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Wrong Turn

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Posts posted by Wrong Turn

  1. Maybe because a muslim country??
    Oh what a crap I am not muslim at all I have been to Malaysia many times I go for my visa run every 3 month the people are friendly ( yes maybe you think the look different ) And no one in Malaysia

    calls me a Farang :o

    But living there is a different story.

    You have a brief amount of time there......

  2. the word "bloviate."


    American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source - Share This

    blo·vi·ate (blō'vē-āt') Pronunciation Key

    intr.v. blo·vi·at·ed, blo·vi·at·ing, blo·vi·ates Slang

    To discourse at length in a pompous or boastful manner: "the rural Babbitt who bloviates about 'progress' and 'growth'" (George Rebeck).

  3. any recommendations for a book to use for 3 japanese kids. age 7, 8, 10. they previously used lets go! book 1 and 2. they want to try something different. i only see them for 90 mins a week, the 10 year old for an extra hour. their mum is keen to see them working through a book.


    90% of my income is from privates. I almost always want the parents and students to choose the book.

    At times this isn't possible, if they can't get to a book store, or don't know what to choose.

    I loan them a few books and let them decide.

    BTW, Let's go series is a great start. I like the book, but of course, it's not for every student.

  4. .

    And when you wake up in the morning to find your new boarder has left in the night with a considerable portion of your furnishings, your dvds, your laptop, etc, etc, maybe you will see the folly of allowing strangers into your home. They may just copy the key and come back in a week, who knows? But hey, you got 400 baht.

    None for me, thanks.

    'nuff said


    Yes, this involves doing more than just letting these people stay in your place. On a related note, couch-surfing is very interesting and becoming popular. There have been some stories on it.

    You're letting strangers stay in your place. Most folks are good, but you have to be prepared for certain issues. They are travelers. They come home very late and very drunk? How do you deal with that. Would you leave them in your home while you go to work or out?

  5. I've found over the counter Oreos to be quite effective for weight gain.

    :o ,,, yeah me too ,,, wash them down with a couple of litres of coke and hey presto ,,another 5 kilo's ,,,,

    a little bit more serious ,,,,try some worm tablets ,, they could be "part" of the problem ,, and as JohnC said a visit to the quack is always a good move



    tried the worming tablets too, found nothing and visited the doctor found no problem.But did not gave him any vitamins or so. He is not loosing wait but just remained that thin for years. Oreos can help u gain weight and that proves true to me also especially pepsi :D but i think for him it's not. He also told me he drinks milk before going to bed.So I was thingking since a lot of people are searching for pills/medicine to make them thin (including me :D ), maybe there are alos some that will make you gain weight.


    What is this person's caloric intake per day? Increase calories.

  6. If you have been asked to travel o Bangkok for these interviews, shouldnt your expensive travel costs be covered ??

    Apparently, not. I hope the candidate is high on the short list and this job works out, as it will cost the candidate.

    Clean, well pressed pants and long sleeve shirt and tie should suffice.

    Yes, he can buy some top quality clothes and look very good with well pressed slacks, very nice dress shoes, and a top quality long-sleeved dress shirt.

    Honestly, going to the tailor, and meauring up and paying for a full suit and jacket for an interview in LOS, means this suit many not be worn again, except for the trousers. Time and money spent for a one time wearing.

  7. Be careful with Air Asia, my GF had a confirmed ticket from BKK to Phuket, when she was on her way to the airport they called her and cancelled her ticket, now she have to wait 30 days to get her money back.

    Bad service, well no service i guess.

    As posted, the airlines are going through a tough period. I hope Air Asia stays in the game. When things do run, it's a great deal.

  8. I have heard Malaysia is very open to foreigners and there is less hassle to get long term visas and work permits. However this does not attract many Westerners who prefer to live and work in Thailand. What are the reasons?

    Thailand's concept of "sanuk" is attractive. LOS has the far north, the central region and the south.

    There is also a law in Malaysia that a Muslim cannot marry a non-muslim.

    Malaysia has a lot of positives, but I'd prefer the Thailand: great food, nice beaches, a fun capital, but nice small towns.

  9. I have often heard that much of the unique culture and attraction of Thailand is partly due to it not having had a colonial history. But is this really the case? Would 100 years or so of European domination have changed the way Thailand now operates or the attitudes and way of life of Thais?

    Colonization changes a nation in many ways IMO, depending on how long and deep it was. It changes culture, and sometimes political institutions.

    I think colonization removes certain aspects of a cultures while adding elements of the foreign culture.

    Nations would have been better off without it, in general.

    But it also depends on what country. India is a huge country with an enormous population, while other nations are much smaller and have a different economy and geographical location.

    So, I am glad Thailand was not colonized.

  10. the problem is you go to california.. first its expensive, second people who go there don't workout, they chitchat and try to show off their shitty bodies.. and for third.. they mostly only have machiens which will make you plateau and injure you twice as fast as free weights.

    Imo if you want to be motivated, find a real manly gym, put some good hardcore music. lift some REAL weights. get off the 20-30pounds. put a barbell on your shoulders with 250pounds..

    lift 300 pounds with your back... you'll feel so much alive that u wont be able to wait till your next session..

    Yes, most gyms are crap. They are for people who want to "look good," and chat for social hour. They also often take too long of break in-between sets.

    If someone takes no longer 90 seconds between sets they should "switch," and let another person do a set. This mean adjusting the weights accordingly, and then back again. It's not hard to do.

    Also, many of the fad-gyms don't want weightlifters, but seem geared toward cardio-bunnies and circuit trainers. Fair enough.

    As for a "real" gym, they are hard to find today.

    And working out with free weights is far better than nautilus equipment unless you're doing a pull-pull for certain body parts.

    You can do a full upper and lower body workout with free weights. Much better. Much healthier.

  11. hang seng down 7,38% as of right now... China Enterprises Index down 9.94%. Dow was down 4 smt % yesterday, IIRC. That's all I've glanced at so far.

    I have an ignorant but sincere question:

    If the China Enterprise Index is down 9.94 (10%) and the hang seng down 7.3% and close down this much,

    can I assume that the US markets will take a 4-7% decline, when I start watching tonight (Thai time)?

  12. well, 10,700 on the DOW was broken today (Sept 17) and if it doesn't rebound and get back over 10,700 quickly, next leg is down as there is no support until 10,300

    strap in

    ..some speak about the Dow, down to 8,000; that'll be the day....it's exactly -24,6% down to go from today's DOW at 10,609.66.

    Not IMpossible..............................nothing is impossible anymore.

    The DOW hitting 8,000 is definitely, possible. Probable? We have no idea. Possible? Certainly. (I suppose everything is possible.)

    I've kept my S & P Vanguard, and TSMKT index funds, and all of my US domestic mutuals, and international mutual funds, and IRAs.

    If the DOW goes down to 8,000, I probably will put cash into the markets.

    I'm 38 so even though I lost a lot on paper, my timeline is about 25 years.

    Is this OK?

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