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Posts posted by Alphy

  1. Is there an issue with The Officials who have created this problem whereby they have no motivation nor desire to introduce more first language speakers into their Thai Schooling System. Speaking to Expat Teachers recently I get the feeling that The Thai Government is increasingly making it more difficult for Expats to Teach in Thailand so if true it's certainly a step backwards with Language Skills. It's a no brainer as the fundimentals need to be put in place instead of obstacles and replicate their fellow ASEAN Colleagues.

  2. If any non-Thai person intends to drive anywhere in Thailand or Asia as a whole and expecting the same driving skills as your homeland then do not take to the roads. If you do choose to drive and believing a Machete is a likely form of protection then you are unintelligent. Always expect the worse as their rules are there are no rules.The stats indicate that there are allegedly 68 deaths PER DAY on Thai roads so therein lies a story! Drive carefully take your Meds and don't miss your Yoga Classes! Peace and Love!!

    • Thanks 1
  3. Unfortunately these incidents generate unnecessary attention towards those of us who wish to live a quiet and low key life style. I am sure the Thai's find these occurences which involve Expats and I am being polite because they are cowardly thugs who believe they are beyond the "Law" I am convinced they will be apprehended and hope the Authorities throw the book at them, jail them and deport them. Yes I do know equally there are hideous crimes committed by the Locals before anyone decides to jump on the bandwagon and chastise me! These incidents create more opportunity for Thailand to make it more difficult for all of us to remain in their Kingdom.

  4. Driving on roads in Thailand is Lawless! 3rd party Safety, Thinking outside the Box!, Personal Safety, Care, Consideration, Speed Limits is not on the agenda hence a recipe for death and destruction. The Stats don't lie! Allegedly last year there were 24,237 deaths on Thai Roads which is approximately 66 passings a day!! One man's pathectic anger resulted in the distress for a family forever. RIP baby!

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