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Wrong Turn

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Posts posted by Wrong Turn

  1. Self-education is key, phuturatica.

    I've had over 100-200 attacks. I asked for help and info on this board and I got lots of helpful information.

    I've been gout free for 2 1/2 years (except for 1 attack that was my fault in diet and beer).

    I tried Alloprurinol for 1-2 months but stopped it and take a 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in the AM and PM, and I drink about 4 liters of water throughout the day to eliminate the uric acid in my system.

    Everyone is different, as we know.

    I do avoid large amounts of purine-high foods at one sitting, or over the course of say, 2-3 days.

    For example, I would not eat a lot of seafood on Friday, legumes beer on Saturday, and Sunday eat more purine-rich foods.

    It's worked for me so far.

    • Like 1
  2. For all you that question the warning then knock yoursefl out, and head out to the crowded tourist areas and enjoy yourselves and ignore the warnings, when or if you wake up after an incident, you will be able to log onto thai visa where there will be plenty of SOM NOM NA's

    I am sure the victims of the Balis bombing wish they had a warning to at least have the choice to make an intelligent choice to heed it or not.

    The US Intelligence services will have good reason to issue this wanring I suggest you heed it wherever you are from.


    You raise a good point.

    Bali happened.

    It could be an international groups looking for a high profile soft target. Bangkok surely qualifies.

    We'll have to wait and see.

  3. Never heard of "noni" juice, garygreen. I'll try a google.

    As for my possible soft tissue infection, I am taking the Dalacin anti-biotics, and will do so for 10 days, but have stopped the colchicine and other meds.

    The swelling, redness and pain is gone.

    There is however, a hard bump on my bone on the outside of my arm just below my elbow. A hard bump. Feels like a bone. It's actually on or in the bone.

    No pain, and it's barely more warm that my other arm. Most of the time it's the same temperature.

    So I assume (knock on wood) that I am getting better.

  4. I have worn orthotics for 2 years and 2 months. (I started a thread here, I think.)

    I went to a podiatrist in the US who I liked and still like and trusted. I was going to get a mold done and pay $500 USD for orthotics, but instead tried a cheaper remedy.

    I ordered a pair of orthotics online after seeing an infomercial. (No joke.) $19.99.

    I ordered them on the internet and they arrived at my house a couple days later. I tried them and the pain went away immediately.

    I took this pair to my Podiatrist and he told me that since they are working for me to keep using them. I didn't not get the casting and custom made orthodontics with him (or any other doctor.)

    He offered to customize these orthotics for me, and strengthened them by adding "sandy" clumped material to the bottoms of them.

    I have worn them ever since.


    Orthotics are not natural walking for you.

    When you wear orthotics, there are ligaments and muscles that will weaken in your feet. My feet weakened so much I could not do a standing calf-raise - meaning, I could not push up with the front of my feet. I also got pain from going up and down stairs, and walking barefoot in house occasionally.

    IMO, you should stretch you arches and calves.

    I stretch my arches and calves, and do standing leg raises every day to keep my feet strong. The stretching and exercises also keep the pain away and only take 2 minutes (even less).

  5. go get a blood test for Uric Acid....[/img]

    Thansk for the response, "wnderinstar."

    My Dr. did check my blood for many things and one of them was uric acid.

    My Uric Acid level was "higher than normal" but not a lot - but it was high.

    This is why my Dr. gave me the Colchicine prescript, in addition with the other medication, as a precautionary measure.

  6. Dalacin is the antibiotic (Clindamycin) which is fine to use in Penicillin allergy. (Google it..)

    Thank you so much for this info. I am googling Dalacin, now. Specifically I it is Dalacin C 300 mg.

    I was confused and thought Dalacin was an anti-inflamm because my doctor prescribed the anti-biotic "Augmentin" which had "amoxycillon" on the box - which I'm allergic to. I returned the Augmentin (amoxycillin) this morning for a refund, but could not see this doctor again because I'd have to wait and I had to go to work.

    I will take:

    1. The anti-biotic Dalacin(which is ok with my penicillin allergy as you say?!

    2. Colchicine

    3. Indomethacine

    As my doctor prescribed.

    So....my Dr. prescribed me 2 anti-biotics: Augmentin (amoxycilin) and Dalacin.

    I hope by just taking the Dalacin as prescribed that I can overcome this.

  7. Thanks for the reply and info, Hooters.

    It is, COLCHICINE. I am very familiar with it. I took one today.

    The anti-inflamm is: DALACIN. A 300 MG tablet.

    However....Tonight, since I got home with the wrong anti-biotic b/c I'm allergice to pennicillin/Amoxycillin I have only taken:

    1. 1 Colchicine

    2. 1 Indomathacin/Indocine to start.

    Yes, it could be gout. Me and the Doc are both crap-shooting/guessing, but my entire inner arm from the elbow to near my wrist on the inner part of my for-arm is read, and painful. This does not sound like gout.

    I will get a replacement anti-biotic tomorrow, because I was given pennicillin/amoxy, because I forgot to say I was allergic.

    Are anti-biotics necessary?

  8. Update

    I went to a hospital today in South East Asia, with a good reputation.

    I took blood test for many things: glucose normal, blood pressure normal 120/80, Uric Acid was "little to somewhat" high, and my white blood cell count was high. The Dr. thinks that it might be because I am fighting an infection.

    My Dr. thinks that I might have a soft tissue bacterial infection in my arm.

    I am now taking anti-biotics, an anti-inflammatory, colchine, and and one other thing.

    If no, or little improvement in 7 days, I am to return to this doctor.

    The rash & inflammation is spreading slowly. It's getting close to my wrist, and has gone just above my elbow.

    I am elevating my arm - it *seems* to be working.

    The pains is severe because the swelling and redness has reached my elbow (a joint).

    Any further comments and opinions by anyone?

    I am worried.

  9. Do you have Psoriasis skin problems .?

    No, not that I know of, BUT....I have had skins damage on my face that makes it red in Winter weather and exposure to sun rays - I wear sunblock.

    Thaks FRB and the other poster.

    the swelling, and the bulge is inside, but the redness is on the outside (on the skin).

    Thanks, and any more info possible?

  10. Thanks for anyone that can possible give info or help:


    Last night, I went to bed at mid-night, and got up at 6:30 AM for work. Nothing different or unusual - except I had a sore bump on my right outside part of my arm, but not in my elbow joint.

    The pain an swelling is below the elbow joint itself. Close to the joint but not in it. I thought gout happen inside joints.

    All day it has slow grown and it's pulsing with pain. (I have had gout in my right elbow twice before, but it was right on/in the joint itself.

    I did *not* injure mys arm in any way. The swollen area is read, and very hot/warm.

    Could this be gout?

  11. I'm still taking my baking soda twice per day. It's still working.

    Worth a try to people with gout issues.

    An alternative to the baking soda (which has sodium) is squeezing a lemon or lime into a glass/bottle of water for drinking. It also alkalizes your system.

  12. So opposite of what was thought. Such actions should leave no doubt about the current affairs of this market.

    please give me a break Flying. Dyler Turd is not an inchstick to measure any current affairs. the website is nothing but a piece of rainbow press focussing on finance and economy and in this area a (slightly less ridiculous) pendant of the National Enquirer.


    Zerhohedge and "Tyler Durden" has lost all credibility with me.

    I sent out a FWD email to friends who follows these economic trends. My bad. And Tyler's too.

    I will take Zerohedge for what it is from now on. (You are correct.)

  13. Because some people are seeking their Utopia and become greatly disappointed when they discover it doesn’t exist.

    And many have never heard of the song; Pack Up Your Troubles In Your Old Kit Bag and Smile, Smile, Smile. Whatever gripes and miseries these people had at home, they intend to import over with them, and then continue on their long and sufferings over here.

    They are not happy unless they are miserable.

    People come with too high of expectations, yes, and many people bring their own baggage with them - we all do - both the good and bad baggage. Sadly, some people carry a lot of negative baggage with them.

  14. Sheryl, reading about the GI and white rice. That is something I had forgotten about. I definitely feel hungry not too long after eating white rice. Now thanks to that reply of yours above about GI I now remember why.

    Thanks for the reminder :)

    Time for a change from white rice.

    I like the taste of white rice. Love it. But I gave it up.

    White rice is....<deleted>. Absolute <deleted>. Not one good thing about modern rice, unfortunately.

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