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Wrong Turn

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Posts posted by Wrong Turn

  1. I got into a taxi on lower Sukhumvit on Tuesday the 23rd to go to the new airport. Well before we were on the express way, the driver explained that the Rama 9 access to the airport was blocked as a trailer truck had gone over the rail. What he wanted to do was to take the long way around through Bang Na. I asked how he know this and he said that it was on the news. I agreed and said that it was up to him.

    About half way through the journey I realized that it was likely I had been had. He wasn’t listening to the news or the traffic station at all. What he was doing was doubling the cost of the fare by taking the long way around.

    Key word: airport.

    Even when I use my average Thai skills, I have a big Baht sign on my head flashing. I usually arrive at the airport after a very long flight, and this is one instance, where I sometimes, say, "heck," you can have the extra few Baht, just get me home to relax.

    But still, we should not make these antics easy for them.

    Airports. :o

  2. From a theoretical point of view, I see only 2 solutions :

    -a change of paradigm for our economy (we discover tomorrow free and unlimited energy allowing continuous growth)

    -a massive... reduction of the aging population. :D

    a free rope for each pensioner? :D

    Be serious please! Since when has any government given out anything for free?

    But if they did you can be sure it would be supplied by the cheapest bidder, probably Chinese, and thus would be inadequate for the average weight of a westerner.

    If you don't trust the rope you can use Pattaya's popular method of jumping from high places. However 2 or 3 stories gives a questionable results. :o

    Seriously, some people are very worried, and some are very down about this.

    If the worst scenario happened and people had the retirement plans or "golden years" destroyed, we might see some of this. It's hard to say at this time, however. But I get emails from folks that I very down and worried.

  3. You need to take a tough line about this.

    After the marriage there should be no more talk about Sin Sod.

    It was presented at the wedding ceremony and that is an end to it.

    In my case I got the whole sum back later in the day.

    The presentation of the money was a matter of "face".

    Totally agree.

    After the marriage the issue should be finished. And as astral notes, many sin sods are "throw back" sin sods, where the brides family can show the community, and then give it back to you the next day.

    I wish money didn't have to be so prevalent in such matters.

  4. The whole credit situation in the US has been based on a delusion for far too long.

    Companies have been selling Junk Bonds of years.

    Everyone knows they are worthless, but people have still been buying.

    Then when the crunch comes they wonder why they have lost their money.

    Now the government wants to buy up all the Toxic Debt (their words, not mine)

    at the tax payers expense. I am very glad that I am not a US citizen and tax payer.

    Yes, there is now a backlash by the taxpayers.

    Also at risk as we know, that this bailout may only partially work. If it doesn't remedy the situation there are many pensions investments and 401K investments, and basic investments in the markets that will really hurt people in their 50s, for example. Or, any age group, that won't have time to recover if there is a massive decline.

    P.S. Jack Welch (whatever you think of him) has predicted a severe recession in early 2009 because the credit lines will be dried up no matter what, in his opinion.

  5. I just had my second Cobra in my house last night. It's frog/toad season, and my house is full of these cobra snacks. Same time last year, I found a big green one in my house. I tried killing it, but the flimsy knife I put on the end of a long stick just bent as the muscular snake slithered behind the dresser in my bedroom. My neighbors finally managed to bash the !@#$ out of it with a 3m bamboo pole. This year, the greyish/brown ninja snake flowed like water over my tile searching for an exit. He was frustrated by my screen doors and disappeared under the desk in my office as I ran for help. We never found him. All night I had nightmares in which I was attempting to kill the snake. I woke up after the last one with a stinging pain in my knee.

    Thanks for the advice above, I'll put down some moth balls and vinegar. I won't play any music though, since I only know they're there by the hissing and spitting. :o

    Forgive my ignorance but when I Cobra goes into your own house it can smell a human(s) right? This means the cobra is not intimidated by humans or avoids them.

    This give me the creeps.

    If it bit you, would it kill you?

  6. Forget Dong, take clean low value $US.

    Get your change in US bucks too.

    Dong not even good enuff for toilet paper.

    If you pay in USD you will pay more, and if you want change you'll pay more.

    I would just buy Dong and use Dong. Things will be cheaper this way.

    Remember that the Dong is not convertable outside of VN. As for a currency, Dong is fine inside the country.

  7. Not understanding much of this, [much of my education in the school of hard knocks] how does a simple, retired in Thailand, American protect his money that is presently in American banks. Is this in jeopardy in some way. if so, what can be done?

    comfortable but confused..........

    As for money banks, getting the interest rate in banks, I can only assume that you have the amount of funds that are FDIC insured. Also, if inflation does rise to a certain level you can consider putting your money somewhere else. I don't think most people know where to put money at the moment, or whether to keep it in equities, cash, bonds, or other places.

    Waiting....and watching.

  8. circumspect


    5 dictionary results for: circumspect

    Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This

    cir·cum·spect /ˈsɜrkəmˌspɛkt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[sur-kuhm-spekt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation


    1. watchful and discreet; cautious; prudent: circumspect behavior.

    2. well-considered: circumspect ambition.

    [Origin: 1375–1425; late ME < L circumspectus (ptp. of circumspicere to look around), equiv. to circum- circum- + spec(ere) to look + -tus ptp. suffix]

    —Related forms

    cir·cum·spect·ly, adverb

    cir·cum·spect·ness, noun

    —Synonyms 1. careful, vigilant, guarded.

    —Antonyms 1. careless, indiscreet.

    source: dictionary.com

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