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Wrong Turn

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Posts posted by Wrong Turn

  1. ....sinsod.......you lot just don't get it !!..do you.......its does not apply to farangs as when their turn comes for receiving sin sod they don't receive a penny........just get your heads round that please....!!

    I have never understood why a Farang would pay Sinsot, when dee123 states the truth above.

    Cracks me up, that any guy would even consider it, let alone do it.

  2. It has been reported a Canadian came over to Phitsanulok after months of internet chat to meet a lovely local school teacher. The first date was escorted by another teacher. At the end of the evening the escort left the happy couple. They returned to her house where he apparently died "on the job". RIP

    It happens. Especially with the advent of a recent drug about 10 years ago.

    But aja....is there a point in your OP? :o


    I'm an American who has read and heard about the Thai girls and to not buy anything unless consulting a lawyer and wait a while first, like a year or more. Well I took a girl out of the bar and out of a rat infested box near Din Daeng and built a Big house in Wangnoi (near Ayuthaya) and now we are divorced and she and her family are claiming that I did not pay for anything and that it belongs to them. To make matters worse, she got pregnant with a Thai guys baby and said it was mine.

    I would ask for input in how to get the land and house back and would like to bulldoze/ destroy this house and would like to get the media involved as well as sponsors to help me to destroy this place as money is not an issue but I would like to make an example that we can all share of BAD Thai women that take advantage of us Farang. :o

    Others have already responded, but I must say: this house is not yours.

    I have met people personally who've lost their house. Even if a Farang self-incorporates, I think the Thai wife can still use loopholes to take the house.

    I must repeat this message: IMO, do NOT buy a "house," or plots, because, it isn't yours.

    Once a Farang "buy," the Thai wife and family, know it's basically theirs....and it WILL be theirs someday.

    That is why....a lot of the marriages.....happen in the first place.

    Buy a condo? Sure. House/land? Never.

    Why do people want to "buy?" I'd rather rent, even if it meant a less spacious or desirable place.

  4. i guess that means we will be divorced. she turned off her phone and i have not heard from her for 6 days. the condo is in both of our names and we have a car in her name only and much of my income is deposited in a bank account with her name and she has the ATM card.

    How long did you know her before you got married to her?

    What is your Thai language level?

    i have also continuously lied to my wife about my income. id been taking money out of my other bank account so she thought i made more because i was planning on getting a large inheritance when my parents died to make up for it. she did not like this at all, not that i can blame her.

    Why did you lie?

  5. It's freaky Friday! I think yesterdays news has yet to sink in with US investors. Lets see what happens tonight. The rollercoaster is just starting to pick up speed.

    The tax rebate is being criticized and even slammed by Rs and Ds in the USA.

    One ® Congressman called it "pouring a glass of water into the ocean" and will have no effect.

    The checks will arrive in the mail in May. The theory of this brilliant gov is that people will go out and buy stuff.

    Go figure.

  6. Both - perhaps a lower amount would be enough. Believe most Thai seem to use 100mg but body is normally smaller.

    Thanks again.

    And as bronco stated, several blood taking sessions will be needed to determine dosage.

    Hopefully I can get all of these blood tests done within a month.

    I'm visiting the US in the Summer and would prefer to have this done in their, instead of the SEA country I'm in now.

  7. Actually it is very cheap in the USA in normal unbranded form. It is very expensive in Thailand under the one normal brand name that most pharmacies stock. You may have to try several to find the cheaper versions.

    Believe you really should take this under medical supervision, at least at first, with regular blood tests. It does not cost that much to do so. And you should start when free of gout.

    I agree.

    I've heard that a very small percentage of people have Liver Toxicity with Allopurin and cannot take it.

    Is this what you mean by taking the blood tests?

    Or do you mean, to check if the Uric Acid levels are consistently high?

  8. Wrong Turn I take purinol which claims to be same as allapurinol, 300mg pills 100 per bottle 130baht per bottle. Allapurinol was like 4 to 6baht per pill.


    Thanks for info (and bronco, too):

    I am going to ask my doctor to start Purinol (which is likely cheaper than Allopurinol, but the same).

    I've had so many gout attacks, started at age 32.

    I think the reason why doctors didn't suggest me taking Purinol/Allopurinol was because I was living in different countries we as well as the U.S. and seeing different doctors.

    I am assuming that your Purinol is fairly affordable, like bronco stated in a post above.

    Gout is interfering with my work, and other parts of my life. Even when I stop drinking, and follow the diet rules, and drink water, and take Indomathacin, it can linger for days.

    After 6 years, I don't think It'll go away for good.

    I'll ask to take Purinol, and here it will be affordable. I'm assuming, much, much cheaper than in the USA.

    Thanks, DTDT.

  9. I'm a coffee addict too but have mostly given it up now because once I start having it daily it becomes a cycle of drinking/wanting it all the time.

    Drink loads of water...absolute minimum 2 litres a day. This will flush your system out and should decrease your headaches. Maybe start the day with a green tea, loads of benefits and seems to help me. Good luck!

    I thought the caffeine content in green tea was as high or higher than coffee???

    The amount of caffeine in Green Tea is less than coffee.

    Green Tea might be a good way to reduce to withdrawal and side-effects, as you body adjusts to not getting the caffeine.

  10. Thanks to other who replied above.

    Thanks for the questions Sheryl

    I agree, I don't think it's bronchitis now.

    Age: 38

    50 lbs. overweight, I think, because I'm 5.9" and 235 lbs.

    My dad takes high blood pressure medication. He's been taking it for years.

    Post nasal drip: I have had sneezing and a runny nose, consistently for weeks. Not everyday, but say, 4 times per week.

    Can dust in my apartment cause this also? I am allergic to house dust.

    Blood pressure: I am making an assumption, because I haven't had my blood pressure checked in about a year. I think it may be on the high side.

    Recently, I've reduced sodium, drink 4+ liters of water per day, and eat Oats 5x per week for breakfast.

    I drink about 5 big bottles of beer per night with friends. Rarely drink at home at all.

    Thanks, Sheryl.

    Overweight with a family history of hypertension and you haven't had your BP checked in a year = time for a complete physical, there are some excellent packages available, personally I prefer the Wellness Center at Samitivej. In your case I recommend that you get a stress test as well as the EKG. 2 reasons: one, the combination of overweight and family hostroy put you at high risk for cardiovascular disease and 2nd, although you are probably just suffering from an annoying post-nasal drip, the fact that you have problems after walking fast could be a sign of a heart problem. So get checked up.

    As for the runny nose/cough, allergy and irritation of the throat from post-nasal drip are very likely. You can see an ENT specialist if you like. Or you could try a tab of Zyrtec each bedtime first. Above all (wearing a mask while you are at it, or better yet hiring someone else to do it) get rid of all the dust in your apartment and keep it dust free. If there are any carpets, make sure they are thoroughly vacuumed (they can harbor dust mites). Don't forget behind and under furniture especially around where you sleep. And clean any a/c filters.

    Thanks for the advice, Sheryl. I appreciate it. I'll get started on some of these things, right away. Thanks, WT.

  11. Well, a happy ending to report ! After waiting over 24 hours (to allow time for any procedure that is only done once daily) and then threatening to go to the police, I must have got the two Western Union offices to communicate with each other.

    I said in my original posting that I had tried all possible combinations of my first, middle and last name, in case the Thai clerk didn't know which was which (although on the copy she gave me, everything looked OK.) Well, I mispoke. Being the brainlessThai that she is, she put both my first name and middle name in the same box somewhere along the way. This meant that the recipient could not claim the money, and I could not use the online tracking feature to try to find it.

    Just another day in the land of smiling idiots !

    I know 2 people that had this problem last week.

    The names were entered in the wrong order.

    It caused a lot of headaches, and one person had to delay a trip. The other had to borrow money.

    I haven't used Western Union in a couple of years, but is there a way for you to check the entire order that is being placed for accuracy?


  12. Thanks to all of you, and Sheryl, you're very helpful.

    It's a very deep cough, but there is no phlem or green or yellow color. And nothing comes out.

    It seems to get worse when I:

    1. Lay down horizontally (in bed)

    2. Walk fast enough to breathe deeper and more quickly.

    This started on the 1st of Feb., so it's been 8 days now.

    I think I'm getting better. I am drinking lots of water still, and taking vitamin-c and garlic, etc.

    Nothing you describe suggests a need for antibiotics. I am also inclined to doubt it is bronchitis.

    Possibilities that come to mind are (1) post-nasal drip from allergy or reaction to pollution (whoch will irritate and produce a chronic dry cough, and is consistent with beling worse when you lie down) or

    (2) a cardiac problem. What is your age and do you have any hostory of hearty disease or high blood pressure?

    Also are you on any long term medications? There are some -- including some antihypertensives -- that will produce a troubelsome cough.

    Thanks to other who replied above.

    Thanks for the questions Sheryl

    I agree, I don't think it's bronchitis now.

    Age: 38

    50 lbs. overweight, I think, because I'm 5.9" and 235 lbs.

    My dad takes high blood pressure medication. He's been taking it for years.

    Post nasal drip: I have had sneezing and a runny nose, consistently for weeks. Not everyday, but say, 4 times per week.

    Can dust in my apartment cause this also? I am allergic to house dust.

    Blood pressure: I am making an assumption, because I haven't had my blood pressure checked in about a year. I think it may be on the high side.

    Recently, I've reduced sodium, drink 4+ liters of water per day, and eat Oats 5x per week for breakfast.

    I drink about 5 big bottles of beer per night with friends. Rarely drink at home at all.

    Thanks, Sheryl.

  13. Anybody on this forum heading there this summer?


    Anyone has experiences with previous years' Burning Man?

    It's in the middle of the desert, so how did you get there? Rent a car, and bring your own tent? Go with friends' car?

    You bring back some great memories. I used to live in Winnemucca, Nevada a long time ago and used to attend the Burning Man festival. That was back when it was unorganized, free, and fun. Now it is nothing more than a temporary theme park set up in the northern Nevada desert, designed to soak you out of as much money as possible. My advice - never go. HOWEVER, if you're hel_l-bent on going there, then fly to Reno and rent a car. Travel across I-80 to (uh-oh, memory failing . . . ) state highway 95? No, that's to Paradise Valley, and Burning Man is before that. ANYWAY, someone will tell you. Be sure to load up on everything you need, because once you pay the entrance fee, you cannot leave . . . unless yo want to pay the entrance fee again. Years ago, the Burning Man meant something. NOw, it's just another excuse to make money off of new-age hippy mystics.


    Some distant relatives of mine go there, every year.

    What do people do there?

    What's it about?

  14. You need to make sure your chest is clean (ie, no fluid). Do not prolong seeing a doctor if your symptoms do not improve. It could be a ton of things. You might need to take an x-ray of the chest. Make sure your lungs are okay.

    Well it could be a lot of things, but 99%+ it isn't

    wrongturn - where did you get the pollution mask. I need one.

    Thanks again, adamz, moldy, and Sheryl.

    What is "tickly cough?"

    The Pollution Mask

    I am not in Bangkok right now. I bought my mask in Saigon, but I bet you could find it in Bangkok (or wherever you are).

    The name of the brand is called NeoMask.

    There is a picture of a middle aged Westerner with combed back blondish/brown hair wearing it. (I'm describing the box the mask comes in because there are fake copycats out there.)

    The mask was produced in the West.

    It has a filter that designed to block nano-particles. You can clean the filter, by simply dipping it in boiling water for 90 seconds every month or two.

    NeoMask probably has a website.

    I wear this mask when I drive my motorbike 100% of the time. I also wear it for exercise walks around the city. Without it, I could not live here. I just get too sick as I'm sensitive. Nano particles, Benzene from motorbikes, and soot, all get into our lungs and nasal passages and on our skin. It hit the liver too, probably.

    It also keep the hot tropical sun off of my face. Highly recomented. They cost 75,000 Dong ($5 USD) in Saigon.

  15. Thanks to all of you, and Sheryl, you're very helpful.

    It's a very deep cough, but there is no phlem or green or yellow color. And nothing comes out.

    It seems to get worse when I:

    1. Lay down horizontally (in bed)

    2. Walk fast enough to breathe deeper and more quickly.

    This started on the 1st of Feb., so it's been 8 days now.

    I think I'm getting better. I am drinking lots of water still, and taking vitamin-c and garlic, etc.

  16. I am not convinced that it was a deliberate policy of the US government to drive the dollar as low as it is now against the euro. I see other factors at play:

    – rapidly growing national debt

    – balance of payments deficit

    – reduced proportion of dollar holdings by central banks in many countries

    – reductions in the prime rate in the USA

    – fear of worsening recession in the USA

    And there are probably some other factors, too.

    If the low dollar helps to increase US exports and reduce US imports and the recession passes, the dollar will go up again.




    Some think the US will try to export its way out of a recession (or the recession that has just started).

    IMO, the U.S. recession has already started, as the latest data was released yesterday.

    I hope the dollar does go up.

  17. I have bronchitis. It started on Feb. 1st, six days ago.

    I am quite sure it's bronchitis with my self-diagnosis from medical websites, and I got in 2 times, seven years ago.

    1. I don't smoke

    2. I wear a pollution filltered mask on my motorbike

    3. I avoid smoky bars (not ventilated) as much as I can.

    But I do get soot and dust in my apartment, and when walking, I breathe the pollution from cars and motorbikes.


    Do I have to get anti-biotics to make it go away? Or, will it naturally go away.

    TIA, to anyone and all of you that can help.

  18. Yeah, you are right. Pimsleur doesn't give any explaination about the language. I guess it can be useful just for getting familiar with some "standard" sentences and situations. I'll start with it and learningthai.com!

    I used Thai Pimsleur and other languages with it. I think it helped my ear and pronunciation as a beginner. It's repetitive for a reason.

    Benjawan Boomsan Becker's beginner, intermediate and advanced tapes, are the best I've used. (Just my opinion.)

  19. Is it still illegal (by American law) for Americans to visit this terrorist-sponsoring, foreign citizen-abducting state (defined by US gov't.)?

    If so, how do we circumvent the regulations? Also, without USA diplomatic or consular services in this country, what recourse does an American citizen have if they run into trouble?

    It's not really the USA side of things.

    It's North Korea: they don't want Americans to visit. Technically, you might get a visa with a 24/7 guide, and pay thousand of US dollars for it.

    But even this, is nearly impossible.

    Koreans that pay lots of money can visit Kimgang Mt.

    It will be a few years, I think, before you'll be able to go there.

  20. My father-in-law has gout and does not consume sugary drinks. Nor does he eat sugary snacks. He is not overweight, he does not drink alcohol nor does he smoke. The main thing about my FIL that I have noticed, however, is that he does not drink enough water (or any liquid for that matter). He sweats alot, works very hard and yet consumes little water. He also has a history of kidney stones and has just recently had a stone removed from his salivary gland.

    My understanding is that gout is uric acid crystals in the blood, kidney stones are uric acid crystals in the kidneys. If I have this wrong, please feel free to correct me. But I have always wondered if he could help his stone/gout problems by massively increasing his daily fluid intake.

    As a long-term gout sufferer, and part-time gout research dabbler,

    I suspect his lack of water may be part of it. Higher Uric Acid levels, which cause gout, are related to the kidneys.

    Some people also produce more Uric Acid in their bodies, because of genetics or body chemistry.

    One of the ways I think I reduced my attacks and severity of them is to drink 3.5 liters of water per day. Sipping throughout the day.

    This dilutes the Uric Acid.

    When I feel an attack coming on, I take an anti-inflammatory, and start drinking more water. 5 liters per day.

    So far, it's worked.

  21. Can anybody inform me of the cheese situation in Vietnam?

    Is there a good selection?

    Is it good a value?

    Is it easy to find?

    How does it compare to Thailand's poor status in this category?

    To answer your question, yes, there is good quality and a lot of variety of cheese in VN.

    Value, I'm not sure about.

    Yes, it's easy to find.

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