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Posts posted by PJPom

  1. April 1  2016... said I am giving up after 40plus years of pack per day. Went to see my Doctor and he prescribed Champix which I had heard horror tales about but decided it was better than continuing to smoke. 12 days later I had my last cigarette, Champix had no adverse effects and I am sure backed up my determination to quit. 

    Result after three years is that I still can't lose the extra two kilos and the extra two inches around the middle even though I bicycle most days, positive side is that I am not wasting six thousand baht plus a month in Thailand or one thousand two hundred dollars in Australia

    Good luck to you, you can do it...

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  2. It seems that the Cypriot Judiciary haven’t heard that every woman must be believed, regardless of the facts. The Girl made a very stupid mistake by putting herself in that situation, the men deserve condemnation for their actions but it seems they did not break any laws. Had she continued with her claims the men could have been sitting in jail for the next few years with their futures totally wrecked. Suspended sentence in this instance seems appropriate, nobody wins.

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  3. I first read about this in the DM online , not exactly a paragon of truthful reporting. The comments section was overwhelmingly expressing disbelief and supporting prisoners being made to work instead of having a holiday.

    I commented that I also believed this to be fake news and found my post on here removed a few hours later.

    A striking similarity happened with the DM report, exactly the same article and pictures but comments had been “moderated “to only express outrage at inhuman conditions imposed by the Chinese, no dissenting comments.

    It seems that the media believes that only they can be the judge of what we should believe.

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  4. Digressing a little but showing the attitude of certain countries in protecting their people. Does anyone remember the Rainbow Warrior that was sunk in New Zealand by French agents with the death of one of the crew members. The NZ Police arrested the whole group of French agents and charged them with the offence, before they could be brought to trial France DEMANDED their release, NZ refused and France and the EU banned all trade with NZ effectively crippling their economy. NZ had to capitulate and a couple of the Agents ended up in French Polynesia supposedly in Custody to satisfy the outrage but actually living like kings.

    My long winded point is that in no way will this Lady be returned to the UK against her will, America will protect its own and if you don’t like it........

  5. This is going to turn into Vern Unsworth, second act. The young man was killed in an accident caused by the woman’s actions and had sh been just an ordinary Serviceman’s wife she would have been charged and probably sentenced to minimal punishment. Due to her Husbands diplomatic status she would have been made to leave the UK by American authorities, not flee as so many media hacks reported. The parents are grieving but their grief has been magnified out of all proportion, flying to America, meeting Trump, refusing to meet the woman , why not let her say sorry face to face, what do they want ? . The result is going to be another court case asking for millions in damages spurred on by the media. The woman who caused the accident has been vilified by the usual media and has no options open to her, this is going to drag on again to the delight of the Lawyers.


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  6. Just read that Unsworths lawyers are wanting to declare a mistrial on a technicality, hope they have lots of money to waste. As for Unsworth the poor man is now having to live with this debacle for the rest of his life.

    The revelations that he was disappointed at not being the centre of attention and refusing interviews unless paid certainly portrayed him in a very different light.

    He was instrumental in the rescue and I am sure a lot of us admired him for his actions and now all he has left is a small gong from the UK and his name forever tainted by this result, very sad ending.

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