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Posts posted by Alphy

  1. Overreacting is fundamentally unintelligent and unnecessary.There are lots of things that are completely different to our homeland which we may not agree with but if you do not agree with them then you need to re-think your strategy and look at alternative locations. You do not have to bring unnecessary attention to yourselves? Engage in a sensible thought process if you're capable? Some of us are simply looking to live a peaceful existence without being tarnished with this ignorance and stupidity. Amen!

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  2. The Tangerine Reptile is a loose cannon and that's a well known fact. As an ex-Vet serving Queen and Country for 23 years yes of course he was offensive. In his Defence he is unhinged and unqualified to represent an honourable and dignified country like the USA. The blame is solely on the British Government for endorsing  this invitation and Theresa May is trying to pamper this oversized child for no apparent reason especially as he has now declared us as "Foes" or was it "hoes" which he knows lots about!!

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  3. At least Thailand has a reputation? Be it good or bad? But what is Gambia on the World Stage famous for?

    The Gambia is Africa's smallest nonisland country. ... The country is known for the beaches along its small Atlantic coastline and for being home to Jufureh (Juffure), the reputed ancestral village of Kunta Kinte, the main character in Alex Haley's well-known novel Roots.Feb 7, 2018.

    Poverty is widespread, pervasive and predominantly rural. ... Underlying the high poverty rates is the country's relatively lack of economic diversity, which makes The Gambia highly vulnerable to increasingly erratic rainfall, food price volatility and financial crises.

    As someone has previously stated people in glass houses..........

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