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Posts posted by JamJar

  1. For August; Pick up a new Truemove H 4G Net or Social SIM and within a day of opening, add at least 200 baht and then apply the code *900*9605# for 100 GB per month, capped at 4 Mbps(0.5 MB/s) for 200 baht per month. Free calls to all networks are included

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  2. 4 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

    So ,will i be able to transfer all my stuff from xp to 7 or 10 ? dont forget i am not to tech savvy


    As I stated earlier, If you adopt my idea of moving to SSD, then yes. All of your data will be intact on the old drive. 

    The only thing I would recommend that you do beforehand, is to export your Bookmarks/Favourites from your Browsers of choice.

    Fitting an SSD would allow you to install Windows 10 to the solid state drive, leaving the original hard drive untouched.

    If you don't do that, you will erase everything on the current drive. So if you forgot something, it would be gone forever. 

    You could create a complete image of the current drive, but installing your new OS on to a nine year old HDD would be folly. 

    So, once  again, fitting an SSD should be your choice.

    Now, what about the full model number of the PC?


  3. 4 hours ago, wisperone said:

    MS is going to stop supporting W7 later this year...which means no more security updates etc.

    I have 7 on my desktop, and 10 on my laptop. I much prefer 7. Can find what I am looking for much easier than 10. It all gets more complicated now if not tech savvy????

    It's actually early next year...

    Give an example of what you find difficult with Windows 10.


    • Like 1
  4. This video will give you an understanding of the improvement experienced after adding a solid state drive to your PC;




    The one in the top left hand corner represents something similar to what you are running now. The one underneath it, shows the difference if you add an SSD. The one to the right of that shows the difference with adding more RAM to one already with SSD. the one above that shows with more RAM, but no SSD.


    Adding an SSD is singularly the best thing most people can do to upgrade their computers to utilise a modern operating system..

  5. 1 hour ago, bert bloggs said:

    its a 2010 HP PAVILION P6000 SERIES. does that help? plus i have loads of pics on it and a lot of tv series that i download from PB . etc i also have a buffalo mini station portable usb 2 hard drive. can i get everything downloaded onto that and then back to the computer?


    It helps, though current specification would be better. We'll get to that later.

    Certainly looks good enough for Windows 10, at first glance.

    What I recommend is that you don't touch the current drive within, but you add a solid state drive, to be your primary, to the setup.

    The benefit of this is that, your PC will be much faster than it ever was before, you'll have more space for storage and you will have full access to all of the data on the old hard drive.


    If in Thailand, I imagine prices for SSD begin from 750 baht or so. Windows 10 Pro key, perhaps 100 baht.

    I'm guessing that you have a low amount of RAM installed. So we are looking at the 32 bit version. 

    RAM in Thailand is relatively expensive. Personally I would like to have 4GB as a minimum and to install Windows 10 Pro 64 bit.

    But again, we can look at that and the costs if you would like to go forward.


    The fitting of the SSD is a relatively simple job that you can do for yourself, if you can follow a simple guide.

    You can probably get a shop to fit it for you for a few hundred baht, but then you'll have to trust them with your PC and data.

    Better to do it yourself. It's easy.


    But first, let's get the full model number; https://support.hp.com/gb-en/document/bph07555


    If you are interested in sorting out the recommended upgrades to your PC, let me know and I'll talk you through it.


    • Thanks 1
  6. 25 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    No and No

    Windows has default folders on drive C for My Documents, etc.

    Any "additions" like file history (backup), ransomware protection, etc. all works perfect with the default folders.

    In theory it is possible to use other folders but it's complicated to set this up correctly and some software just ignores these settings. There is no downside of having everything on C. If you want to copy or backup just your data backup the folder c:\users\yourname


    Additionally to above an external drive is even worse because some programs (i.e. Outlook) won't work if files are missing (i.e. not connected drive or bad contact or different drive letter, etc.).

    And worst case are applications which find out the files which they expect are not there and then the application will create new files, sometimes without asking you. Try sorting that out later - it's no fun.


    For non-specialists it makes a lot of sense to leave everything just the way Windows decides to set it. It will work most of the time and if it does not work you can easily find answers on the web because most other people also use the default settings and folders.


    And most computer professionals also use defaults because it works. There is no point to "improve" something which works just fine.



    I would forget about attempting apply an XP based backup to a new Windows 10 install.


    If he is running XP, which version of Outlook do you think that he might be running? I think he should forget about this pipe dream.


    Still waiting for details of the PC. Otherwise this thread is a waste of time.



  7. 2 minutes ago, DogNo1 said:

    Hardware is the main concern.  If your hardware is too old, you may need a new machine.  Why not upgrade to a new computer with Windows 10 installed?  Otherwise, you're looking at your hardware becoming obsolete at some time.  In particular Win 10 drivers for some devices may become unavailable.  I have had a number of old machines which couldn't be upgraded to Win 10 due to incompatible hardware


    I have never seen that. Unless you are writing about devices built prior to 2007, it seems unlikely.


    But in the case of the OP, we still need to know what he is running. In some cases it simply won't be worth the effort. In other, a simple upgrade will keep it useful.

  8. 1 hour ago, Isaanbiker said:

    If you want to have W 10, go for the W 10 Pro version, never a single language version.


      You can buy a genuine key from ebay for around 250 baht, sometimes even less.


      Save all the files you want on your drive D, but be aware that all would be gone if you format the drive.


    Best option is to save your files on an external drive. 


      Should you run W 7 now, you can still upgrade for free. It's totally legal and you're not doing anything against the laws. With this procedure, you won't lose any programs that you've got on your machine.




    Not if you leave that partition alone during the install. But more importantly, one should know something about the device, so see if it is currently suitable for a modern operating system.

    So bert should post the spec of the laptop/PC here before attempting anything.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. DTAC;


    Buy a new SIM and within seven days, apply;

    *104*430# for 31 GB @ 4 Mbps, 100 baht per month. 

    *104*100# for 101 GB @ 4 Mbps, 200 baht per month. 

    *104*131# for 131 GB @ 4 Mbps, 250 baht per month.




    Pick up a new AIS 4G SIM and within seven days of opening, add at least 200 baht and then apply the code *777*909# 

    That will get you 110 GB per month, capped at 4 Mbps(0.5 MB/s) for 200 baht per month.


    Truemove H;


    Pick up a new Truemove H 4G SIM and within seven days of opening, add at least 200 baht and then apply the code *900*9605# for 100 GB per month, capped at 4 Mbps(0.5 MB/s) for 200 baht per month


    For all USSD codes, you need to press the Dial key afterwards, to confirm the code.



    Unlimited 4 Mbps for 12 months; https://www.lazada.co.th/products/sim-true-4g-4mbps-1-i276399679-s441313689.html



  10. 7 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    Up to people but that service did not even show up at Central when I booked it.

    There are many Taxi advertising booths in town 800 to UTP.

    That seems to be the standard advertised rate.


    Which service? There are two mentioned.

  11. 7 hours ago, champers said:

    Air Asia minibus, or others, will collect you and take you to the airport for 250 Baht. Clean and well driven.


    I thought the Air Asia minibus left from a fixed point; Central Festival.

    Crane Travel, if they are still running, have a pick up service. Used to be 250 baht. 081-377-2778.

  12. I tend to use more reliable streams with fast dedicated servers or just download and play directly. Especially if I want to, invariably, play Full HD material. 

    I have no penchant for low quality streams and buffering. 12 Mbps is more than adequate for downloading and streaming.

    So the issue could be the source of your streams. 

  13. 20 minutes ago, tomx2 said:

    Thanks all for your feedback.

    The reason I inquired about GB usage is to stream live TV on my phone instead of my laptop. I do have an android box (The Shield), but did not bring this with me to Thailand.


    I use a 3rd party Mobdro app to stream TV/Movies on my laptop using Android emulator BlueStack. About 60% of the TV/Movies I can stream on the laptop (ok) w/o heavy buffering.


    Streaming Mobdro on my mobile, I do get a better smoother streaming response. I then cast (Mobdro app) from phone to laptop for viewing.


    So my post was to inquire:

    If I could improve the mbps avg (12) at my hotel with a mobile package plan? And since I am Live TV streaming, what is the amount/cost GB for a 2-3 hour live streaming?


    I estimated based on your comments:

    Would probably need and average of 90-170GB/month for 2-3 hrs streaming.

    A monthly package would cost between 1500-2000 THB.

    I would not improve my current 12 mbps speed at my the hotel.

    It maybe better to opt-in to a Postpaid plan if I will be a heavy “Usage” user.

    Whatever mobile plan I choose, may not make a difference if the supplier's servers are poor.


    Going forward:

    Try a couple of daily plan from different providers, to see any improvements.

    Look at streaming service providers HULU, Sling etc, or paid IPTV. Using a VPN, see if they stream my TV channels without heavy buffering.






    You might not improve the speed via mobile. You need to check using a daily package with a SIM from each network.

    Truemove H offers 30 GB at full speed for 1190 for a year. Yes, just 100 baht per month. But 1 GB per day won't get you far. 

    Since you are staying at a hotel, you don't appear to be someone who lives in Thailand long term.


    You can buy SIM packages with a large amount of data(100 GB per month) for 200 baht per month, but they are limited to 4 Mbps(0.5 MB/s)



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  14. 3 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

    Recently I started a thread about transport from (to) U-Tapao and was pointed to this:


    (phone nr. on the photo)


    LINE ID "711tour".

    It worked out well (5:30 AM). Price point to point from Pattaya to UTP was 599.



    AND: most all taxi signs I saw show U-Tapao for the rip-off price of 800 to 1200 Baht depending on vehicle.

    So I doubt you could not find a taxi aside from Mr T.


    From U-Tapao to Pattaya I used another private transport by a Thai lady which I will not make public, 800 Baht,



    Why did you "have" to mention.....but on the other hand keep completely schtum about the private transport by a Thai lady? Wouldn't that be "shady"? 



  15. 4 hours ago, peterdwje2 said:

    It's not the 50 baht. Just wondering if there was anything I hadn't thought of that someone who has done this exchange could advise. I'm also thinking about getting the Nokia 215, which is more like the conventional phone I am currently using, rather than using the Beyond phone I would get in the DTAC exchange.

    JamJar -- Tnx for the info on the Beyond.


    What are you thinking? If the problem is that you are concerned about 2G disappearing, why are you considering the purchase of another 2G device?


    These are the kind of thing you want, if you want an older style; 




    You need to make sure they are 3G and/or 4G versions. Not GSM only.



  16. 25 minutes ago, toast1 said:


    That helped, but Desktop is still called Downloads, after I tried to get Skype to download to desktop


    ANy ideas on how to change this file name?




    How on earth did you manage to do that??!!

  17. 16 hours ago, alan grice said:

    Ive tied True Move best service on my IPhone for one day, works well but costs a stupid amount . Their app makes it so easy to connect... but beware.!.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect



    What have any of your posts to do with "How much GB needed for streaming live TV"?



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