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Posts posted by LammyTS1

  1. The majority did NOT vote for him. He only got about 27 percent of eligible voters. He has no mandate. He's playacting that he has a mandate that he does not have. We won't let him forget that. 

    We are not debating election results here. He clearly won 320 to 220, a huge margin if i am not mistaken but were not on this topic to discuss this.

    We are debating immigration policy which previous presidents have supported.

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  2.  Against Islamist extremists. Also against trump's tactics which play directly into the hands of Islamist extremists. trump is a huge GIFT to them and some other U.S. adversaries such as Russia. 

    I'm sure every American would prefer that, rather than allow Islamist extremists into their country? Yes?

    He is only fulfilling what he said he would do prior to the election.

    Why criticise him and American people who voted for him when he is doing exactly what American people want?

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  3. Sure, if you're looking forward to the USA degrading into a white supremacist,  authoritarian state, a "great American" start. 

    The whole world is now looking forward to the demise of the looney liberals.

    After decades of failed immigration policies, the forward & decent thinking people are now voting along with the liberal looneys and out voting them.

    UK and US both voted unanimously for new forward thinking leaders who place their OWN people first. What's wrong with that?

    France and Germany will certainly follow in 2017. Anyone disagree with that?

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  4. "The bans affects travelers with passports from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen."


    If you look at the Visa restrictions index 2016, you will see that all these countries fall into the bottom 8 places of that index, 97 - 104. 


    https://www.henleyglobal.com/files/download/HP/hvri/HP Visa Restrictions Index 160223.pdf


    As for the people asking why Saudi Arabia is not on Trumps list? It is because they are far higher up the index, at No69.


    The US is only following what most other countries worldwide are seeing as the countries with the biggest threats.

  5. 9 hours ago, Mickmouse1 said:

    Interesting comments.Some are indeed racist and reflect ignorance and others are contradictory. 

    The one accusing Sudanese of whatever and they can not fit...they will not change their culture to fit, let me ask you and many of us here, how many if you has abandoned "his" culture and adopted local culture?

    As a matter of fact you can find the brits, froggies, Ozies Yanks etc are concentrating and living together in 1 particular area and indeed not scattered and meltinh into the community .Stop being IGNORANT &  HYPOCRITE.?

    What area in Thailand is this?


    How many Brits/Froggies/Ozies/Yanks are married to Thai nationals? Then tell me how many Muslim immigrants are married to Swedish nationals?


    People from UK/France/Australia/USA do not need to give up their respective cultures to adopt Thai culture as all these cultures blend in with Thai culture without problem. 




  6. On 29 January 2017 at 0:57 AM, impulse said:



    On 29 January 2017 at 0:57 AM, impulse said:


    Sure, wear shorts if you want.  Just be aware that a significant portion of the Thai people will look down on you if you do.   Not all of them, but a significant portion of them.  


    To which a lot of expats (and locals) say, "so what?"


    But it has nothing to do with anything we, as fellow foreigners, think or believe about who is superior.


    Edit:  Like simon43, I haven't left my BKK apartment in 6 years without long pants.  Or a collared shirt- but that's my personal quirk.  Except at the beach and the apartment pool.

    My Thai boyfriend freaks out with me each time I decide to wear jeans or trousers at night.


    He tells me it's too hot & to change into shorts. 

  7. Nice to see the UN helping.


    3500 baht a month is not much but at least it will help pay maybe 50% of his cigarette consumption. 


    He has also withdrawn his children from the free school and saved money on the bus fares. The 70 baht saved will pay for another packet of cigs daily. 


    He has approached the news to circulate his plight here in Thailand , asking for help to feed his family and to help him send his children to school until they are resettled in the US. 

    You may be too timid to challenge authority but thankfully many are not. They are the ones who will protect our freedoms. Your lot will just acquiesce to any State abrogating power to itself. Mr. Adunbi is clearly a symbol for the former. Those who attempted to deny his rights must be charged, prosecuted and convicted.

    There are ways and means to challenge authority and this was clearly not the time or place to do this.

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    Can you also see fairies at the bottom of your garden? If so, then perhaps you might want to consider recalibrating your meds.
    Just two of the reasons why your concept of reverse racism does not exist:
    Prejudice and racism are not the same thing.
    White people are not oppressed
    When you feel the urge to express your white privilege in the future, you may wish to confront your own prejudice against minorities and non conformists first to avoid being shown as a fool, a bigot or someone who just doesn't have a clue.
    Your projection onto my beliefs is a facile attempt at baiting. You may assume that the current victory of Brexiteering Trumpism allows for public recidivism among racists, bigots and other toads but you are mistaken. Minorities will no longer accept being defined by such people and in many cases laws exist to criminalize such things.
    Successful baiting requires subtlety. You are way too obvious.

    Please do not fall into the looney liberal trap of name calling all that do not agree with you. You have asked me to recalibrate my meds? Confront my own prejudice? Shown to be a fool? A bigot? Doesn't have a clue? Oh yes and the word racists also mentioned. How can we forget that one.

    Sorry but we are here debating why someone did not follow procedure just like any normal law abiding citizens. Somehow it has changed into a black/white debate, why?

    Reverse racism does not exist?

    If this person had been white, would it be in the news?

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  10. No, that is incorrect.
    You campaign during elections.
    You protest all other times when you have a political message.
    Politics is not only about electing people.
    By your incorrect view, the Tea Party didn't accomplish anything politically with their protests and was meaningless.
    Think of the anti-trump / anti- Putin style strong man leader for the USA resistance as a new kind of Tea Party. 
    trump won the election yes but he LOST the popular vote. He is a minority president trying to ACT like he won a mandate and won in a landslide but the people are going to continue to call him out on that lie.

    He did win by a landslide.

    Wasn't it 320 to 220?

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