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Posts posted by JamJar

  1. 1 hour ago, Syke said:

    It appears this loophole has been closed. My SIM was activated last year. I've gone through 2 6-month unlimited plans. I can no longer subscribe to the unlimited plans. I tried to activate all 6 of them through the webpage, 1/4/6 mbps and 6/12 month plans. Everytime it says "not valid for this sim".


    It isn't closed. The deadline was 31st of July, but AFAIK has been extended to the 31st of August.

  2. 4 hours ago, moogradod said:

    No assistant. Wherever I go my wife comes with me. She speaks English and Thai and a bit of German. Of course they like to speak to my wife because they can use Thai language, but this gives me always the feeling like I am a baby and cannot speak for myself. "Here, here I am ..... ???? and I would like to talk to you .....).


    So who does the sucking out of the fluids whilst the dentist does her work?  For me there is always an assistant. 

  3. 12 minutes ago, RabCNesbitt said:

    After all of the lies, mis-information and total mis-management by successive Conservative governments who are only interested in lining their own pockets, and the clarity now of what Brexit ACTUALLY means and the hell-bent attitude of the current PM in wanting to leave the EU....... why can't there be a referendum to see if the people of the UK still believe in this lunacy? The original vote was 48% to 52% to leave - that is hardly a convincing margin back then when NOBODY knew the what Brexit meant and were fed a total bunch of lies. They should stop this nonsense now, give the British people another vote and THEN see if they still want Brexit - only this time the British people will be much more aware of the outcome and have full knowledge of the fact that we could be leaving with 'no deal', damaging business and trade for many years to come.



    It's brinkmanship. He has to call their bluff. But at the same time he has to be prepared for if they don't blink.

    He most definitely wants to stay within the Customs Union for years to come. No one really wants all of that disruption.

  4. 15 hours ago, moogradod said:

    Just an update from my experience: I made an appointment with Phyathai, first they did give me even the choice of doing it with full anestesia (obviously a light one like Propofol), but then they said only in 14 days. So I took the date with local anestesia but I had just to wait one day.


    The hospital seems small but makes a good impression. Quite clean as well. Dr. Paweewan Sawannagate is obviously only available for the implants, so I saw another woman doctor. Very friendly, very well versed in English. They would have even provided a German speaking doctor if I would have required that.


    It was a light surgery and took more than 45 minutes to remove the big tooth. It was complicated because of the former root treatment that tooth had undergone. Not painful at all despite the very large hole. Before that she fixed even a small hole on another tooth. All in all about 1 hours work.


    The bill for all that was just below THB 5'000.-- including antibiotics and surprisingly strong pain killer tablets plus tablets against inflammation in addition. There was an item on the bill "Nursing and midwifery charge THB 420.--". I forgot to ask what this is for.


    I made a follow up appointment with Dr. Paweewan in about 2 months time for the implant.


    All in all a good experience. I can recommend the dental department of Phyatai. OK, one small thing though: The admin employees would want to speak with my Thai Wife only, and I was ignored as the patient (exept for the doctor). Funny: They gave her a form and she filled it up with her name - but it was actually intended for me. This kind of reaction is not only confined to this place - lack of language skills and/or general farang fear/disregard might be the reason.


    Nevertheless - if you need some serious dental action then this is the place to go.




    Did you have an assistant in your room? I always do. You also likely had your weight and blood pressure checked. Maybe an x-ray too? All part of the nursing charge I guess.


    The staff talk to me directly. But quite possibly I was one of their first foreign patients. So not so nervous now perhaps.

    Though every now and again, an observer will appear. I'm too polite to tell them to "get out!" ????


    It's definitely not disregard. It's just easier for them to communicate with your wife. They do have a International marketing office if you need a go between to speak your language.


    Painkiller; Arcoxia?



  5. 17 hours ago, puipuitom said:

    Get better deals as now as EU member state ? With whom ? The Suza Islands ? 

    Who thinks, the EU will not INSIST a better deal with 450 mln consumers as a small Island with only 67 mln consumers ?

    Be happy when the Indians of Tata do not close "British" Steel or Jaguar Land Rover ( finished with 290.000 cars/yr production)

    State of EU trade 2018.jpg


    It's a bit more complicated than that. First Labour created the Iron and Steel Corporation of Great Britain. Then came the Conservatives who reversed the nationalisation. Then Labour re-nationalised it and named it British Steel Corporation. Later Thatcher came along and under privatisation it became British Steel Plc.

    Later it merged with a Dutch company and became Corus. TATA acquired Corus.

    Greybull Capital acquired some of the assets of Tata Steel Europe and that has become British Steel Ltd. Phew..


    • Like 1
  6. 9 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

    So true if they had any shame they would hang their heads and reflect on the real existential damage to the UK their myopic , misguided and misinformed feelings have allowed to happen. But they won't of course it's all remoaners fault, strong baht , they were going to go anyway. Anything than look the horror in the face of what their angry cross on a ballot paper over 3 years ago meant other than their anger and impotence of a world spinning away from them and unrealised dreams. They were laughing and punching the air then , they had 'WON' - each one dreaming of a different prize and none of them worth tuppence. I don't blame them they were the conned but for the conmen gathered like vultures to pickle their grievances in a dose of heady toxic nationalism with their new recast enemy the EU - for them the Farage's, Banks, Boris, Gove and their ilk I reserve my most bilious contempt and in the 7th level of hell where souls burn eternal is reserved for David Cameron the man who opened Pandora's box. 


    To be fair, I don't blame Cameron. He was actually a Remainer. You can see the factions at work in the party. 

    Plus of course they were losing votes to UKIP. All of the parties steal policies from the others in order to nullify them. That's how Tony Blair beat the Tories, by saying the things their voters wanted to hear.

    So to keep those people onside, as opposed to letting Labour in, he promised a referendum. 

    He was one against one hundred.






    • Like 1
  7. It's a Aspire R7-371T-50V5 Part No. NX.MQQAA.002


    It's a model sold in the Americas, so you are more likely to be able to source your parts from there. They used keep parts for up to ten years. Don't know if that still holds.


    Have you tried your local ACER service centre?; https://www.acer.com/worldwide/support/itw_location.htm


    A waste of time trying anywhere else, unless sourcing the parts yourself. The official service centre should fit the parts for you, for a reasonable fixed fee.


    Cannot make much sense of your post, due to it's formatting.



  8. 18 hours ago, keith101 said:

    Its already been returned to the seller who has refused to refund my money and as stated above I even tried the manufactures website and that was no help at all .


    You still haven't posted the model number. Ask them to send it back to you then. They've probably tested it and noted that it works perfectly.


    • Like 1
  9. 20 hours ago, gaviolit said:

    you don t need to re post, but you need to try , maybe my poor english, to understand.

    AIS now DON T renew at same before. I have 10 years sim, i had these promo that you talk, but NOW they DON T give unlimited !!! They give ONLY 7,5 GIGA/month. You can try yourself on web site or AIS app. Or just go in ais shop. 


    Yes. Perhaps your poor English doesn't understand the words, search, still available, USSD codes....


    You'll get it .....eventually.


    I'm not re-posting the codes any more, thanks to a few ungrateful idiots.


    But to you, once again, 1 Mbps unlimited was still available, up until the 31st of July, as long as your SIM was registered prior to the 1st of Feb.


    3 months 800 baht

    6 months 1200 baht

    12 month 1800 baht


    Unfortunately for you, the relevant codes were valid until yesterday, the 31st of July.


    You can thank Don Mega for me removing the relevant codes from the thread, where you would have had the opportunity to utilise them.



  10. 2 minutes ago, Pachalan said:

    Thank you kindly for replying on behalf of another poster. However, so you think he was referring to a referendum that took place more than three years ago ?


    Would that be the same referendum at which the government tried to hoodwink the public by spending nine million pounds of taxpayers money sending a leaflet to every household in the country advising everyone to vote to remain in the Federal State of Europe ?


    I have to admit to never having received that leaflet. So for clarity, I will post it here; https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/517014/EU_referendum_leaflet_large_print.pdf


    Is there a similar publication from the Leave campaign?  So far, all that I have seen and read is based on fear of being taking over by those bad Europeans. That they are being allowed to set laws that affect us, (as if they are all bad) and a fair few questionable statements.


    Let's take a look; https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36014941

  11. 10 hours ago, britishrepublican said:

    As a currency trader, I expect the pound to fall dramatically in the 2-3 days after the 31st. Once the initial panic passes I expect common sense to prevail and the pound will recover to pre referendum rates within a year. 56-58 baht.


    It's worth the short term pain in the long run.


    On what do you base your 'prediction'?

    What do you think would be behind such massive rise in value? Higher interest rates?

    Other nations buying the Pound in order to trade with the U.K? What are the fundamentals you are depending on for your assertion exactly?


    Short term pain? Give us some examples of the short term pain to which you refer and them some examples of the long term benefits to the U.K population(not to just the few who will make money out of it either way).

    • Thanks 1
  12. 12 hours ago, keith101 said:

    The installation disc that came with it was for up to windows 8.0 and that was it and my system did not recognise it and would not work . I tried D-Link China which is where it was made and even their so called windows 10 installations would not even open to do an install .


    It's simple enough to find a Driver via Hardware ID.

    Did you make a post here or on any technical support forum for assistance before you attempted to name and shame?

    It is very likely to be a user issue. In this case, yours.

    So post the model number and let us sort it out.

  13. 49 minutes ago, swellbelly said:

    It is not an all time low. I remember changing sterling at Standard Chartered in Phuket in 1983 and got a rate of 29.. something.


    Talk about missing the point. It's at an all time low in value against the baht.


    When you were getting 29 baht to the Pound in 1983, you were paying 5 baht for a one plate meal. Now you pay 40 to 50 baht for the same meal.

  14. 1 minute ago, nkg said:


    If I showed your posts to some of the British soldiers who fought in World War 2, what do you think they would say?


    Do you think they would congratulate you for your clever predictions?


    Or maybe they would wonder why you took so much pleasure in rubbishing your own country. I don't think those old soldiers would share in your glee at Britain's problems.


    Brexiteers and Remainers alike want to see Britain recover from its present position. Do you? Or are you enjoying gloating too much?


    It's present position was caused by the Brexiteers. Mainly because most of them don't have a brain betwixt them.

    None of them have a clue as to what it likely to happen if we crash out of the EU without a deal.

    The bleat on about EU regulations, without understanding that it brings us a lot of protections against predators.

    Trump, for instance, is a predator. He will insist on us taking their sub-standard products in exchange for any kind of deal.

    You can see how he behaves when he thinks he has any kind of leverage.

    Much harder to behave in such a way against a European bloc. They can simply refuse to take the substandard products, ignoring Trump's cries of protectionism.

    Against the U.K alone, he will most definitely insist that we accept these products or he will threaten with tariffs.

    So many of the protections we have will simply disappear, because of the need to do a deal.


    The simplistic are won over by nonsense claims of putting more money into the NHS from the money we give to the EU. Ridiculous.


    The reality is that they are hoping that the EU will blink. Because without a deal, it's not a pretty picture.



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