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Wrong Turn

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Posts posted by Wrong Turn

  1. "At home the readings are always approximatey 12o/75 but when measured in the hospital the pressure is mostly 165/100."

    So writes poster bonnag on another similar thread in this forum.

    One reading is ideal while the other points to the need for medicine. Quite a difference, and I could get 2 results from my doctor's file that are more or less the same.

    So white coat syndrome! One with booze one without!

    What's the take FBN or Sheryl? (sorry I know your work load is sometimes heavy and it's not so important).

    Or anybody else like to discuss?

    This may be "white coat syndrome."

    For the OP, there is some pressure on the line (no pun).

    This is a physical for a job. White Coat Syndrome could be pushing his BP up.

    It's possible.

  2. Oh I guarantee there are many that have had it up to there & beyond. :o

    We are on the edge.

    flying, are there actual groups of people or any movements forming in the USA

    that might achieve something tangible ?


    There are not groups, in reality.

    Nothing tangible.

    Americans are very complacent. They only complain vocally, and rarely even demonstrate.

    Sheep that are people are sheeple.

    And I, am an American.

    Americans just sit back and bend over. They complain to friends and family, but just take it.


  3. I am English and have just had a very strict medical examination in the US regarding a job application. I am 37 years old and in good health except my blood pressure was slightly high.

    My blood pressure was 152/92 my employers say it must be no higher than 150/84. .

    My doctor didn't want to give me medication as he said I was to young. I however told him without it I would lose my job, so he unwillingly gave me it.

    You don't have to answer johnsurin,

    but I'm curious what industry, would deny you a job, or cause you to lose a job based on high blood pressure.


  4. In a few years this goldbug is going to change his bits of gold in Thai Baht or Euros. No such thing as a US Dollar anymore. :o

    It doesn't pay interest or dividend but it holds it value quit good. It is also quit resilient against inflation. Inflation is what i expect to happen, somewhere in the 10% per year.

    But seriously, with everything going on right now, some gold is not the worst thing you can do with your money. In my opinion leaving it in cash is the worst thing.

    In Thailand we are lucky that we don't have to pay a high premium on small quantities of gold. In other countries it are often coins or jewelry, and those have high markups.

    Agree, khun Jean.

    And VegasVic,

    Gold is a hedge for many people. It's diversification. And yes, I agree with KJean that it's better than cash at the moment.

  5. I am curious to ask the smart financial/money folks if the slight retreat of the US Dollar strength against the Baht is just temporary. Previously, someone posted a neat graph which showed the trends predicting the exchange rate going as high as 38 THB to 1 USD by the first quarter of next year.

    Any thoughts/comments are greatly appreciated.


    Many posting here are looking short to medium term, understandably.

    Where the dollar will with the word currencies, and the Thai Baht is being debated.

    I am not bullish on the US Dollar, for many of the reasons we've discussed in this section of the forum on other threads.

  6. Americans rated as the most annoying travellers

    LONDON: --Americans are the most annoying travellers in the world, a global poll reveals.

    They are followed by those from France (12%) and Germany (10%).

    British and Chinese travellers (equaly six per cent) complete the roll call of the five most annoying nationalities, according to the survey of 8,931 people by online travel reviews company TripAdvisor.

    Children who kick the back of airline seats are the ultimate no-no for almost one third of travellers (31%).

    Rude seat recliners drive one in five travellers mad (21%), whilst passengers who bellow down their mobile phones (16%), block the aisles whilst stowing their bags (12%) and hog the armrests (4%) are rated as being the most annoying traveller traits.

    A spokesman for TripAdvisor said: “The notion of ‘travelling for pleasure’ can be a total farce when you’re surrounded by passengers who seem intent on making their presence felt – be it with a boot in the back, or an elbow in the ribs.”

    Top 10 Most Annoying Travellers

    1. Americans 18%

    2. French 12%

    3. Germans 10%

    4. British 6%

    5. Chinese 6%

    6. Russians 5%

    7. Japanese 5%

    8. Italians 5%

    9. Indians 2%

    10. Emiratees 1%

    Top Travel Annoyances

    1. Children kicking your seat back 31%

    2. Rude seat recliners 21%

    3. Loud mobile phone conversations 16%

    4. Passengers taking too long to stow overhead baggage 12%

    5. People getting up before the seatbelt sign is off 5%

    6. Armrest hogs 4%

    7. Passengers consuming smelly food 4%

    8. Travellers blocking moving walkways 3%

    9. “Shoulder surfers” reading over your shoulder 1%

    10. People wandering in front of airport service carts 1%

    -- Travelmole.com 2008-11-25

    I am not challenging the results.

    Just questioning the

    sample size

    Standard Deviation

    Margin of error

    nationalities of those interviewed.

    Number of nationality ratio

    Which organization conducted the poll.

    Without the above, there is NO credibility.

  7. This crisis is far more serious than some thing. The pipeline is clogged with unsold cars. Worldwide.

    How are Thailand's car factories responding?

    Source for the Long Beach comment: www.mrlandlord.com discussion forum, today's Q&A

    You give us an interesting piece of data... But oh my... what a shitty website ! There are zillions of "Q&A" whatever discussion forum.

    Thanks to provide us a direct link to the source, or a full quote of the comment.

    I just googled "long beach port cars" and there is a very interesting article in the International Herals Tribune about this.

    Apparently, there are many, many, new cars arriving at the port, but dealerships are not ordering them or accepting them.

    These new cars are sitting at the port, and the auto-companies are now paying a "lease fee" to lease the storage space.

    I'd put up a link, but I don't think URLs are allowed.

    Name of the article: A sea of unwanted auto imports by Matt Richtel

  8. Someone quite close to me had a heart 'scare' last week. He now has angina, they say.

    However, I have seen many heart problems in ER departments, and the problems here do not seem 'typical' of CAD. They say that the ECG looks OK.

    This person has been drinking steadily for 35 years or so. He doesn't shake and is not a breakfast drunk, but I am sure he is on 1-2 bottles of wine a day.

    I know that drunks can get heart problems, especially in withdrawal. How frequent is this? What are the heart-related symptoms? Tachycardia? Ectopics? Anyone had this problem in detox?

    He wants to quit. Can he dry out at home with diazepam? How do you know when someone doesn't need a hospital dry-out?


    I know quite a few hard drinkers and that quit drinking, Cold Turkey. They just stopped. No withdrawals. Difficulty sleeping at first, but no withdrawals.

    Some guys took Diazepam (Valium) in the beginning to help them sleep, but I've never know someone to have withdrawals.

  9. Full details about this at washingtonpost.com:
    Having Less Purchasing Power

    The credit card companies are getting hard core:

    -- canceling inactive cards

    I have 2 credit cards with a $0 balance here in case of an emergency. (Yes, I have cash, also.)

    I use these cards once a year to buy a small item to keep the cards current.

    I better call the company and check if they are still active.

    This is expat relevant as many of us living here maintain US cards. Happy recession!

    The credit card companies are apparently next in line for pain.

    If the auto-makers run out of money at the end of December because of a lack of a bailout (I don't agree with the bailout), then unemployment will hit 10% in my opinion.

    Yes, and 2009 will be worse.

  10. Adamx is correct re what is now considered normal. 150/100 is definitely too high and you almost certainly need to be on medication.

    If you are overweight, weight loss may help as may regular exercise. However do not dely treatment in the expectation of this, start treatment first and then, if you are successful in losing weight/increasing exercise, you can always taper off the meds.

    Thanks again, Sheryl.

    The 150/100 reading was only done one time at the doctor's office.

    That's why I wanted to check it at home regularly to see if that doctor office reading was abnormal in some way.

    My family history: my father has taken and still takes high blood pressure medication.

    Before I see a doctor about getting on medication, what are the most common medicines, so I can research them and at least have a somewhat knowledgeable conversation with the doctor.


  11. That's a lot of empty beer calories per day. You're getting almost your full days calories just from beer. It is no wonder your overweight.

    I agree, CTM.

    And I am responsible for this neglect, and I will do something to correct it. Tomorrow I'm doing an upper body weight training dumbell workout in the morning.

    I have no choice. I have to do it.

    I second the bodyweight exercises idea. Bodyweight exercises always just make me feel better. Joints, energy levels, mobility, everything. I would add in some direct joint mobility work also. Flexibility, mobility, muscle imbalances could be compounding your problems. Steve Maxwell has a good video called "Encyclopedia of Joint Mobility".

    Thanks for the book tip. I'll check it out on Amazon.

  12. I did not have a blood test. I have not scheduled a liver toxicity test, although I mentioned it, and was told it wasn't a big deal. Is this OK?

    Before starting on a long-term medication with potential toxic effects you should have a baseline blood count (CBC) , liver enzymes (AST,ALT) and kidney function tests (creatnine and BUN). These are simple inexpensive tests and basic good practice.

    Should then monitor same on a regular basis.

    Any hospital or large clinic can do these tests.

    I would also suggest a change of doctors to one who is more conscientious. The "mai ben rai" philosophy should not extend into medical practice. Sure, the majority of patients will do OK, but what if you are in the unlucky minority? :o

    Thanks Sheryl,

    This is an American doctor, and is also a surgeon.

    He gave me the prescription for the Allopurinol and also noted that it is OTC (over the counter).

    So...shucks! I should take these tests you mentioned. And then take a test later to make sure the medicine is not affecting my liver, etc.


    Why didn't he do it right there??!!

  13. I went to the doctor today.

    I have not drank alcohol in 2 1/2 days, and have eliminated most salt from my diet. (I know I've reduced sodium because I've been cooking at home.)

    The doctor took my blood pressure reading and it was:


    I know that BP levels can vary for many reasons, but I want to buy a home monitor.

    Which brand is best? Cost?

    Thanks in advance to anyone that can help. (Yes, I did a search but nothing came up.)

  14. Thanks for all of the replies.

    I've read all of them and will heed your advice.

    I just got back from the doctor and because of my chronic gout, which started in my early 30s, I am starting allopurinol when this latest attack fades away.

    I'll start with 100 mg per day for a week, and if there are no problems, I'll take 300 mg per day.

    I did not have a blood test. I have not scheduled a liver toxicity test, although I mentioned it, and was told it wasn't a big deal. Is this OK?

    So....I'll start allopurinol soon.

    Thanks, and I'll keep you posted.

  15. Thaks jhc,

    I'll google Matt Furey for the Hindu squats.


    It is....gout.

    I found out myself.

    I am frustrated because I had reduced meats almost completely. I reduced saturated fats. I take fish oil. And I drink at least 3.5 liters of water day, usually more.

    I do drink beer almost every night. About 4-6 big bottles.

    I walk everyday but I don't exercise right now (my fault) and I am overweight.

    As I noted before I started taking Allopurinol that was given to me, but stopped because I hadn't had the liver and blood tests.

    Tomorrow (my day off of work) I'm going to the doctor and will ask for the tests to start allopurinol.

    Because of these gout attacks in the knee, I see potential knee problem in the future as I'm only 38.

    This was the first gout attack for me in six months.

    Thanks for all of the help.

  16. PB, even McCain has said that nothing is off the table for tweaking the ss system. Look at the demographics. The population bulge is with the baby boomers and they have been promised this benefit all their lives. It ain't going away, some patch will fix it for the baby boomers. Younger people, that is a problem. Medicare, like I said, that does appear to be a real disaster in the making.

    I am 38.

    Will I pay the higher Medicare and SS taxes and costs to get less? I think I will first get SS benefits at the age of 67, if I'm alive then.

  17. Thanks to everyone with your replies and helps, and Sheryl thanks for the contact info.

    In regards to a couple of questions above in posts:

    1. Yes, I take fish oil regularly, every day.

    2. I am about 40-45 lbs overweight.

    3. The pain is in the "middle" of the joint, but also there is soreness (pain) on the inside of the knee.

    I'll follow all of your advice and see a doctor about this in 2 days.

    Thanks, again.

  18. Knee problem.

    Bot of my knees have felt weaker in recent months. I cannot walk down the stairs properly. I walk "gingerly" down the stairs.

    When I go from standing to sitting in a chair I feel a small about of pain, and the knees feel weak.

    My left knee has been getting stiff while sleeping at night, whether my leg is straight of bent.

    It feels tight, throughout the day.

    I have NOT twisted it, nor done any sports. Only walking.

    One potential cause? I've had severe gout in this knee twice, and since my last gout attack in 2006, my left knee (and both knees have never been the same.)

    (I have conquered gout. I haven't had an attack for 6 months because of dietary changes.)

    What could be causing this?

    I am 38 years old. If I'm having knee problems now, this could be a long road.

    Thanks for any info, advice or help anyone can provide.


  19. For 08 and 09 the employee contribution will be 7.65%.

    I see this going up in the near future.

    SS employee taxes (and employer) taxes will have to go up.

    PeaceBlondie or anyone:

    Do we know how high these SS taxes are going to go?

    In over 20 or more years that I can recall, these have been the rates (and double for self-employed, but with credits). I recall politicians saying the increases are inevitable, but nobody even proposing an increase. Medicare is predicted to run out of cash before old age (OASDI) program does, so look for that to increase first.


    Medicare could bring the US to its knees.

    Actually, I thin it will. SS is a disaster; medicare is worse.

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