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libya 115

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Posts posted by libya 115

  1. MONEY: On useless/worthless/unnecessary: tablets/potions/creams/cosmetics/quack cures etc.

    MONEY: On sachets of ready-mix coffee,sugar,whitener

    MONEY: On pointless lengthy gossip phonecalls.

    MONEY: On leaving the fridge door open for five minutes during every visit.

    On the bright side I have a massive collection of elastic bands, drinking straws, plastic spatulas, plastic bags, glass beer bottles and Pattaya Trader Magazines. :o

  2. One of the telephones (I bought in Thailand) works O.K. but if someone calls me, and hangs up, my telephone continues ringing, for ever until I pick it up (and there is nobody there).

    When the phone continues to ring, does it do the normal cadence ring "ring-----ring------ring" or does the sounder just keep going continuously "Rrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnngggggggg" until you pick it up?

    Also, when you pick up do you get a dial-tone?

    The ringer just carries on as normal, same sound, same interval.

    Then when I pick it up a dial tone, because the original caller has called off.

    I have called myself, and it happens every time.

  3. Crossy: Thanks for the info and links; looks like I can have a fax in another room now and a telephone in the bathroom.

    However I have to do the electronics first.....

    Another puzzler for you: One of the telephones (I bought in Thailand) works O.K. but if someone calls me, and hangs up, my telephone continues ringing, for ever until I pick it up (and there is nobody there).

    This becomes a problem, if there is nobody in, because the phone rings and rings, which neighbours can here, so as a result I pull the plug before leaving.

    Any reason or solution to this? Thanks.

  4. Overdose on aspirin? I suppose it's possible, but Tylenol seems more likely. It's toxic at only twice the recommended dosage...and that's not the extra strength dose. It would actually be relatively easy to accidentally kill a child with a Tylenol overdose of you gave an older child the adult dose for several days.

    All you Dads out there know that sometimes children get a fever that doesn't respond well to Tylenol. You give the Tylenol to them, the fever goes down, but then is back up 2 hours later. You can't give them more Tylenol after only two hours. Back in the day you could give them aspirin, as they will not overdose each other, but aspirin is out now. I believe ibuprofin is used alternately with Tylenol now to keep a fever down when Tylenol alone won't do it. Children's dosages only!

    Certainly, I have known for many years that aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) should not be administered to children less than sixteen years of age.

    The exact reasons are still not fully understood. G6PD deficiency in asians is common so even in adult asians dosage of aspirin should be less than 1g per day.

    Reye's syndrome can occur (usually in infants) possible vitamin K deficiency link.

    However, aspirin is a massive life-saver when used as an antiplatelet drug, which can decrease platelet aggregation and may inhibit thrombus formation in the arterial circulation, where anticoagulants have little effect.

    Antipyretic agents (Fever reducing drugs): Probably best avoided for children. Sponging with cold water is adequate. Body temperatures 104F + should indicate immediate hospital admission.

  5. Just some further news on this story....

    Real surname is Bertogna....he is a jewellery designer in Thailand...

    His father is Aldo Bertogna who is wanted by a bankruptcy receiver over here for investigations into shady dealings...he owes money all over the place and is a known conman.

    Perhaps that answers a few questions.

    Stories were run in todays Sunday Times on the Pattaya incident and then on another page about the fathers dealings here....They both live in Bangkok.

    Aldo Roberto Bertogna

  6. Wow - so you had all three. How do you know Giardia is finally gone? I think there is also trouble with reliable tests sometimes.

    The best way is antibiotic treatment with METRONIDAZOLE. Dosage: 400mg 3 times a day for 5 days.

    Then regular stool samples to pathology: the cysts need to be eradicated.

    If infection lingers......then attempt MEPACRINE HYDROCHLORIDE. Dosage 100mg 3 times daily for 7 days.

    However all drug treatment should be approved by a fully qualified doctor, self medication has risks.

  7. That was very informative. I'll have to implement some of those steps, especially about pre-cooking meat. I have been very ill here, and I'm afraid my stomach will never be the same. At some point, I picked up Giardia, which I later learned is very hard to lose, even after treatment (no thanks to my doctor; I had to find that out myself).

    I believe I picked up Giardia in Phuket, after eating oysters. I know it was a stupid thing to do, but I am the type that loves food. When I first arrived in Thailand, I also ate everywhere, and with a lot of chilies. I don't know how Thais do it, but I believe their luck runs out at some point. I think elderly Thais don't eat with as much chile any more, but I could be wrong about it. I think after living here for 4 years, my stomach is now elderly.

    I don't know what to tell you, except that the only sure way is to eat in from now on. For me, that isn't realistic.

    Yes, I agree Giardia Lamblia is hel_l: worse than dysentry or cryptosporidium poisoning.

    It: ( Giardia), keeps going then coming back. I marked off the days on the calendar 34 days, dysentry was 4 to 5 days, cryptosporiduim was 20 days. (To rid my body of).

    I feel sorry for people who get bacterial G.I. infections or parasitic infections. I say water is the number one culprit and ice.

    I did read, (and half believe) that imbibing a glass of wine or spirits during eating can help ward off some infections, but there is no concrete proof.

  8. HPV: Human Papillomavirus

    LSIL: Low Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion

    Further tests should be repeated in three months time. The hospital should do further D.N.A. tests on the HPV specimen.

    If in any doubt seek further professional opinion.

  9. Everybody enjoys large melons...BUT:

    Melons are the most common source of food poisoning, in South East Asia according to W.H.O. statistics, and have killed at least four adults and one child so far in 2006. The rough skin is extremely difficult to clean and harbours a variety of harmful bacteria. This bacteria then infects the soft fleshy inside when cut open with a knife.

    Often pre-sliced melon, is sold or served, in body heat temperatures; bacteria multiply then BINGO: projectile vomitting and uncontrollable bowel evacuations is the unpleasant result.

  10. I am just watching another heart-breaking ITV documentary of Juling (The School Teacher beaten almost to death by extremists in the south of Thailand.)

    It seems to me that she is brain-dead yet; doctors continue to respirate her and feed her with tubes etc. Footage is graphic, her body is clearly wasting and her eyelids are taped shut.

    Am I sceptical, but I know that her parents have received large donations from well-wishers, who were shocked at her mob beating a few months ago. Is this money; prolonging treatment, where perhaps a poorer, less well publicised victim of brain damage might be allowed to die?

    I know hospitals here are businesses, but surely, brain-dead should be allowed to die after a certain length of time?

    Almost identical is the previous case of 'Big' from D2B the rich rock star, who got a fungal brain infection, who (as far as I know) is still in a PVG. (Persistant Vegetative State).

    Anyway; I am maybe harsh, but I know how Thai hospital administration works; T.V. publicity, medical bills are massive, parents are showered with financial support......

  11. Sending your passport by courier outside of Thailand is fraught with risks:

    1. If you have to provide your passport to police, while it's out the country.

    2. It gets lost. (courier service can never be 100%)

    3. It is now forbidden to obtain Thai visa's 'not in person' in another country.

    PLUS: I sent my passport, by courier to the U.K. for a travel visa (NOT THAILAND) and it got opened at Bangkok; and 'held' by immigration upon return.

    It took a lot of Thai-Language phone calls to explain that no Thai visa had been added, then it was released, and I had to pay a hefty fine C.O.D. to the DHL man.

    I count myself lucky. I won't do it again.

  12. QUOTE: CGW: Long and boring post on a few 'quack scientists views'.....blah, blah, blah.........................

    I don't believe you believe this do you CGW?

    There are half a dozen simple chemistry mistakes in that lengthy transcript that a 15 year old student would spot.

    It reminds me of the margarine scare stories regarding 'Trans' and 'Cis' optical isomerism and its negative health consequences.

    There will always be rogue doctors and scientists poo-pooing accepted scientific principles.

    On the long list of self damage we do to ourselves; smoking, drinking, drugs, obesity, no exercise, fast food, tinned food, food colourings etc. Microwave damage to food by cellular/molecular heat damage is negligible.

    Plus: we live in a 'sue' society now, if some poor Yank had got cancer of the balls from microwave food then it would be in the newspapers and on CNN quickly.

    As I said in an earlier post; cooking food chemically changes it, but the only alternative is to eat raw foods for all our life.......BKK street pollution is more harmful...probably........

  13. Thanks for all the information; I am sure microwave cooking isn't perfect, but I wouldn't abandon it altogether for the sake of scare-mongering.

    Incidentally; I read some time ago that it is safer to microwave than cook by convection, because convection causes burning, and carcinogens to build up, BBQ's are even worse still.....

    I will look out those two stores mentioned tomorrow....And see if I can grab this part I am looking for. Thanks.

  14. Sometimes, when ATM's in Thailand are nearly empty they give you all your cash in 500 baht notes; I seem to remember upto 15,000 baht worth. 30 X B500 is much better than 15 X B1000.

    QUOTE: peaceblondie:

    Don't most farang, including residents, pay in 1,000 baht notes, even for a 209 baht bill? Why?

    As sbk points out, even if the banks provided change to small businesses, the businesses don't have time to send the hired help for it. I have a regular routine where I bank. I'll draw out US$500 from the ATM, and take it inside. Then on the withdrawl slip, I'll plan how to cash it to smaler notes. I'll tell my favorite cashier, "Change" and show them my list. Then at all the noodle stands and cheap restaurants, even at nicer places, I give them EXACT CHANGE. They love it. Then, I'll tip as I please.

    As I leave, sometimes I'll brag, "Other farang only have 1000 baht notes. I give you change." One small-time, remote convenience store owner loved it when I gave her lots of spare change.

    Okay, not at Tesco-Lotus. But at most places.

  15. The circular glass plate that revolves in my microwave oven has broken (smashed); so now I am left with the metallic revolving 'blob' in the middle, and the microwave oven is very difficult to use efficiently.

    I am sure that this must have happened to other people. Are there any stores around Pattaya that stock replacement glass microwave plates?

    Does anyone have any ideas what I might do.....other than buy a new microwave oven, which seems a pity, just because of this minor problem.

  16. After settling bills in restaurants or bars in Thailand, I always tip 5%-8% of the total bill, always keep the coins and leave 20-100 baht in notes.

    Tips are part of salary here in Thailand, plus if you are a generous tipper, you will be remembered, receive better service and be 'jai-dee' in the eyes of those who serve you.

    For those of you who don't tip: then you have your reasons; maybe you are a back-packer on a fixed budget, maybe just naturally mean, maybe you think that 'they are getting one over on you'; maybe you fault the sevice in some way and justify your refusal of tipping.

    However; the coins in the change is not exclusive to the L.O.S. that is why it is better to rise above it and leave a proper (paper) tip and keep the coins for songthaew.

  17. I once flew Asian Spirit from Manila to Caticlan, and boarding the aircraft on the return leg from Caticlan to Manila the pilot was urinating against the aircraft under-carriage whilst simultaneously swigging Red Horse beer.

    I hear that Red Horse beer in the Philippines is 10%

    Just another Captain Yo' Yo'.....!!

  18. My thai gf has recently come to England to stay with me for about 6 months, which is great but the only downside (I think) is that she has asked me to send 25,000 baht a month back home to cover her bills and rent for her apartment while she is living with me!!

    I just find that amount a bit excessive, could someone let me know if they think she is asking for a little too much or is it a perfectly acceptable amount!! :o

    Hello SeanC07,

    Are you rich or poor? Are you hideously ugly, or rather physically attractive? Are you young or old?

    If I was rich, and ugly and old I would pay the 25,000 baht in a flash, and bedtime would be early.

    If I were young and watching my spending and dreaming of teue love: then forget it. Change the date on the return air ticket, give her some taxi fare and start again.

    Thailand has many single women who will make you happy and not rip you off. Take your time and choose carefully.

    Good luck...

  19. You could join the Rotary Club of Pattaya, meetings every Monday 1900. (Town In Town hotel).

    Plus a great way to start would be to attend Pattaya Expats Club: [email protected]

    As Dr Johnson said: "When a man is tired of Pattaya he is tired of life-for there is in Pattaya, all that life can afford".

  20. Does anybody know something? I was told that a bomb was found on a deserted area near the "LoveInn" Hotel.

    Are you sure that you were 'told' correctly?

    Maybe you mis-heard, and it was:

    'a bum found on the deserted area near the Love Inn Hotel'

    Australian, my bet.

  21. The success rate of a reverse-vasectomy depends upon the original method of vacectomy.

    Plus; after the original vasectomy the mans sperm are absorbed back into the mans body which can cause antibodies against sperm to form: thus reduced fertility of upto 50% is possible.

    Choose a hospital that uses sterile operating conditions. Operations upon the 'vas deferens' although minor in surgical terms, require 100% sterile environment.

    I won't trouble your mind with some of the potential physical disasters that these type of procedures have befallen men in say...India, when non-sterile equipment is sometimes used!

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