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Posts posted by LammyTS1

  1. The harsh reality of trump actually becoming president, which yes is happening shortly, is deeply horrifying to a large segment of the American people. You can keep trying to sell that this was a normal election and that trump is a normal man to be president. But it wasn't and he isn't.
    The resistance evidenced in these inauguration protests with questionable tactics will continue as long as trump is in office. Suggest getting used to that reality. 

    If these people wish not to entertain democracy then maybe should move to North Korea?

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  2. *OP edited out*    Please don't copy the OP, it should have already been read and responses would be to it.*

    Protest groups have stated:-

    "Want to shut down."
    "Want to see a seething rebellion."
    "Disruptive demonstrations."
    "Not in favour of a peaceful transition."
    "We need to stop it."
    "Promises other surprises."
    "Concerned with the potential for violent clashes."

    How can protest groups threatening non peaceful demonstration be allowed to attend and protest?

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  3. Currently Oceanic gets no automatic place in the finals. Instead they must play off with S.America No5 although I think for Russia they will play off with the winners of the Asia 5/6th play off.

    Because of the difficulty of qualification, Australia moved from Oceanic to the Asian qualifiers. How they managed to do this I don't know.

    Hopefully they will now get 1 spot when it changes to 48.

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  4. I think most reasonable concerns about immigration are down to security. Brits are generally tolerant and apprecitive of the work of immigrants in public services and construction. The recent murder of innocents in Berlin highlightrd the failure of co-ordinated pan-European security measures. Since 2005 the UK has remained relatively unscathed and people would like to keep it that way. If that doesn't sit well with people outside the UK then so be it. We are a bloody minded and resolute nation and those qualities served Europe well in 2 major conflicts in the 20th century, lest anyone forgets.

    Well spoken.

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  5. Indeed, poor wording on my part. My point being that Infantino is only repeating the Blatter scheme of throwing bones to as many as possible, so that their votes can be relied on down the line when necessary.
    Do you really think that Infantino gives a shit about the extra countries that would be included ? Ridiculous.

    No problem.

    Personally I would like to see 48 teams in the finals and more Asian, Oceanic, Central American & African teams in the finals.

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    I have already posted that in England religious and sex education is compulsory in state schools, yet parents have the right to withdraw their children from those classes if they wish.
    This is nothing new, and nothing to do with Islam. I think it was part of the 1944 Education Act; it was certainly the case during my entire school career, which ended in 1971, during which Jewish pupils, and others, were excused religious education classes.

    If it's compulsory then why can parents decide to withdraw their children from them? Can't be compulsory, must be optional.

    Either way it must be a nightmare for school authorities and not beneficial to the children.

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  7. Following the "logic" of many posters the World Cup ought to be open to every country on earth. Infantino and company are just following the tried and true MO of Blatter and his cronies. The more things change the more they remain the same.

    It is open to every country on earth, as long as they become a FIFA member.

    Around 30-40 countries are currently unable to compete.

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  8. Have a question in regards to latest ATM fee's in regards to Thai baht bank accounts.

    I have a Bangkok Bank visa debit card and have used various different ATM's of various different banks free of charge in the past 2 months. No ATM fee ever.

    Today I used a Krungthai ATM to withdraw cash. After receiving the cash & asking for receipt, it told me I was charged 10 baht.

    I then used a Siam Bank ATM. Same thing happened, 10 baht charge.

    At no time prior to the withdrawal, did it mention a charge, only after.

    I used a Siam Bank ATM on the 11th with no fee charged but today on the 13th it was 10 baht.

    Has something changed in the past 2 days in regards to using Bangkok Bank cards in other banks ATM's?

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    Perhaps you are completly wrong, do you really think people risk their lives crossing seas in overloaded boats because they have perfectly safe lives back home?
    no, you do not have humanity as you assume 99% of them are liars, you are shameful.
    Tunisians are regularly refused asylum, I have not heard of Moroccan asylum seekers, not sure how you missed the unrest in Egypt, there are plenty being persecuted there, but anyway, about half who arrive are coming straight from a war zone and the majority of the other half are fleeing slavery, your 1% nonsense is just a childlike dream.

    Do you really believe they are leaving behind families & children in war torn countries? You must start to listen to truth rather than liberal media lies.

    The people in Greece/Serbia are economic migrants who flee from no persecution. They are simply there to try and reach a country where most free hand outs can be found whilst also working illegally for unscrupulous employers.

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    Why on earth is that?!!  They have to achieve that right, not have it handed on a plate.
    Fine, with that attitude lets just make it a tournament for sub standard football.

    Remember when Cameroon entered the finals and reached the quarter finals?

    Remember when Kuwait qualified and France scored due to the Kuwait players hearing a whistle from the crowd & stopping?

    Remember Hungary beating El Salvador 10:0? One sided yes but the top seeds couldn't match Hungary's feat.

    Remember Scotland going 1:0 up in the opening game against Brazil, the world champions?

    Did any of these make the finals sub standard? No, just more enjoyable.

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    Who said they were in Europe?  Not me!  The suggestion was first that Saudi should take them all, and then that the US should take them all, nothing about where they happen to be at the moment, what would what continent they are in have to do with who should take them?
    The ISIS attacks are in attempt to create fear of genuine refugees and halt their embarrassment of having their people walk out on them, it is only the likes of you who are helping them.
    Calling people who are fleeing a war economic migrants is not only factually incorrect but also demonstrates a shameful lack of humanity, I don't suppose you would know much about that though!

    Genuine refugees? So perhaps 1% of the people currently in Greece & Serbia!

    Yes I have humanity and will show that to the genuine 1%.

    Fleeing war? Sorry I did not realise that Tunisia, Morocco & Egypt was at war?

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    If I had of said "most British people" you would have had a point, but as I didn't, and in fact did not generalise on British people as a whole, then you have no point at all, your desperation is leading to you writing utter nonsense, give it a rest.
    Nothing stopping a U.K. Student applying for the job, other than not being able to compete for whatever reason with the immigrants, now what reason could that be?  And you are of course wrongly assuming that the seasonal work is during the summer when most of it is in the Autumn, perhaps you have never even noticed what season fruit and veg are ready to be picked!
    Having been a UK employer I can assure you I was not given a minority quota, not that there are not unemployed minorities in the U.K.?  Right?  Lol, how daft can you get, and we have a minimum wage, they can pay that to an immigrant or a British citizen the same, but it is the immigrants who apply and the immigrants who get the job while the British unemployed do nothing to change their situation except moan about immigrants.

    You are profiling MOST British citizens, shameful that you tar most people with the same brush.

    When I picked fruit & veg as a student, I never saw 1 migrant working alongside
    me so why do we suddenly need them when we never before?

    Minimum wage? Ha ha. Tell that to all the Indian restaurants and all the other employers who are raided each year and fined for employing illegal immigrants!

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    I agree.  Whilst the champions league is the highest quality of football on offer the world cup is the global tournament and the quality needs not just maintaining but improving if possible.  48 countries is simply preposterous....but then again, so is FIFA.

    Ah yes the champions league. Must remember to watch 1 match this season.

    I've been watching the Thai national team in the qualifiers and for them to now have some sort of chance is only fair. It's pointless having qualifying tournaments when countries know from the beginning they have no chance of qualifying.

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    You fail to understand racial profiling, criticising a portion of a nation who are unemployable has nothing to do with race, obviously.
    The small number such as the 120,000 who work in the NHS?  Or the 80% of the total of seasonal jobs that they cover?  The truth is, it is not a small number who we need, it is almost all of them.
    So, please explain exactly how someone "takes" your job, either you are the best candidate or not, one can only assume that the immigrants are putting themselves out more, talk to any employer and they will confirm this.

    Your 1st paragraph:- so by the same reasoning you would state that most North Africans are economic migrants. Most Muslims are terrorists?

    2nd paragraph:- Mostly jobs that UK students can do and want to do but cannot due to immigrants.

    3rd paragraph:- Firstly employers have to fulfil their employment quotas of minority groups. Talk to any employer, they will confirm this. Secondly they want to hire immigrants on lower wages . Talk to any employer, they will......oh wait a minute, maybe not.

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    Clearly not many, 5 million odd refugees and just a few terrorist attacks so far.  But keep helping out ISIS if you want, the only reason they have sent those terrorists is to try to get us to take the attitude you are taking, myself I will not fall for that one and I will do nothing to help ISIS.

    5m odd refugees in Europe? Where did you get that figure from?

    In 2014 there were around 250,000 to 300,000 economic migrants(or refugees that you like to call them) that came into Europe.

    In 2015 this figure increased by 300% to about 1,000,000.

    Unsure when the 2016 figures will be released but may be quite frightening. You could be right, 5,000,000?

    Is it any wonder then why we are seeing the proliferation of ISIS attacks and the regular murder of hundreds of innocent people in Europe!

    Will do nothing to help ISIS? You already do dear boy by approving of the influx of terrorists(amongst the economic migrants) into Europe.

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    I didn't say that though did I?  I said British people lose out through not putting themselves out, which stands true whether it is doing a dirty job or having bothered to study for an applicable qualification.
    Thankfully no one is daft enough to bring a Brexit without immigration, May has already confirmed that UK employers will be able to recruit from the EU, face it, we would be stuffed without them!

    You are profiling all British citizens that way? They are lazy? If you like to racially profile people then please give me your opinions on others?

    Inconvenienced without immigrants yes. The small number that we require, do help the UK.

    Unfortunately due to mass uncontrolled migration, we are overrun with migrants taking jobs from UK citizens whether that be lawyers, accountants or lower income jobs that UK students now find hard to obtain meaning they are now heavily in debt just to receive an education.

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    Religions do not have opposites, what were you thinking there?  Neither do cultures, its not even that Syria was very different from Europe before the war, they were a liberal country, the people escaping want to live liberal lives.
    And yes, all countries should take in people in these times of need, regardless of religion and culture, people are people.
    I am not suggesting making them go anywhere, that would be you.
    If you knew the first thing about Syria you would know that their social values are more close to ours than to Saudis, they are escaping ISIS who have much more in common with Saudi values than their own.
    Anyway, your assumption that it would be disrespectful to expect people to socialise with people of differing religions and values is actually very disrespectful.

    So the Syrians are escaping ISIS. And how many ISIS are part of those fleeing Syria into Europe whose sole purpose is to murder innocent citizens?

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    Keep dreaming, the UK is not unique, immigration is not even high by EU standards, British people are loosing jobs to immigrants because they don't put themselves out and for no other reason.  If the only way you can get the job is by banning the competition then it is clear you weren't the best man for the job.

    Totally wrong and you know it. Wake up and smell the coffee.

    The old adage of immigrants do jobs that locals do not want is completely false. Please do not patronise immigrants this way, they also want jobs that are highly paid with professional vocations.

    Thankfully the UK has woken up and now we have Brexit.

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