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  1. They aren't university students. That explains why they are so different to university students in the West. They're vocational students, so not really proper students. It happens all the time. Probably low-status, so need the boost from violence.
  2. You asked me to explain something, so I did. I'm not sure what else I can do to make you understand. To be honest, you sound a little unhinged. You really haven't made a very clear point. It's very rambling and you're quoting one thing that was said in response to another, as though there was a direct connection. You're asking one thing, and then pretending like I responded to something else retroactively. It's pretty incoherent, even for you. Maybe have a rest, come back and re-read what you wrote, and see if you can understand/explain your point a little clearer. 🤷‍♂️
  3. The use of "could" and "might" actually suggest the opposite of assumption. If your brain wasn't crippled by your ideology, you might know this. More irrelevant nonsense spewed from your ideology hole. Nothing to do with what I wrote.
  4. What I have said is perfectly factual. You not liking it does not change that, nor do your bizarre attempts at disagreement. 🤷‍♂️ Quite the assumption on your part to suggest that I enjoy your outrage. It's actually quite tiring. Those of us with functioning brains simply acknowledge the risk things like this create and move on.
  5. Of course. Trump is a smart and shrewd business man. He's not going to do anything stupid, and if one of his policies becomes clearly negative, he's obviously going to adjust. I'm glad you're finally posting more positive news about Trump. Good for you.
  6. There's no way this person is ignored where they go if they're wearing a dress. If they said "man", they would have gone on to say that the person dresses/identifies as a woman.
  7. OK. Fairly simple. I'm sure you know all of this, but just don't want to be honest about it. 1. Only giving the assumed name, when the person could be using their real name. 2. Referring to the suspect as a women, when "she" clearly has the appearance of a man makes identification harder (I know you think the "but the mugshot" argument is a get out, but people don't see a mugshot walking down the street, please learn to think critically). 3. Describing the person as a woman means that someone could believe that they have female physiology and are less dangerous than they really are, leading to someone being put in danger. 4. If police staff believe her to be a woman, then, once caught, she might be secured somewhere with women, putting them in danger. 5. If police officers believe her to be a woman, then officers might use less force when making an arrest, believing her to have the strength of a woman, rather than an adult man. The list could go on, as there are so many scenarios where it could cause harm. But I think that's plenty to support my point and prove you wrong (as usual). It's pretty clear how correct I am. I'd love to see you back up your points like this now and then, but we both know you don't because you can't.
  8. I figured you'd be along soon to defend the undefendable. Don't you ever get tired of being awful to people just because your warped ideology says it's OK?
  9. Ridiculous. This is literally a case of endangering everyone just to not offend a very tiny minority. A perfect microcosm of the whole trans debate.
  10. Why wouldn't they want Joe's support???
  11. I hate to tell you this, but the Native Americans are also illegal aliens. 🤷‍♂️
  12. Au Bon Pain and Café Amazon.
  13. That's fairly typical in chain cafes in Thailand. I see Thais doing this all the time. Often you see meetings or classes where they buy one drink and sit for hours. I even often see Thais take up a multiple table with their bags, then half disappear for a while and come back later.
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