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Everything posted by captpkapoor

  1. Stop spreading disinformation. Make a simple check before you spout off. "As of June 2024, Thai citizens can visit India with a visa-free e-Tourist visa, meaning they can apply online for a free visa to stay in India for up to 30 days with double entry, promoting tourism between the two countries; this exemption applies to holders of ordinary Thai passports." Stop spreading disinformation. As for your other equally false statement "something no other country on this planet allows", again, I direct you to simple check on Google. There are 57 countries visa free for Indians.
  2. This is 100% true. Stupid bend-over-backwards liberal policies are going to bite the UK, France, Germany, Sweden big time. Look at what Lebanon was once upon a time. Look at what Afghanistan was, in the 70's; or Iran, in the 70's too. You'll see your future.
  3. IMHO, probably THE most dangerous species inhabiting this planet: Pakistanis. The epicentre of terrorism. Shambolic economy, unemployed youth easy targets to become jihadis.
  4. How come no one has mentioned the nationality of the person who did this?
  5. If Thailand wants elite tourists, they have to stop with the "singlet wearing, beer belly, flip flop on a scooter living in a miserable 32 sq m studio in Pattaya" Westerner who keeps dishing out racist rants on here about all the other tourists who come and spend real money at good hotels.
  6. One sentence in the article below riled me:- "These figures reveal a stark shift: only 10% of the arrivals are EU nationals, while the majority come from countries like India, Nigeria, Pakistan, China, and Zimbabwe. Contrary to optimistic assumptions, most of these migrants are unlikely to contribute more in taxes than they take in public services, exacerbating pressures on housing, healthcare, and other resources. " The clubbing of educated Indians with the other sorry bunch of losers is completely unjustified. In most Western countries wherever they are present, Indians are among the most highly educated, and usually in the highest earning immigrant group.
  7. I have seen personally the behaviour of Westerners when on holiday in Europe on board planes, so please spare us your condescending remarks of "South Asian" men and alcohol.
  8. Personally, I find a lot of white people a) don't brush their teeth properly, or don't look after their teeth, especially the older people (men, mostly - women seem to be better) and b) either are not changing their T-shirts often enough, granted that Thailand is more humid and warm than they are used to back home, but they should really try more.
  9. Typical nonsensical India bashing or in fact bashing of all non-white tourists. The statistics show Indians as third highest spenders, not just in Thailand but also in Europe. The Thai and other governments who are relaxing their visa policies have obviously done their homework. There is no such thing as the typical Indian, because the country is so vast and diverse, so there are all levels of Indians who come here. Can't lump them all together as one type.
  10. Big, big problems all across the world, thanks to these horrible people. Their aim is to conquer the world and turn it into the same cesspool that they left behind to seek refuge in other countries.
  11. The Western world is going to reap the "benefits" of having allowed all these refugees in. India is on the receiving end too. I fear for our grandchildren.
  12. Haha! That's rich! Sadiq Khan is worried about HIS safety?
  13. Of all the Arab countries, Kuwaitis are the most arrogant. High income levels make them think they're immune. I've seen them spitting at foreign workers from Phillipines, Bangladesh etc, in Kuwait. Unfortunately the govt is allowing more and more of this type. Parts of Bangkok now look like a mini Arab street.
  14. Meet a lot of Ukrainians and Russians, all trying to stay away from the war
  15. Zurich is safe? Number of pickpockets and thieves in Zurich, Spain, France, Italy, especially in summer time, and police of no help at all! Just a selective list.
  16. Al Jazeera is owned by Qatar. Need we say more? Headquarters to Hamas chiefs living in luxury there. They pay journalists from Western countries huge salaries and then they present all the news with a pronounced anti Jewish, anti Hindu, pro China, anti Western, pro Islamic jihad slant. It's free to air in quite a few hotels here. It's like watching the state sponsored Russian or Chinese channels.
  17. I do, and have added my wife as a "proxy" to operate all of my accounts, and she has done so vice versa. Very simple.
  18. The fast track for business class is all the way to the right now, just follow the signs. Go through immigration and security as usual. Once you're in the duty free area, walk all the way back till the Cartier shop. Turn left, and go up and right back towards the Re-Entry permit counter. I do this regularly, most recent was last month.
  19. AFAIK, IndiaMart is a wholesale site, meant for traders. They don't sell small quantities. You're better off asking an Indian friend to bring you medicines from there.
  20. Yeah! I agree. All these singlet wearing, scooter riding, Brits (mostly) in flip flops!
  21. India has the world's highest number of English speakers (and one of the prominent dailies, The Times of India, is the highest circulated English newspaper in the world) - both probably because of the sheer size of the population. Anyway, in my travels across India, and interactions with the sizeable "urban educated middle class Indian", as one of them described himself, one regular refrain stood out: That a lot of people who say English is their native language - Brits, Americans, Aussies etc - do NOT really speak it correctly; and even among those who speak correctly, a large number cannot WRITE English correctly, i.e. they make a lot of grammatical and spelling mistakes. Syntax is poor. One manager I met said he was appalled that his (Western) superior couldn't draft out a simple one page letter correctly, and he had to be frequently called to re-write the whole thing. I'm not getting into the British vs American English debate, just pointing out something interesting.
  22. Dr Jack: please see page 4 of this thread, Sophon has posted on 17 Feb, quoting the rules, which say 3 months prior. Am a bit confused now as to what advice to give to my friend.
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