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Posts posted by JamJar

  1. 9 hours ago, Briggsy said:

    Eventually I got my phone working again. I am scared to try that DTAC call again. Yes maybe you are right. I will go with your idea when I go in a week or so. Where is @mtls2005, your technological rival? Is he in hiding?


    I will certainly report back to this thread when I arrive in the UK and start testing everything.


    Anyway, thanks for all your suggestions. It is all very much appreciated.


    There's no rivalry. If I get something wrong, I would hope someone would correct me, as the most important thing is to impart the correct information.


    You don't need to wait until you go. You can tap in the codes right now to max it to up to 365 days and just make sure that Roaming is enabled before you leave. No need for data to be switched in order to send and receive SMS. 

    You can disable data by applying *104*72*9# and then pressing the Dial key. To re-enable; *104*71*9# and then the Dial key.



    *118*9# to switch Roaming on.

    *118*2*9# to switch it off.

    *118*3*9# to check the status of Roaming(whether enabled or not).

  2. 2 hours ago, Encid said:

    I am back from my travels and nothing has changed.

    It is in safe mode with the spinning wheel still turning.


    There were no previous restore points.


    Win+R does not invoke the Run box.

    I cannot click on the Search box because the cursor turns into the spinning wheel.


    I took a panel off the back of the laptop and this is what I found:


    There does not seem to be any way of removing and re-seating the memory. It is however pretty clean with no visible dust or debris.


    I will give that a try next.



    You need to move the clips outwards in order to remove the RAM module.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Briggsy said:

    I haven't left Thailand yet. I installed DTAC call. But now nothing works. My number doesn't ring on my phone and it doesn't ring on my DTAC call. Nothing works. I deleted the account on the DTAC call but it still doesn't work. How do I get my number back? I am still here for 2 weeks. My phone number is invaluable for banking etc. Help.


    You should have listened to me....

    I guess all you can do is to call DTAC on 1678 or take yourself to a DTAC service centre.

  4. 2 hours ago, Xaos said:

    yeh saw them on lazada, tho want keep my no.


    they went down the drain with deals


    ?? You were paying 909.50 baht for a mere 25 GB...which is absolutely crazy.

    It would be cheaper to buy data by volume; 8 GB of full speed Internet over seven days, costs 160 baht. So 4 weeks(32 GB) would cost 640 baht. So what's the point of paying 909.50, but getting a capped speed and only 25 GB?


    12 months of unlimited data at 4 Mbps(0.5 MB/s) works out at 321 baht per month. At lot better than 909.50 baht for a month.



  5. It probably worth the pointing out that DTAC also has a similar new SIM promo;


    Buy a new SIM and within seven days, apply;

    *104*430# for 31 GB @ 4 Mbps, 100 baht per month. 

    *104*100# for 101 GB @ 4 Mbps, 200 baht per month. 

    *104*131# for 131 GB @ 4 Mbps, 250 baht per month.


    If you have an existing DTAC SIM and it was activated before the 1st of March, you can still avail yourself of unlimited data capped speed packages;


    90 days of 1 Mbps 802.50 baht *104*591#

    90 days of 4 Mbps 1284 baht *104*594#

    90 days of 10 Mbps 1926 baht *104*598#


  6. If SIM activated before the 1st of February; They have just 4, 2 or 1 Mbps as unlimited options.

    4 Mbps:

    3, 6 or 12 months at 1284, 2247 and 3852 baht respectively.





    You can call them to confirm that the codes are still valid.



    They have cheaper deals for new SIM; https://www.lazada.co.th/shop/simlnwsimtwo/ For instance 1790 baht for a year of unlimited 4 Mbps Internet access.



    • Like 1
  7. 9 hours ago, daoyai said:

    Obviously not killed for selling cigs.  died from preexisting health conditions exacerbated by fighting while resisting arrest, the "sleeper hold" used by the cop while attempting to subdue the guy was banned due to the danger to suspects. That is grounds for termination.   The fact that some people would say he. was killed for his petty crime says more about them than it does about this incident or the state of policing in the U.S.  .... all lives matter. .... when it comes to police, I learned long ago, comply or die.


    Someone stating that they can't breathe doesn't sound as if they are fighting. Unless you mean fighting for breath.

    Some people have already lost all of their humanity.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Mason45 said:

    I too have AIS "unlimited" it costs me 700 baht per month but after 2 weeks it throttles back dramatically. Is there a workaround or just pay my account again.


    What a horrible waste of money. A shame, as no one really understood about what you were asking. You referred only to a WiFi package. Which is something different entirely.


    One option you have, is to pick up a new AIS 4G SIM and within seven days of opening, add say 250 baht and then apply the code *777*909# 

    That will get you 110 GB per month, capped at 4 Mbps(0.5 MB/s) for 200 baht per month.


    If you need full speed Internet, you can buy a cheaper 'unlimited' package, say the one for 213 baht per month(1 GB and then slowing down) and then use the add on system, which allows you to buy more GB at preferential rates.

    This way, instead of paying 699 + VAT for say 6 GB of data which then slows down. You pay 199 baht + VAT and then apply Add ons;





    In this example, you can purchase the original 'unlimited' package for 199 and then purchase two add-ons, fifteen days apart. 13 GB instead of 6 GB for 199 + 149 + 149.

    497 baht + VAT as opposed to 699 baht + VAT.


    That is just one example. It really depends on your likely usage.


    Of course if your SIM was activated before the end of January, you can use the codes in Syke's post, if they suit.

    Those codes should be usable, at the least, until the end of August.



  9. 14 hours ago, Atens4 said:

    Bath is simply too strong, hurts exports. at the same time prices goes up, Visa getting expensive.


    It's not hurting the people who are buying up the now seemingly cheap assets abroad, including the UK.

    Seems the tables are turning. 

    The Brexiteers favour turning our country into a tax haven for money launderers, tax evaders and worse...as if it was not already.





  10. 2 hours ago, Syke said:

    It's kinda hard to track down the USSD codes. I've seen some for 1 mbps, but not 4 or 6 mbps for 12 months.


    You also previously said,


    I'm confirming that going through that web page, the unlimited plans no longer work.


    If I've posted the codes on another thread, you might find them there.

    1 Mbps

    4 Mbps

    10 Mbps

    are what is available.

    I've stopped posting codes because of ungrateful and unpleasant people. 

    • Like 1
  11. 24 minutes ago, Syke said:

    Well, it wouldn't allow me to activate the truly unlimited plans that don't reduce speed. Since this is my backup sim, I went with the 6 mbps option that reduces speed after 25 GB/mo. I'll be back in 6 months to see if my primary sim can renew the unlimited plans (it was activated in January with the 4 mbps unlimited).



    That is because only some of them still work, as I have written earlier. You need to know which still work and which USSD codes to utilise.


    In addition, there are still the deals for new AIS SIM that offer 32 GB for 100 baht and 110 GB for 200 baht. both capped at 4 Mbps.



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