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  1. The dancing guy did look super annoying, but the kicker just felt jealous that the was getting attention. Both need to think about their life choices.
  2. Kamala promised to improve the economy. Although she doesn't say it's bad, the fact that she said she would improve it, rather than maintain or continue what has been going on for the past four years, suggests that she knows that it isn't great. If Trump is a liar for saying that the economy is bad, then Harris is liar for implying that it is bad through her campaign pledges.
  3. This was already being spoken about before the election. This claim casts doubt on the validity of this story in general. Seems like it's probably propaganda.
  4. I understand the pressure to come up with snappy headlines, but it's in pretty poor taste to make jokes about someone seriously injured.
  5. But used to kill for pretty much no reason. 🤦‍♂️
  6. Let's be honest, we still don't know what actually happened... 🤦‍♂️
  7. Weren't people just whinging about Trump doing this and how it would affect Thailand?
  8. So you think they were targeted and given dodgy booze specifically because they were young innocent tourists? And wiser people would have known it was dodgy?
  9. To fool you into thinking that you've read an interesting and informative article.
  10. True. I suppose that is the attraction of having a slave. Someone that you own, who you can do whatever you want to. There are some very twisted people out there. I feel slightly awkward when waiting staff clear my table. 😆
  11. Then why conceal this important detail from the original post? Sounds like you wanted to leave that out to encourage replies. 🙄
  12. Most likely they're very pleased to see someone they consider to be a tourist, as it symbolises the return of a group that potentially means a significant increase in income. I went to Vietnam just after covid and the local people were very excited to see a foreigner. I went again a year later and the reaction was far more sedate. Enjoy it for the pleasant experience that it is, but don't expect it to be permanent.
  13. An impressive feat for animals with no legs... 🤔
  14. It really seems like it is completely normal in Thailand to be driving at the absolute limit of safety in terms of speed, along with positioning vehicles at a point where any change in nearby vehicles position or speed means a guaranteed collision. Combine this with no seatbelts... Very sad, as it's a total waste and often easily avoidable.
  15. It looks like the lorry isn't completely blocking the road. Also the driver of the lorry says the guy swerved around before he crashed. Possibly he wasn't paying attention or fell asleep. I think the chances of him driving along and slamming into the back of the truck due to not seeing it are kind of slim (although he could have been speeding, maybe with his lights off?).

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