 6500 baht today.

    That is O.K. for a bit of fun, an 'over-round' book of 35%

    Some racecourse bookies operate such a book on large field horse races.

    Most TOTE pools operate a similar percentage book as well.

    As regards a farang winning 'The big one'; I would have to give the winning ticket to my Mrs, and suggest half each, there is no way I would chance claiming it. With the publicity; a lynch mob might quickly form, but I believe 100% they would pay out; but there would be no option for 'no publicity'.

  10. I had the same problem; try these;

    Don't leave any food/rubbish standing in the open.

    Get the spray and force it in the hole they are coming from.

    If the hole is at ground level, pour boiling water down.

    Use the 10 baht Chinese Chalk and make a barrier around the hole they are coming from.

    Sometimes, they just go away on their own accord. They are mysterious creatures.

  11. I don't know if this is the same camera or not, it's called a Pretec DC-520 but here's the driver. Pretec DC-520

    Fantastic: Thanks tywais, and TV for helping me with this problem. It was a Pretec DC-520 and I downloaded the driver and it works great. I owe you a beer!!

  12. I forgot to mention this camera does not have a memory stick. It is all internal.

    The only way I can view photos is by plugging a 3.5 mm jack into the T.V. Plus I can't save so have to delete then start again.

  13. I have an old digital camera, but it came with drivers for O.S. '95 and '98. When I plug it into XP: no luck.

    I have checked on google for drivers for XP: No Luck.

    I would like to use it, because it still works. Any ideas please?

  14. I know several people who have over-stayed a long time, paid the fine and been banned for 12 months. However a new passport, always works, well did always work, there are these new clever passports; so it might not work now.

    Overstay is foolish, but I guess some people just believe they will stay for ever, perhaps in Isaan and 'drop out' of society. However when they need to leave they panic.

  15. I really don't believe that here is any worse than England. Plus in England the check-out staff are rude, ugly, dirty, smelly, and social misfits. At least here in Thailand they are clean and apologetic and count my change six times.

    I prefer Thai supermarkets.

    Spoken like a true idiot.

    sorry i ment troll.

    bcause you have never been to the uk, or you would never say rubish like that.

    Staff in shops in the uk are well trained and are a thousand times better at there jobs.

    then people thailand. no disrespect to the thais but its true.

    Have a nice day, in Thailand as that must be your place of birth and the only place you know.


    Nyet: I am not an idiot: That was my experience six years ago in the UK

    Nyet: I am not a troll

    Staff in U.K. supermarkets are rarely 'well trained' you are dillusioned.

    Thailand is not my place of birth; it is my place of residence.

    Have a nice day! :o

  16. This is slightly off-topic BUT why worry about interest rates on Thai Baht; which are anything from zero to 4.6%.

    The Thai Baht fluctuates against your home currency; for example by as much as 15%. If that is the case (I am talking USD, GBP, CHF here) then unless you never intend to return to your home country, you are playing Russian roulette anyway.

    If you have to deposit 800K Thai Baht; it is not so bad; you might win!

  17. The staff that hover like bees, in the electrical department are on commissions for certain brands sold. Never listen to them. They will quite cunningly assure you that their chosen 'brand' is the best and that if you choose the other, it will break-down as soon as you reach home.

    TOPS is the worst; I agree. But the staff are not to blame; it is the management.

    Carrefour is O.K. (Pattaya Klang):just don't go during a busy time; morning is best. Avoid the 2pm-5.00pm alcohol ban as well.

    I really don't believe that here is any worse than England. Plus in England the check-out staff are rude, ugly, dirty, smelly, and social misfits. At least here in Thailand they are clean and apologetic and count my change six times.

    I prefer Thai supermarkets.

  18. Is it possible to transfer a travel visa from an expired passport into another new passport if:

    1. The old passport is NOT available.

    2. Only a scanned copy/photocopy is available.

    The situation must be very similar to those people who have had their passport lost or stolen except:

    1. The entry (stamped card) IS available

    2. The scanned copy/photocopy IS available.

  19. Tonsillitis is a serious illness in adults. Antibiotics will cure it. However there is little chance that a woman was the source of the malady.

    It is unlikely (if you are an adult) that you will develop it again for a long time.

    So, relax, enjoy all Thailand has to offer.

    I had it twice, once as a child and once as an adult, it is very serious;causing a body temperature of 105 degrees. Very nasty.

  20. With Booze you lose.

    With Dope there's hope.

    Just something I heard, I will stick with booze.

    Imagine this; beer is causing you to lose friends, destroy relationships, be violent, lie and cheat and steal and abuse trusted friends. Imagine you destroy a career, end up in the gutter with no money, perhaps attempt suicide, the list goes on. Then you have a problem.

    It sounds as if the O.P. has some guilt at drinking more than 21 units per week (as a male).

    It is not the amount, but the above mentioned terrible consequences.

    You either have a problem or you do not.

    If you do. quit. There is no alternative.

    If you do not have a problem, continue, get drunk and enjoy it.

    The biological factors, are slim in comparison to the 'commando course' of the soul, that you will go through if addiction to alcohol 'kicks-in'.

    There are many wise posts above mine. In fact, it is an excellent thread. In Thailand, it is so easy to drink too much.

    The face of a heavy drinker is familiar to us all. Red faced and bloodshot eyes, sitting at the table drinking Chang at 10.30 am. Examine the table-talk of a drinker; it is all familiar stuff, to friends and family. Alcohol damages the brain; this is medical fact, but it is a slow process. Judgement is impaired.

    Personality changes. Anxiety and depression surface and soon that 'fun' heavy drinking is a hopeless mire of angst.

    To those who choose to tread the heavy drinking 'Chang' path, I say good luck. You might survive. But I say in 90% of cases it will end in self-destruction.

  21. These posts tell a great deal. Some are trying to defend 'accidental' sex with 'underage' girls, some are very critical of anything near it.

    Both camps are to be dismissed. I believe no man. There are many men here in Thailand who seek out carnal knowledge with young girls, there are some men who do not. There is no 'in-between'.

    I won't judge anyone. But the sickness of sexual deviation is very common in Thailand.

    Every man likes a jump. But within reason.

  22. When people back home hear about someone else living successfully in Thailand, they jump to wrong conclusions; they might suspect; sex/crime/nefarious motives.

    I know my own family and friends who have never set foot in Thailand pulled faces when they discovered I was serious about staying her in the LOS.

    Just ignore them; it is jealousy, a deep seated resentment, bad information, cheap newspapers, sexual frustration, poor finances, poor weather and twisted logic mixed together with anger at their own inability to change their own wretched lives.

    Enjoy the LOS and forget them.

  23. Never had a problem transfering money from the U.K. pop into the Bangkok Bank branch in St. Mary Axe, London and send as much as you want with I.D. Passport required in all cases for more than 5,000 GBP.

    From Nat West, I am not sure. They might route via New York. Also there are new regulations regarding cash transfer from U.K. onshore banks.

    Give Nat. West a phonecall and ask them to call you back, when they have a clue.

    The standard of banking in the U.K. is dire. Really bad. You won't lose, but you WILL end up frustrated by wrong and bad advice.

    Go carefully.

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