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Wrong Turn

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Posts posted by Wrong Turn

  1. Many social situations have drinking as a component, if not the main point.

    If you ahve succeeded in stopping drinking or stopping drinking too much, what strategies do you employ in these situations? Or do you just completely avoid such situations?

    A social situation can mean a couple of different situations.

    Meeting at a restaurant to eat dinner, while your mates sit around and drink several beers. When I'm not drinking sometimes (not always it can get boring) and I say I'm going home to relax, sleep, whatever.

    Meeting a person(s) at a bar. I stop in say "hi," chat, and leave whenever I decide it's the right time. Honestly, being in bars while not drinking is very boring.

    Which sadly to say, is it the booze that made the conversations and even friends interesting?

    Yes, it can be difficult sometimes.

    Finding more friends that are non-drinkers can help.

  2. Thanks Vinny....I had already checked that but although it gives all the info about how to do it, it doesnt say why...and now I know...because there are no benefits for me, as I dont intend living in the UK again.

    Cheers everyone

    I stand to be corrected, but if a foreigner (Farang) registers a Farang-Thai marriage their home embassy, it's recorded.

    So, if you ever leave LOS without your spouse, separate, or get a divorce, go through the legal process of getting a divorce in Thailand and register the divorce at your embassy.

    Otherwise, you could return to the UK and be unable to marry again, because you still, are legally/technically married.

    This is why one of my friends has not registered his marriage to his Thai wife at the Canadian embassy.

  3. I am 60. My (sole) exercise routine is about an hour on the treadmill (expending around 300-400 calories) about 4-5 times a week. It occurs to me that this exercise largely neglects my upper body. Is a punchbag a good, simple and cheap item to get this upper body exercise? If so, where does one buy one and what's the approximate cost?

    Yes, a punching bag is very good.

    Also, dumbbels can give you are complete upper body (and lower body work out). You can really work you legs with dubbells.

    Dumbbels are better than nautilis machines. Way better.

    You only have to buy dumbbells once, they are small and easy to store, and you can use them in your own home.

  4. Hi.

    Just joined the forum, although been living in Thailand on and off for several years.

    I'd just like to post a comment about the recent passing-away of the the eldest sister of King Bhumibol.

    The Princess was a much loved member of the Royal family, giving much of her time to attending to the needs of others, especially the poor and needed people in Thailand. She will be missed by the many people she assisted and befriended during her long life.

    Long live His Majesty King Bhumibol!

    Just a sidebar....my GF had to make a trip to the local police station and they sent her out because of her dress, seems it did not meet the prescribed mourning dress code. Also, they questioned why she looked so happy! :o

    I think only Thais should follow this practice of the mourning dress code.

    ***offensive comment removed**sbk

  5. Anyone tried the "gourmet" coffee in McD's? Absolutely awful so far. As for chains here, S&P's bluecup, Black Canyon and Cafe Nero I find much nicer than Starbucks.

    Nothing personal but I believe the opposite of everything you just said.

    Thai coffee chains should be considered some form of coffee genocide. I have never had a palatable cup in five years. Starbucks is better but it is for people who live with the illusion of price equals quality and or value.

    Thank you Ronald for bringing affordable real coffee to Thailand.

    I am from where Starbucks started. Stock was getting attention in 1992. This year, I think it's down about 50%.

    There was a very talented marketing guy that created the theme of the stores, that appealed to customers. But since expanding, and changing some things, Starbucks apparently has lost of its "atmosphere." According to customer surveys, as well as Mr. Shultz, the CEO.

    I always considered Starbucks coffee, to taste bad. I've never liked it. And yeah, in LOS I won't pay Starbuck prices for a corporate cup of coffee.

    McD has great coffee.

  6. Im in Pattaya and was wondering if anyone knew where you can get Phentermine, or a doctor that will give a prescription???

    Phentermine is an obesity drug.

    Some NFL football players (Romanowski) took it before games, and claimed they were "wired" for a day or two and could not sleep.

    There are side effects apparently, as I assume you're aware of.

  7. Wrong Turn:

    I won't push any brands, but there are a couple of top-selling brands that you can find on exercise forums.
    can you give me a few brands? I am interested in ones you think would work! Thanks!

    One of the top selling Fat Burners is called "Hot-Rox."

    Link: http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/biot/hot.html

    There are other brands.

    Also, research the concept called STACKING.

    Staking is usually mixing 3 different elements together.

    If you're goint to Stack, or simply use on Fat Burner, like Hot-Rox, make sure you're working out. Otherwise, what's the point?

  8. My Best life long friend in the UK has just lost his girlfriend age 23, she died in her sleep leaving 2 children behind. She was on a cocktail of drugs for bladder and kidney issues and mild depression. He was completely against the drugs she was taking but was made out to be stupid, and putting his G/F at risk if she didn't. 2 Years after been put on this list below. She died in her sleep while on a holiday vacation. Almost emmidietly after her death, they remove her heart which they shipped to London, and her body was flown back to Ireland where her family are from. They have found no results as to why she died.

    Very sorry to hear about your loss.

    I have had 2 cousins die in similar circumcances, one of them died in Bangkok.

    And, Organ donor circumstances have odd circumstances, although here it doesn't seem like the case.

    If I may ask:

    The drugs she was taking were prescription, obviously. Therefore, maybe her body just gave out.

    Honestly, we need more info.

  9. I am always amazed about the amount of plastic bags I end up with after shopping at Lotus or any other mall.

    They make great garbage bags but the amount I recieve outperforms the amount I use.

    It takes 10.000 barrels of oil to make 100 Million plastic bags, go figure.

    Can this be done in Thailand, see Youtube clip.

    Make a change YOURSELF.

    Tell the cashiers to bag more items in one, or less bags.

    That's what I do.

    But this thread is positive: you can inform other to do the same.

    Including refusing a bag, when you buy a small bottle of GatorAid.

    It's waste.

  10. Does anyone know any weight loss drugs that actually work? And where to get them in Thailand??

    Have you researched "Fat Burners?"

    If you are serious, and have a proper and balanced diet, and exercise, a Fat Burner can work.

    But note, the emphasis is eliminating "fat." But IMHO, excess fat (and not LBM, Lean Body Mass (musle) is usually why people want to lose weight.

    I won't push any brands, but there are a couple of top-selling brands that you can find on exercise forums.

  11. I've never seen a prescription in Thailand.

    You should have told them to piss off, they were probably Tesco security guards.

    Yeah, this sounds very odd.

    One time, I was walking in Bangkok near Khao San, and two uniformed cops stopped me, and check my pockets and wallet.

    One issue of concern. I carry Vitamin B-complex pills in my pocket when I go out drinking and occasionally carry a fish oil tablet to have with a meal.

    If cops, real or fake, uniformed or ununiformed found these, they'd assume they were drugs and haul me off to the station or ask for Baht on the spot.

    These "cops" that stopped the OP, don't make sense. Bangkok became a joke a few years ago, however.

  12. Hi ,

    Anyone who can give me some advice not a lecture on using steroids for the first time?

    Just moved to Thailand , and am in the need of a boost in energy to kick start my training. Was getting somewhere with my training a year ago now , however after an injury and relocating to Thailand the training went out of the window and now I have hardly any energy or motivation to get back into the Gym.

    Can anyone tell me a good place to buy beginners steroids in Pattaya. Not that I want to get huge , but just something that I can take to boost my training session and at the same time burn off fat… ?? :o

    You should only consider doing steroids (IMO) if:

    1) You have been training for at least 3-5 years.

    2) You completely educate yourself on different types of steroids, dosage, length of cycles, and PCT (Post cycle therapy).

    If you do not fully educate yourself can cause permanent damage, especially to your liver. It can kill you. Not now, but later.

    Get a liver enzyme test before, during, and after your cycle.

    You note "burn off fat." This is dietary.

    Study this issue for 1 year before you consider it, in my opinion. And this is if you've been seriously training full-time for at least 3+ years.

    Just my opinion. But you did ask. Good luck.

  13. My Old Man swears by Cherries in any form

    Along with cranberries thats another one I have often heard.

    The time I had a chronic attack in 2004 was just after I had drank a lot of cranberry juice and the week before I had done the same but only got a twinge.

    Maybe the cranberry releases the uric acid and too much all at once produces too much. This would be similar to allapurinol as you do not start that stuff during an attack as it can make it worse.

    The idea might be to have a little cranberry or cherry ach day to release the uric acid gradually and not allow a build up??

    I am on hypertension medication too and one of the most common adverse effects of my ype is increased gout attacks too.

    There are numerous independent and valid studies that reveal Cranberries and Cranberry Juice alleviate and reduce your chances of gout.

    Bromelain in pineapples also has proven to help against inflammation.

    Check out some of the medical web sites or books on gout treatment and gout prevention.

    Yeah but how do cranberries do it?


    I've read a lot about the cranberries on medical websites and in books about these studies.

    I can't recall the exact reasons why. But it has been proven. Cranberries is actually considered to be the best, or one of the best methods. Of course, if Allopurinol is working and your liver is handling it, I certainly wouldn't change.

    After having so many terrible attacks, I really started researching info. As much information as I could. As I've said before, I've seen doctors in Thailand, Vietnam and in the U.S. about this.

    I call gout the "demon."

    It used to strike when I least expected it. It can interfere with a lot of things, worst of all, sleep.

    For now, the "demon" has gone away. It's been a few months now since I had an attack, and it was an attack in my knee. So bad, I couldn't move my knee, and I was unable to walk down stair properly for months. It really scared me. Gout can cause permanent damage in certain instances.

    And the "demon," will probably be back. What I have to do is keep fighting it, to ward if off, and alleviate when it strikes next.

  14. My Old Man swears by Cherries in any form

    Along with cranberries thats another one I have often heard.

    The time I had a chronic attack in 2004 was just after I had drank a lot of cranberry juice and the week before I had done the same but only got a twinge.

    Maybe the cranberry releases the uric acid and too much all at once produces too much. This would be similar to allapurinol as you do not start that stuff during an attack as it can make it worse.

    The idea might be to have a little cranberry or cherry ach day to release the uric acid gradually and not allow a build up??

    I am on hypertension medication too and one of the most common adverse effects of my ype is increased gout attacks too.

    There are numerous independent and valid studies that reveal Cranberries and Cranberry Juice alleviate and reduce your chances of gout.

    Bromelain in pineapples also has proven to help against inflammation.

    Check out some of the medical web sites or books on gout treatment and gout prevention.

  15. It's good to hear of all of your ideas and what has worked for you.

    I've had several attacks. Most of them severe.

    I've done a lot of research, as most of you have.

    Maybe this is why my gout attacks have not occurred for 4+ months.

    I drink minimum 3+ Liters of water per day

    Take Fish Oil 3-4xs per days with meals.

    It's hard to say.

    I think the water thing is a good one - it flushes you out plus the times I get twinges are when I am dehydrated ie a few days on the beer (although the beer itself is bad too)

    Just before christmas I was baking more than usual and amazing the girls in my office who think that an ang moh can not cook, esp a man. I was putting in walnuts and each morning after I got a twinge so it might just be certain types of nuts that also set me off.

    I seem to be fine with red meat, pate and red wine - in moderation of course

    My brief gout history:

    I am a chronic gout sufferer. I've had over 200 attacks. The first one was when I was 32, in Bangkok.

    I've seen 3 separate doctors in the U.S. and a couple in South East Asia. The info on the web is very comprehensive, and doctors basically say the same thing as the instructions for diet on the web.

    What triggers gout in some people, doesn't trigger it in others. And what alleviates gout in some folks, doesn't alleviate it in others.

    I think the best bet is to find out what works best for us, individually. Even taking notes can help.

    I agree with you, Prakanong, that water seems to have helped me. I drink about 4 liters per day. And when a gout attacks is lurking, and on it's way, I start drinking a lot of water. I think it has helped.

    And diet of course, also.

    Cheers, and good luck avoiding and fighting the gout.

    It's nasty.

  16. It's good to hear of all of your ideas and what has worked for you.

    I've had several attacks. Most of them severe.

    I've done a lot of research, as most of you have.

    Maybe this is why my gout attacks have not occurred for 4+ months.

    I drink minimum 3+ Liters of water per day

    Take Fish Oil 3-4xs per days with meals.

    It's hard to say.

  17. Firstly, happy new year to everyone here.

    I am wondering why you all spend so much time at ThaiVisa.

    Lots of great info here. I learn all the time, and also enjoy the comradarie.

    But why are YOU here?

    Erm....that's philosophical and complicated.

  18. Anyone know what the deal was with the older farang last night about 2am in mcdonalds sukhumvit soi 19. Arrived for my get me home big mac to be confronted with some older farang chasing the security guard round the inside of mcdonalds with a wooden pole he produced from from his trouser leg. Followed by starting to throw the chairs round the place and screaming he is going to wreck the place. Entertaining.

    However looked like it might get a bit nasty as a group of Thai guys appeared moments later outside with what looked like sharpened screwdrivers and other weapons...

    Late at night, strange behaviour. Bad results are possible.

    So, dekka007:

    After you got your Big Mac, you left?

    I would have crossed the street, or went down 1/2 a block to what transpired.

  19. I think many people must have heard discussions, often amongst such women themselves, about how hard it is to maintain, or even find a relationship with someone, due to the pressures of their work.

    They are very busy, have great prospects, which they wish to keep, and yet their job and the job of their partner/prospective long term partner, keep them apart.

    Why don't they just marry me? I really have a lot of time and am in no mad hurry to spend life on the rat race.

    fanciman may be joking (and maybe he's not), but this thread has potential, from the West.

    It seems a lot of nice younger and middle-aged women are heavily focusing on career, and putting relationship, marriage, and kids on the backburner.

    It also seems in my experience that a lot of spouses in many US cities are commuting and working so much that they don't even see each other that much.

    Yes, many places in the US have the rat-race mentality. But it's a mental state as well as a lifestyle. It's easy to get out of.

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