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libya 115

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Posts posted by libya 115

  1. If you check the Pattaya Mail classified section at the back; there was a Japanese lady advertising Japanese lessons every week; if she no longer advertises then place an advert yourself.

    I have been learning Japanese for many years; I am mainly self-taught with use of audio CD's and during visits to Japan joined a (free) language school, but certainly make the effort to learn Hiragana and Katakana scripts; each script has 46 basic kana characters, each of which represents one syllable.

    If you do this first; (it takes a few weeks determination to learn), then your spoken Japanese will improve when you read from learning books and scripts.

    Good luck!

  2. Alcoholism is basically a disease of individulism, it can afflict people who from an early age develop a strong sense of being psychologically alone and on their own in the world.

    This solitary outlook prevents them from gaining emotional release through associations with other people, but they find they can get this emotional release by drinking (alcohol).

    So after time (often many years) dependence develops upon alcohol just as in the same way other people are dependent on their social relationships with friends and relatives.

    So, factors in infancy or early childhood lay the foundation for a personality vulnerable to alcoholism.

    Of course there are many other factors; that is why it is so difficult to define; and some drinkers find it easier to quit than others.

    So, really it is a kind of mental illness/personality disorder and requires specific treatment and lifelong support.

    Two of my closest friends died of booze: both from the physical effects, even though they were fairly 'normal' and held down jobs and relationships.

    It is only when you see close friends die, that you begin to question your own drinking and; perhaps many of us need to drink more sensibly even though we might not be obvious alcoholics.

  3. Yes; thanks for the replies; I intend to do it myself: but I am just surprised that a down-pipe is secured by a thin screw-thread fitting from the plug hole and wondered if any alternative was possible.

    :kerryd: yes I have some of that white screw thread tape: engineers tape I call it: I reckon this is a fairly easy task: no pressurised water just waste water, plus all 'quick fit' threaded.

  4. My bathroom sink has developed a leak. Below, the water is escaping due to the down-pipe coming away from the area directly below the plug-hole.

    Visual inspection suggests that the down-pipe is secured by the actual plug-hole fitting which extends a screw-thread fitting keeping the down-pipe tight against a rubber washer directly beneath the plughole.

    This screw-thread fitting has corroded away.

    My questions are this:

    Is this standard 'Thai' plumbing? I need to replace these fittings; the plumbing is user-friendly with all washered screw/thread fittings from down-pipe to U-bend to outflow pipe.

    Or: should I replace the above mentioned plumbing, or attempt DIY (or call for Thai plumbers assistence)?

    Plus: any recommendations for walk-in plumbing suppliers in central Pattaya? I can unscrew the fittings and show them the store staff.

    Thanks for any advice here.

  5. When I started to visit Thailand I liked Chang. But normall never more than one beer, maximum two per day. Good taste and strong but no hangover.

    When I moved here more than 4 years ago I had to stop drinking Chang because after 3 Chang I got a hangover/headache starting the fourth.

    No, how could u possibly get a hangover from 2 beers, or even 4? Just a thought :o:D

    Well, I guess the poster might have been talking about the large bottles of Chang beer which is 640 ml and at 6.4% ethanol; it is easy to forget that 5 large Chang=1 bootle of spirits.

    So 4 bottles of large Chang=4/5 a bottle of spirits: hangover very likely.

    Anybody have any views on the 'purity' or hangover potential of 'Leo' beer?

  6. When I visit the U.K. (which is rarely) I drink local beer: Draught, canned or bottled.

    It varies in percentage from 4% (local pub draught) to canned 'super lager' of 9%.

    I never have a hangover. Ever. The next morning I am just a bit thirsty and then I have a massive hunger for a mammoth fried breakfast.

    However; after a Chang session in Thailand (6.4%) the hangover can be spectacular. Then again sometimes not.

    Research into hangovers nearly always ends in a debate about so called 'congeners' or 'fusel oils' that are present in alcoholic beverages. I suggest that some bottled Chang beer contains high levels of these impurities.

    Is there a scientific way Chang beer can be tested?

    Is there a possibility of 'bad-batches' of Chang beer?

    Is the age of the bottled Chang beer relevant?

    If you experienced similar devastating hangovers after Chang sessions did you switch brands with successful results?

    I consider Chang to be the best tasting and Singha always gives me a headache. Any views?

  7. It is true that lightning strikes can hit phone lines etc.

    I know someone who had satellite/computer/TV/video all wiped out during a strike.

    It is probably rare but now I unplug everything during a storm to be on the safe side.

    I am sure it is dangerous to stand under trees. As an above poster said; better to crouch down in a storm and remove all metallic objects.

    The mobile phone scare story must be a myth.

  8. There is a lawn bowling club on Soi Xzyte, which is just at the top of Soi Honey and off Soi Bukhaew and adjacent to Soi Chaiapoon.

    I don't play there, but everytime I go past there are lots of ex-pats dressed in white getting down to a good game of bowls.

    However: 'Never trust a crown green bowler under thirty' as the wise men HMHB said.

  9. Can anyone confirm this rumor .......

    That one of the two people shot was in fact a mamasan at a Sunnee plaza gay/boy bar?

    heard the rumor twice today from different sources ... if so .. we are finding out a whole lot more ... and explains the differences in the first report and the follow-up story

    Not sure how true this is but I have been told by a friend who lives in Pattaya that the shooting took place well before the world cup game

    The picture does seem to be taken in daylight and it was dark when the match kicked off

    Although it is daylight in the pictures, the incident happened AFTER the world cup game (which would have finished at about 4.00 am local time.

    There are still a lot of rumours, as mentioned above. But it seems some people are too scared to speak.

  10. My normal monthly phone bill is about 400 baht, mainly 3 baht dial up for internet.

    Today I received a bill for 2800 baht.

    I thought something must be wrong; I normally use csloxinfo on a local Pattaya/Chon Buri prefix listed as -038-

    However, last month I had tried a new ISP called Ji-Net which I connected to on their advertised Rayong number also prefix -038-

    I understood a local call to be any -038- prefix so charged at 3 baht per connection.

    Wrong. I have called TT&T and they say that the Ji-Net -038- connection is charged at 6 baht per MINUTE: So back to csloxinfo for me....and a warning to others who might 'try' Ji-Net.

    Although this might appear only to apply for me in Pattaya being -038- prefix. I would warn other users of Ji-Net in other cities/provinces with 'local' access numbers to proceed with caution.

  11. ok ... where's the ladymen from the OP?


    does sound rather like some kind of "hit" or revenge killing ... I assume by this time the shooter is dead or in custody?

    It sounds like...they should have turned the sound down.... :o

    Latest update from Thai newspapers June 14 2006:

    It appears that the alleged killer and his girlfiend were trying to enjoy some food and time together, but the two victims, who were watching the Italy v Ghana game were becoming very noisy, due to the exciting match, which one of the dead had a financial interest in winning. They refused to quieten down. They were tall men, one from Pattaya, one from Isaan. The alleged killer was a small man, following the match he invited them outside for a fight; then he shot them dead.

    He is a well known 'face' and has several businesses. Police have said unless he turns himself in, they will shoot him dead on sight.

    The initial reports that they were ladymen seems inaccurate, they were indeed biological men, but there might be some confusion here with regards, outwards gender and/or sexuality of the victims.

    Either way it is a tragic story. It seems being noisy, when a wealthy Thai asks you to quieten down, could be a risky business.

  12. Latest News: 1830 hours 13 June:

    The victims of the shooting, were very loud and rowdy whilst watching football on T.V. in the bar and the alleged killer asked them to quieten down. The victims refused, so he shot them dead.

    The police are very hot on the heels on the alleged suspected killer, and are currently 'surrounding a property'.

  13. I once lent a Thai 10,000 baht; after six months I expected never to get it back, however after nine months they paid me back, because they won the lottery.

    After a few more months; the original borrower asked if she could borrow 20,000 and explained how she had paid back the original sum of 10,000 baht.

    So I lent her 20,000 baht; she has not been seen since. Changed mobile, non of her friends know where she is and I am not the only person she owes.

    Beware of this trick. Smaller sums may be returned, but that final big 'ask' will be the ultimate scam, plus as someone mentioned before, it is not only farangs, that some Thais rip off, it is their fellow Thai friends and family and 'best friends'.

    The lessons are clear.

    So in your case, write it off now; but don't be so overjoyed if you get it back that you lend money again.

  14. Latest news on the street, is that approximately 0545 on 13th June 2006, three ladymen were shot dead, a fourth is injured in hospital, following a shooting incident outside of the XZYTE disco on Pattaya Third Road.

    More details to follow.

  15. Look boys, I think only good will come from all this in the long term

    The more land/condo laws that are brought in or existing ones that are enforced

    Will only help to get the prices in line with what they should be and not over priced

    as they are now by greedy Thais and falangs building new places and selling for a

    big fat profit. under a company name.

    This is probably only the start of things to come for the companies.

    So be ware .

    You should have given the house to the wife in the fist place.

    Instead of dodging the law. Or buy the condo in your name

    No sympathy for the lot of you. You all new the law in the first place.

    Stop crying.

    To all the people out there that have done things the correct way

    you have nothing to fear for the future.

    Enjoy your homes and life with you family?s

    Have a nice day.

    BTW, think the pole tells you all, what people have done with there money in the past.

    Stop trying to justify dodging the law.

    Sorry boys, yes they will come down in price


    Oh Yes?

    Your post: 14 June 2005

    "Stating more tourists are coming to Pattaya or Jomtien just

    Can?t be true, less and less people come to this palace every year.

    Just go out and have a look, are the bars and restaurants full of people

    No is the answer, there are more people coming to Thailand but not here.

    and remember tourists don?t invest in property they stay in nice hotels.

    also making comparisons to other countries is not a good thing to do

    Its not relevant , keep this to the country your in.

    Not much land to build on, well again go out and have a look

    I can see hundreds and hundreds of Rai of land not yet developed.

    In and around Jomtien.

    The planning regs you take about are for high rise buildings not

    small developments.

    I suspect the planning department is just as good as all the other departments

    in Pattaya, (so developers will build where they like).

    If you look along Jomtien beach there are two

    large projects that never got off the ground. Why was that?

    Building reg?s or people getting cold feet with the so called property

    boom in Jomtien.

    I suspect you are one of these people who talk about Thailand

    from afar like many others on this forum.

    Keep your money in your pocket or it might be lost in the next

    few years.

    But if anyone wants my condo its 10m baht to the first one who comes

    up with the money, im sure its worth that now judging by the over

    pricing going on , only paid 600 thousand a few years back.

    Please don?t be a fended, just don?t agree with all you say.

    Have a nice day "

    Did you get your ten million?

  16. I agree with a lot of the above posts; however;

    The word 'diet' is hopeless. Almost all 'diets' don't work. You just have to change your lifestyle and eating habits.

    For sure: exercise more, walking, swimming and cycling is enough, but exercise every day, for a few hours.

    Look at you food intake and remove all processed foods. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits, fish and skinless chicken, little red meat and little cheese, eggs are O.K. boiled.

    Try to eliminate, sugary food, remove very fatty food.

    Plus what is vital: The time that you eat. Eat well at breakfast and lunch, then eat a little for evening dinner. If you feel hungry eat a banana between or after meals.

    Do not quit carbohydrates; potatoes (boiled) and rice (boiled) are fine.

  17. I can do that too: dead easy: I just go online; with: and get the commentary in English.

    I have extension leads for my high quality speakers from the computer, mute the sound on the Thai TV and thats it.

    The link was talksport.net

    Every game: live commentary: real time.

  18. The first line of the address is the most important: for example 45/45 M7 Soi Lucky.

    If that is in English it is O.K.

    Second: Hand written envelopes might go missing more often than printed labels.

    In over five years, I have only had one piece of mail go missing (to my knowledge) a birthday card: perhaps 'they' thought there was money inside.

    Ask people who send greetings cards to you to tuck in the flap.

    Aerogrammes are also unlikely to go missing.

    If you suspect your mail is being 'dumped' regardless of value: report it at your serving post office in a calm manner.

    Make an effort to meet your postman and tip him for good service. Don't begrudge him the odd fifty baht.

  19. hi'

    check it manualy, or go to the web site to take a look :o


    Thanks Francois;

    I went to their web site and found out that there is a new version '3.8' so I uninstalled the old version, updated, and great!

    It detected loads of new 'nasties'; funny adaware and spybot doesn't pick them up, that big green tick from spybot can give you a false sense of security.

  20. I purchased the very popular 'Spyware Doctor' after many PC problems. It cost $30 per year, however I have not had an update since April 4th 2006. It has just gone quiet. Am I alone in purchasing this software and have they stopped updating with downloads? Updates used to be twice a week, now two months of didley squat!

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