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Wrong Turn

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Posts posted by Wrong Turn

  1. Good points, SoCal and Phil,

    I've made the same adustments. Eating an extra meal at home. I like local food and have been eating at more VN restaurants. I've been very selective at the "foreign/tourist" area restaurants.

    One major fixed expense is, rent. Rent is where I've been very lucky (so far). My landlord has (I think) grandfathered me, and I pay 30% less for the same apartment that new tenants are paying. Perhaps this is because I never complain, pay the rent on time, and I've been in the same apartment for a few years.

    Yes, the Dong has stabilized and I happy about this. Has inflation been tamed? I hope so. I haven't read the most recent CPI reports.

    I agree, the future of Vietnam does look bright.

  2. If slimming pills worked, why are Americans still fat and broke from spending billions on weight loss every year?

    Don't be afraid of good old exercise.


    Exercise and caloric reduction. A balanced diet; balanced nutrition.

    It's not rocket science. But the companies that market and sell these products try to paint a picture of success.

    As noted by awrrumbungle: if these pills worked, we'd know about them.

  3. Each time there's a crisis, my embassy sends me a text message. How convenient.

    In the event of an emergency, people via the embassy would also be able to reach me. It's a free service so why not register?

    In Thailand, I don't see the need.

    Also, in moments of foment, the communications systems are the first to be disabled.

    The US embassy sends out warning at the drop of a pin.

  4. It seems the panic horror stories of the situation in thailand are working too, we went down to book flights yesterday at flightcentre in brisbane, as we asked about flight availability in november we were told we could take our pick because of the many cancellations, we picked up flights with Etihad all in clusive 827 dollars return with a 6 day 3 star hotel stopover in singapore as well, that is all inclusive !!!!they commented that the govt statement about the dangers of travelling to thailand is one of the causes of so many cancellations, so shop around people, this is cheaper than flying to Perth for Xmas :o

    It's a good time to buy tickets to travel, and probably hotel accomodation.

    With so many tourists entering LOS, most of which know little of the country, you can take advantage of these cancellations and price cuts.

    It's me thinking.....

  5. I hope so.

    The only thing he has is a big mouth.

    He cant control his party, he cant control the people, he can't control the country.

    Just a bungling incompetent with a big mouth and f all leadership skills.

    What a pathetic excuse for a prime minister.

    Truly amazing millions voted for him. I hope they all learned their lesson.

    Will the next leader be able to bring the factions together? I think this dilemma runs deeper.

  6. Yes, you do. ANd if the rash is flat (not raised) and not itchy, bertter get a complete blood count with platlets as well to make sure these are not actually what is called "petechiae"which reflects a problem with blood coagulation. (Needn't bother if the rash is raised and/or itchy then it's not petechiae). But regardless, check that liver.

    Thanks for the reply and help, Sheryl.

    The rash dots are 1. raised, and 2. itchy.

    And, of coursem workj on your drinkling problem. But you already know that. :o

    But is the beer causing this? I am being honest. I know I drink too much beer.

    But this rash only happens once or twice per year, during hot season, and only hot season. Therefore, I assume it's because of the heat.


    I am seriously not trying to be in denial, but I am not sure if beer is the culprit, or a part of the culprit, or not.

  7. Well i suppose i cant blame them as they have 3 small children but i have friends that have just told me due to the NEWS they feel it unsafe to come here now,. Another couple have also cancelled,.seems a shame as i feel this will blow over well before they were due to come, but after reading the newspapers in the uk i can see their concern, .any of you had similar happen ?

    I think it depends on why they cancelled.

    Because of potential power cuts and cancelled trains, and flights....OK.

    Because of Thailand not being "safe," I'd think that is jumping to conclusions.

    But then again....they do have kids.....

  8. Thanks for the replies. It's appreciated. Sheryl and others have told me to get a blood test. It's as simple as that. I have stop being such a wimp. The liver enzyme test is cheap and close by.

    During drinking I also eat a large meal before a drinking session. Then, I eat a small meal about every 3 hours to get something in my stomach and absorb the alcohol.

    I basically drink to achieve a "buzz," then continue to maintain that buzz.

    Yes, I could likely have a hot body. I do not drink in air-conditioned bars, and often drink on the sidewalk restaurant/bars,cafes to watch street life. This is around 85-90 F as you know.

    Thanks for the replies. I need to stop being a wimp and just take the test.

  9. I currently have red dots on both inner forearms, and also on my chest.

    I've had these before.

    I was always told it was "heat rash." A couple of years ago I went to a local doctor who gave me pilss to "take the pressure of of my liver." Regretfully, I didn't ask follow up questions to clarify what the doctor was specifically referring to.

    Then, a physician's assistant from the west who was into naturopathic medicine said my liver "might be running hot."

    I was then, and am now, drinking 7-9 big bottles of Tiger beer throughout the day, as I'm off work for a week.

    The Physician's assistant also ask me if I had a "smelly crotch." (Serious.) I answered yes. There seems to be an odor from my crotch, also.

    My question:

    Are these red dots on myrelated to my liver? Or is it just heat rash? Or both?

    Thanks to anyone who can help.

  10. I am in Phuket and there are definitely no mobs I or any of my friends here have heard of. The closure of the airport and total absence of business is the main concern here, believe me.

    It would be very useful if you could give a little bit more information than just hearsay.

    Normally i would not post this kind of comment, but i had two Thais who where very worried about my safety as they where reading this from the news on the TV.......

    And i posted to warn people incase that someone did come up to them and ask this question, at least they will be prepared

    I really hope those this will not happen, as it would affect the tourism alot

    We are Thailand, not Rwanda !

    It does seem that there is some foment in Thailand at the moment. Perhaps these reports are exaggerated. Maybe not. It's easy to tell people you are from a different country than you are really, from.

    I remember the US publicly backing Thaksin during the 2006 Coup. I was disappointed that the US would publicly make statements about something that I consider to be a Thai domestic political issue.

    I wonder where the US stands? I'm off to google.

  11. You are an idiot if you bought property in the last 2 years in Bangkok, get out now ! 100 000 up oer sq m has no relation to the Thai econmy or current unstable position, yes you have been mugged !

    Ok I'm an idiot and while I collect the rent from all my condos at over 12% ROI i'll think about what you said.

    Ok finished thinking, there that didn't take long now did it?

    23 eh.... hmmmm i think you have a lot to learn yet. :o

    Even though I advised against buying to *live* in a condo, investing in them is different.

    Every deal is different. yabaaa is getting positive cash flow. Owner-occupied and positive cash flow from rentals are two different things.

  12. According to many reports and members, things will remain fine at the Int'l Airport. Suvarnabhumi is pretty much like a main artery to a heart. If that gets shut down... Chaos and economic disaster will ensue....

    A massive international hub of an airport.

    Shutting down the airport would trickle to many parts of Asia and other parts of the world for business and travel plans.

    I am curious as to the amount of traffic that arrives/departs from Suva every day.

  13. You are only 21. Work hard in Canada, save your money and come over in 10-15 years, (at least), with a secure financial cushion to fall back on.

    Wise words, IMO.

    I know a lot of guys that come to live and work in Thailand, young. The lifestyle, weather, and everything is great. It becomes hard for some to go back to the West, because many don't want to return.

    If you save and plan ahead in your younger years you can set yourself up to have a very good position in LOS in the future.

    Up to you of course.

    Or you could come to Thailand for a year before going back, or find a job (as noted above) where you could get more time off to come to LOS for longer holidays.

    There are.....ways to do it.

  14. I live in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), and we're all aware of rising prices. Inflation in Vietnam is one of the highest in the world at about 30% year-to-year.

    Obviously, the locals on lower pay scales are feeling worse then expats. Especially those with children, families, etc.

    Can anyone else comment on the current CPI/inflation conditions? How is it affecting you?

    More importantly, when will it end?

    There could be a time when it will not be worth it to work and live here, but I think that is a drastic thought at this point.

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