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Wrong Turn

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Posts posted by Wrong Turn

  1. So I need a decent ask, of the sort used by cyclists I guess. Anybody know where I can find one in Bangkok?

    I can answer part of your question.

    There is a brand of mask that I wear everyday called "NeoMask."

    It comes in different colors, and has a black filtered mask inside. It's made in the west.

    It's been very helpful for me. I had coughs, itchy throat, wheezing and all kinds of respiratory problems because of traffic pollution.

    I don't know where you can find, it, but the brand NeoMask has been the best for me.

  2. Studies on Melatonin state it's only useful for people that produce lower levels.

    Therefore, I suppose if you levels are low because of jet lag it may help.

    I stand to be corrected.

    If some posters think it works, then it may work. I'm a little skeptical, though.

  3. Some pharmacies have a liver "rejuvinator" called Hepalkey. It's a pill.

    Different than Milk Thistle, which I take every day, that slows damage to the liver.

    I've googled and get very limited information on Hepalkey.

    Has anyone ever taken Hapalkey?

    Does anyone have knowledge about Hepalkey?

    Thanks to anyone who can answer.

  4. CNBC looked like panic stations tonight . Does the fed have any more options up it's sleeve . It looks to me like the Fed knows there is a lot more bad news to come and are trying to nip the problem , but will it work ?? !

    It seems like the Fed will make another cut on interest rates, which may cause the value of the dollar to decline more.

    Helicopter Ben may also be increasing the M3 Money Supply.

    Rough times are possible. I think they are probable.

    But yes, maybe the media is getting a little alarmist. Maybe this is just another alarmist knee-jerk reaction or maybe there is reason for it.

    Higher gas prices, inflation on food, slowing GDP growth, stagnant/declining wages, the housing problem, and high per capita debt ratios.

    The Americans have made their own bed, and they'll have to sleep in it. (I am an American, btw.)

  5. absolutely. i think they were young and stupid. im not sure if it was true that their families lives were threatened if they didnt go through with it - and in the end, it appears that it was one of their family members who actually tipped off the police. its just a pity that the australian feds couldnt wait until they got back to australia before they pounced.

    i know its illegal to IMPORT drugs into indonesia, but is it illegal to actually export them? (im sure it is but its usually the importing of drugs that people concentrate on)

    Ever see the sign at the airport which states, "Possession of illegal drugs is punishable by death"? Maybe these idiots can't read???

    I have no sympathy for them.

    They took the chance. They gambled. They got caught.

    Hange 'em, or give them life.

    I don't care.

  6. How can I loose the very last 2 inches off the waist. This 2 will make it look flat as a board.

    No matter what I do it won't go away. running, sit up. I tried to starv myself, and I

    don't want to that again, it give me headache and so hungry. I don't even eat that much anyway.

    I tried taking weight lost pill that don't work either.

    If someone with this experienced and succeed in doing so please advice.

    Thank you.

    Lose "fat off of your waist" is called "spot reduction." There is no such thing as "spot reduction."

    You have to lose fat as a whole, to lose the fat around your waist.

    1. what is your BF %? You need to know this first.

    2. what is your p/c/f ratio?

    3. Increase your protein consumption to 1 to 1.5 X per pound, IMO.

  7. Forget about canned, or fresh, tuna and salmon. These are on the top of the food chain and have high concentrations of mercury and other heavy metals.

    I want to start eating 1 can of Tuna with water/brine per day.

    Is this OK? I can a day?

    I get conflicting info on how much canned tuna we can eat.

    Most advisers say that you should not eat more than 1 can (6oz) of tuna per week, many say you should not eat any. The mercury content vary from can to can and often they find cans with more than twice the allowed amount of mercury.

    Sardines on the other hand is on the list of fish with the least amount of mercury and gives you the same nutrition as tuna or salmon.

    Thanks, Z.

    I assume mercury stay in our bodies, like it does the tuna fish.

  8. Forget about canned, or fresh, tuna and salmon. These are on the top of the food chain and have high concentrations of mercury and other heavy metals.

    I want to start eating 1 can of Tuna with water/brine per day.

    Is this OK? I can a day?

    I get conflicting info on how much canned tuna we can eat.

  9. Canned tuna is useless for this purpose.

    What's wrong with the tuna??? :o


    Canned Tune in Brine/water is good. It contains the fish oils.

    It's only the Tuna that is canned in oil that does not have the fish oil because the "canned oil" in tune canned in oil extracts the fish oils.

    Canned tuna is a cheap, quick way, to get the good fish oils.

  10. Have your blood sugars checked.

    It is a very common symptom for very high blood sugars (Diabetes)

    But part of the reason for drinking excess water because of diabetes is because of a strong "thirst," correct?

    I drink an average of 5 liters per day. I sip it throughout the day. I usually drink about 4 big bottles of beer 3-4 nights per week. I don't sweat, and I've reduced my sodium intake.

    Because I've been drinking this much water for a few months, it seems I get "thirsty" when I don't drink about 5 liters.

    I hope it's just my body used to this amount of water consumption.

  11. Mobi and Bendix, thanks.

    $1.2-3 Million USD to live in Thailand, including medical, etc, is more than I'd need, but everyone is different. Depends on age of course, and how many years one expects or thinks they have left. Got to have a buffer for that.

    I presume it's the principle above at the so-called average of 4% withdrawal.

    This has been informative. Thanks.

  12. IMHO a farang needs considerably in excess of 40million Baht in income producing assets (and/or a pension that would equate to this kind of sum in terms of investment income) in order to live a comfortable and leisurely lifestyle well into old age, taking advantage of all the pleasures that a tropical country like Thailand has to offer, and not have worry about running out of money, or the effects of hyper inflation.

    That is not to say that people cannot survive on much less, and many undoubtedly do so, quite happily, but I wonder how they will feel when they reach their late 80's or even 90's?


    Do you mean a principle of 40 Million Baht? 40 Million Baht = $133,000 USD right?

    This amount to produce income?

    take a calculator and try again my friend :o

    Pardon my math.

    At 30 Baht : 1 USD

    1 Million Baht = $30,000 correct?

    Therefore 40 Million times $30,000 = 1.2 Million USD. Correct?

  13. IMHO a farang needs considerably in excess of 40million Baht in income producing assets (and/or a pension that would equate to this kind of sum in terms of investment income) in order to live a comfortable and leisurely lifestyle well into old age, taking advantage of all the pleasures that a tropical country like Thailand has to offer, and not have worry about running out of money, or the effects of hyper inflation.

    That is not to say that people cannot survive on much less, and many undoubtedly do so, quite happily, but I wonder how they will feel when they reach their late 80's or even 90's?


    Do you mean a principle of 40 Million Baht? 40 Million Baht = $133,000 USD right?

    This amount to produce income?

  14. ....There was recently a report on Fox News from one of their science reporters saying that more than one definitive and RECENT studies have shown that fish oil supplements do not prevent heart disease, but that eating fresh fatty fish twice a week does. She did not reference the articles. I cannout find the articles on the net. You may find articles saying the opposite, but they are not that recent. Also, there are other considerations. There is a difference for people taking fish oil who have already had heart disease vs. people trying to prevent it. Also, there seems to be a consensus that "non-pharmaceutical" grade fish oil supplements are not nearly as good as pharmaceutical grade, though the report did not indicate that even the high grade stuff is effective in prevention vs. eating fresh fish. I have been taking the low grade stuff available at Watsons here in Thailand. I doubt it is very good even if the good stuff works, so I do plan on switching to eating the fresh fish.

    There are other cases in nutrition prevention where the supplements are worthless while the fresh source is valuable.....

    Thanks, Jingthing.

    I agree: natural is almost always better than supplement. And yes, many supplements are gimmicks to make money.

    I take Fish Oil from the Kirkland Brand (with the USP stamp) 3x per day. It's a cheap insurance method for me. I buy them in the US and take them to Asia and put them in the fridge.

    I also eat 1 can of Tuna with Brine 3x per week.

    Hopefully, I'm getting enough fish oil with the Omega 3s and Omega 6s.

    I also think it's OK for eat 1 can of tuna per day. The mercury in regular tuna isn't that high, from what I've read. Although I've seen some disagreement on the about of tuna people should eat.


    What is the definition of "having heart disease?"

    Is it partial or complete blockage of an artery? Enlarged heart?

  15. The key to the swelling is the "minor gout" you have had at the time. The achilles tendon is a "soft spot" for gout and this is your most likely explanation.

    An X-ray to rule out a fracture is not a bad idea. Hairline fractures or cracks sometimes do not show up on an X-ray till about 10 days after the injury so keep this in mind. Have a blood check on uric acid levels as well. Sit with the foot elevated.

    Feet/Ankles sometimes are slow to respond to treatment after injury; they are the "weight bearing" parts of the body so swelling and pain may persist for some weeks.

    Make sure (have a doc exam the ankle) to rule out ligament injury on that side as well. This will lead to swelling that can continue for some time and, if not treated properly, may leave you with an "unstable" ankle, more prone to injury over time.

    Yes, FBN. Thanks for the response.

    The gout was the main culprit. It is slowly healing.

    I honestly think I'll have foot problems for some time. I'm going to ask a doctor in the US for me to get on Allopurin in 4 months, when I visit the US.

    By walking improperly, I have am stressing my Achilles tendon in my other foot. I am trying not to walk much, but when I do walk, I'm walking improperly, putting unnatural stress on my muscles, joints and ligaments on my knees of both legs and on my "good" foot.

    I'm getting so sick of this.

  16. OK, I have been hearing recent media messages that taking fish oil supplements is not effective in preventing heart disease. I think they mean any supplements, good ones or bad ones. Of course, alot of the commercial ones are not high quality, but that isn't the issue. The reports I am hearing say any fish oil supplements are a waste of money.

    I've been taking Fish Oil supplements for a couple of years to get more Omega 6 and 3.

    Can you cite this source?


  17. You ought to go get it checked; an x-ray is a good idea. If that rules out any fractures, then you know it's soft tissue damage of some kind. Call it a sprained ankle although it may or may not be that. In the US the treatment for that is a cast for about 6 weeks. With my weak ankles I've had my share of sprains both before and after they started casting them. The casting definitely helps them heal.

    People say you can't walk on a broken foot. Bull. My sister did, for several days, with only a minor limp. The longer you wait the more likely it is that you'll have permanent trouble with it whether it's a fracture or a sprain or something else.

    Thanks for the reply and info cathyy. I appreciate it.

    I will get an x-ray and go to the doctors is this continues for more than a couple of weeks.

    I hear you on the "permanent" angle. I will watch my improvement, or lack of, carefully this week.

    Also, it seems that when I sit for a long time, my right ankle and top of my foot swells up.

    I don't understand the swelling, from sitting.

  18. I don't understand the "Eat More To Lose Weight," part.

    Weight gain, maintenance, or loss is related to caloric surplus and caloric deficits.


    That is it.

    Frequency of meals will spead up metalbolism: eating about every 3.5 to 4 hours a days is a good idea. Eating about 5-6 small meals is a good idea.

  19. Recently went to the clinic in Hua Hin in regard to my blood pressure. Which had increased around 155/95. It normally was 135/90 and I have been on meds for 30 years to control it.

    The Dr. checked my cholesterol and said it was high 208 and put me on Lipitor. I had it checked several years ago and it was the same. Anyhow the Dr. was not concerned with my blood pressure, which bothered me a bit. I started taking the Lipitor 10mg and after a couple of weeks I felt tired easily and noticed my muscles ached going up stairs etc. Then my wife told me my memory was going to hel_l and I would get confused a lot more than normal. Generally felt crappy.

    Ran out of the pills and didn't get around to getting them for several days. During that time I was feeling better. So the wife googled Lipitor and found http://www.medications.com/se/lipitor after reading the comments regarding side effects and finding some of them were very close to what I experienced. I've given up on Lipitor and will work on my diet and exercise.


    It seems this doctor was in a hurry to prescribe you Lipitor. What he should have done with such a barely high cholesterol score of 208 was tell you to eat:

    Oats. Good 'ole Quaker Oats.

    For some people Oats works; for some it doesn't.

    Have your cholesterol checked again after a fast, two times, after making some dietary changes.

    Western doctors IMO, always jumpt to handing out prescriptions, for any condition, before trying an alternative. I am not even sure if it's legal for them to tell you about natural things these days. Try natural remedy first as a trial. If it doesn't work, we can go the prescription drug route.

  20. I had a very minor motorcycle misshap going about 5 MPH. I brushed against another motrocycle and my right foot foot caught on something and it twisted quickly. Maybe it hyper-extended it because my Achilles tendon was swollen and sore for a couple of days, as was my ankle.

    After a couple days, the pain and swelling disappeared.

    Then after a couple of days, it returned, and it's been a problem for more than 11 days.

    When I sit, my right foot seems to swell up. The right side of the ankle, and the top of the foot itself.

    When I get up in the morning (laying horizontal for 8 hours) there is none, or hardly any swelling.

    When the misshap happened I had minor gout, so mabe this caused more damage to my tendons, if it' about tendons.

    Anyone have any experience like this?


  21. I cannot figure out what the Patriot Act has to do with your current problems. And you have not provided near enough details to solicit intelligent or potentially helpful replies.

    OP: threeleg:

    Who told you this was the result of the Patriot Acts I and/or II.

    Whenever I'd had to open a new POB, I thought I've always had to show a street address, with a bill for electricity, or phone, etc. because of fraud.

    This sounds like a fraud protection measure.

    I believe you're trying to change from one P.O. Box to another P.O. Box, while beind outside of the country, and also not being able to physically open up the P.O. BOX.

    More specific Info would be helpful.

    Good luck. Keep us posted.

  22. Well, alot of people don't know this, but if you drop food on the floor for even a second it is compromised and you should toss it out. When you consider the filth on the streets in Pattaya, its almost too horrible to imagine. Now if this was the US and I saw a waiter do that, I would have said, oh no you deeedint, beeeyitchhhh ...

    I almost always wipe my chopsticks and spoon if they are brought to me and not on the table.

    This said, I think we in the West, sometimes, are too finicky about germs, etc.

    But clean hands and proper food preparation is important to me.

  23. Do you trust your thai girlfriend?

    If you are buying Land and property and investing untold millions in the name of a poor person that you have known for 5 minutes in a country where you cannot own land , then it's asking for problems.

    Don't blame the girls, blame the stupidity of the western men.

    Yup. I have no sympathy whatesover for these ignorant and arrogant fools.

  24. Hey well to cut a long story short I had undiagnosed TB for several years in Thailand and the result of all that has changed my life remarkably. This happened in Thailand and still has implications in Thailand due to my marriage situation there and my own personal connections with Thailand. I can't get out of the Thai connection. I have a half Thai child, I speak fluent Thai, I am British, I want to be in a situation where my son is able to connect both with Thai and Farang folks...

    Have any of you had life changing experiences in Thailand?

    It's been a gradual realization, that if I stay in South East Asia, I will end up being broke in the 60s. Therefore, I'll have to return to the U.S. to plan ahead in the future, so I can hopefully get old in Asia.

    It's a life change because, I have to make changes.

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