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  1. Things seem to be getting more dangerous in Thailand.
  2. He's hardly going to choose people who are disloyal, is he? Still, better than a stunningly unqualified president. It could have been Harris!!
  3. Very sad. Probably didn't trust banks. Their house sounds like it was a tinderbox waiting to go.
  4. It's almost as though people want some sort of middle ground where crime is taken seriously but the public isn't put in unnecessary danger. 🤔
  5. That's quite the excuse, even for Thailand. "It's not my fault I crashed. I was scared of being arrested!"
  6. He fits the profile more than you might think. "Champaign Socialists". Most of the left-wing dictators that kill millions are privileged and well educated. That's where they become radicalised. They then use the antifa types to do their dirty work.
  7. If you actually think about it, if they didn't confirm the cause of death, someone could murder someone, then stage a car accident, and possibly get away with it. Also, someone could die in a car accident, but could have had some sort of pre-existing condition which contributed to their death, and without checking what actually killed them, the person who caused the accident could face a harsher penalty than they should. 🤷‍♂️
  8. Contact a shady "agency". Depends how legal you want your work to be. It can range from White skin to a relevant degree and TEFL qualification. Probably. Depends how old you are. Thailand! 🤦‍♂️
  9. Isn't that Thaibeachlover?
  10. probably worried that it would create a negative image.
  11. Wealth is a marker of status. Status symbols are displays of wealth. Wealthy is a status. They're pretty much the same thing. An E-class Mercedes is a show of wealth. The high cost of the car shows your status to all who see it.
  12. Now you're just making things up. I never said any of that. Clutching at straws. Someone not doing something kind, does not make them unkind. You clearly don't know what these words mean. An absence of kindness is not a presence of unkindness. Think about. I don't disagree, but it still shows a one-sided relationship, where you are doing something for them and they are not doing the same for you. Up to you if you want that, but let's be honest about it. Perhaps it is you who are senile. I never said that you expect them to. 🤦‍♂️ You seem to be running out of "comebacks", as you appear to be simply trying to pick holes based on your misunderstanding of words. You do have relationships with the maids in the condo, whether they actually "mean" anything to you or not. Based on the above, you're the one in a bickering loop. You're unable to add anything, but you feel like you have to reply. 🤷‍♂️
  13. Sadly, Thais seem to often choose overtaking rather than breaking, often without paying much attention to what is going on around them. Add alcohol and probably no helmet...

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