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Posts posted by Alphy

  1. Tony Fernandez AirAsia and taking care of its Customers is baloney. Take it from a Black Brit who looks very Asian however why was the owner of a British Passport? Air Asia needs to re-train their Personnel with providing a non-discriminate service. A passenger is one that pays to get from A to B and does not stand in front of your Counter for you to make judgement of their Colour Race Nationality or Religion. We are all equal as paying customers and Air Asia needs to apply these fundimental regulations. Personally I endured a similar situation but decided to bite my bottom lip because I am not a resident of this country.  Personally I would rather walk then ever use this Airline as they do have issues. I did report my racially profiled situation but never received any acknowledgement of my grieviance, not surprisng!

  2. Mmmm what a bright young tool???  What are they feeding him?? Normal fruitcakes take Train Numbers and go "Spotting This has a damaging effect on those of us who try and keep a low profile without  pissing them off with ignorance and a utter lack of intellect! Will there be an end to extreme stupidity!! Nate please take the next Greyhund Bus out of here as you are embarassing your Family your Friends and your Country!

  3. An Evil Thug who will hopefully spend some time in a Rat infested Cell! He has thrived on selling illegal substances and possibly ruined many lives so lets hope Justice takes it's course and he is dealt with by The Criminal Justice System found Guilty and putaway so he does not cause anymore misery. Does concern me when he is described as a "Baron" as this word is related to Nobility and there is nothing noble about a Rat who threatens his ex-wife and wanting to burn her house down?

  4. Really!!! And this concerns you? So who potty trained you? Who took you to the toilet when your Mama was dragging you around doing her shopping?? In this day and age you're trying to lead us to believe that this is a no go area??? Please take a chill pill and relax. When the cleaning lady says can I help you get your willy out then come back and open a realistic debate! LOL!!

  5. Another storm in a tea cup and they should perhaps channel their intelligence and energies into a better Education System that will bring themselves in line with their fellow Asean Coutries. This may help eliminate, if that's their desire, to eradicate the "Bom Bom" industry. "Supply and Demand" so the obese expat can get a young delightful beauty to satisfy his extreme passions which he is NEVER likely to fulfill in his own Country. Win win he for sure! He is defo happy and she fills her boots with Baht so" Happy Ending"

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