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Everything posted by PJPom

  1. I have recently bought my Wife an old Gen 1 C R V as I still regard them as the best and least complicated motor available. Checking the Vin number I see it was subject to the infamous airbag igniter replacement, as the previous owner seems to have no knowledge of this I wonder how I find out if the recall still applies. Have any of you had the replacement done ?.
  2. Is it just me or do others wish the Police would check the groups of yobbos on scooters complete with tatts and shaven heads without helmets who ride as though they are untouchable. I know I sound like a grumpy old man and I don’t care.
  3. Nothing I or anyone else says will stop this happening. R I P to all the victims.
  4. To the first poster, they were in a pickup driving by and all respect should be given to bomb disposal crews, the bravest men in any army. Rant over, it’s just that I have a friend who has been working for years in Cambodia clearing land mines so immediately gets a response from me.
  5. CRV, even older ones are still one of the most reliable.
  6. The last time I made the mistake of travelling in a van was 2015, a mistake I will not repeat. Seemingly the majority of van drivers have very little ability and very little fear of the consequences of their driving, watch for tomorrow’s headlines being a repeat of todays, sad.
  7. Apart from infants class school uniform was always required. I was a “grammar school “ boy in the fifties and even on lunch break off school premises was subject to dress standards enforced by Prefects. Today this would not be tolerated but at the time we took pride in our appearance and when we later became Prefects we continued the traditions. I think the wearing of uniforms and personal grooming is not so much discipline but giving the pupils an idea of acceptable standards , hopefully carried through into their work career. I left school in 62 and joined another image conscious group, R N no regrets.
  8. Just received my proof of life form from D W P in the UK posted on the 8 January, luckily I have now twelve weeks left to return it. Seems to take a very long while from UK but I have had parcels sent via Australia Post in five days and that is from Queensland.
  9. We are from the government and are here to help you ……genuine excise officers kidnapping a civilian ! !…… all I can say is T.I.T.
  10. I have often wondered how long it would take to carry someone down from the top. The last time I climbed it my Thai wife made sure I was carrying phone number for her just in case. Must try it again before I get too old, view from the top is excellent.
  11. My sincere condolences to his family and friends. The reason I strongly react to this tragedy is that my Daughters best friend is married to an ex Australian Army engineer who has been clearing mines in Cambodia for the past years and I hope it never happens to him. Land mines are a very dirty part of warfare and should be universally banned.
  12. More column inches wasted on a subject that has a totally predictable ending. Further comment ( from me ) is unnecessary, T I T ????
  13. After reading this story from the UK and also an Australian Payout of millions by the Government [taxpayers ] to a woman who claimed rape in Parliament House I wonder who is right. We know that Thailand is lacking in certain areas of justice but some of the judgements and punishment for criminal acts in the so called first world countries are ridiculous, you can get more punishment for motoring offences than theft or assault. I, and I am sure many others here do not miss our so called home countries, they don't exist any more.
  14. I think Orwell might have been a few years out with his title but it looks as though his predictions are beginning to happen. History is being rewritten, minority rules are applied for the obeyance of all and dissent is a crime. The brave new world, you will obey.
  15. I know the question was about Thailand but one of the replies stating 40,000 baht for a cremation in the US sounds amazingly low, just over a thousand US dollars. My last quote in Australia for a no fuss disposal of the body with no service, no fancy coffin and disposal of ashes in their gardens was A$3500 or about 85,000 baht, probably be more like 100,000 today as this was seven years ago. The reason given was the paperwork with every signature and piece of paper having a cost that in some instances made Lawyers look like upstanding citizens,
  16. All I can say is GOOD, how many others think legalising Cannabis was wrong. I now wait to be told I am a boomer and know nothing.
  17. Pattaya. Family friendly holiday destination ???????????? Not where I would have taken my children.
  18. To be absolutely honest I don’t blame them, keep Thailand for the Thai’s. Australia has been sold off to overseas investors and certain areas have become exclusively “ foreign “ inhabited, not an ideal situation, extremely divisive.
  19. There goes a delightful short sea voyage, I enjoy the ferry to Koh Lanta and I am sure many others will miss it. A bridge will no doubt Increase Lanta’s appeal to many tour groups with the benefits to the locals but will possibly destroy its charm. Only my opinion, but this is Thailand, who knows what will happen
  20. The twists and turns of the Thai justice system are quite amazing and in some ways predictable. Connections and money are the main factors, nothing unusual, simply buying your way out of trouble is normal. I might add that Thailand isn’t the only country that practices this, seems like the anything and anyone can be bought worldwide.
  21. I had a Thai friend in Krabi who had Elephants for riding and trekking, this was of course about seven years ago. His wife had a Baby and the evening that they brought the Baby home he took her to the Elephant line and formally introduced her to every Elephant. His explanation to me was that every Elephant would now remember her scent and accept her as family, I wonder how many children have two ton Babysitters . The backlash against Elephant riding took its toll and he and the other Mahouts split up and the business died, I often wonder how they survived.
  22. Seeing that he is a Kiwi with a record my question is how did he get into Australia ?.
  23. The sense of entitlement of the rich and connected in Thailand is amazing , even more amazing is they invariably get away with it. T I T sums it up.
  24. Just changing bulbs on a modern car is NOT a good idea !. It seems that every light has its allocated place in the control modules and if you interfere with anything it will have consequences. Auto Electricians in Australia are in big demand , simple repairs or replacements are now nearly impossible, planned obsolescence rules. My experience of repairing cars with only two fuses and no relays has taught me one thing, modern electronics are brilliant until they go wrong.
  25. It was probably a relay , one question I have, is your windscreen heavily tinted ? I removed my windscreen tint and it was amazing how much my lights brightened. Seriously I think if you can't see the occupants from the outside how the heck can they see out at night ?. a band of tint across the top is an asset and I have also halved the tint on the drivers side window to see the door mirror at night. Regarding the reverse lights, an extra light added to the drivers rear never goes amiss when combined with the removed tint
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