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Posts posted by LammyTS1

    Where is yours from?  I have told you where mine is from, they publish stats, look them up, I'm not going to hold your hand.

    62% ages 12-59 from any source you wish to google.

    I am not providing links, as even if I was to, the same inane comments would be forthwith from the liberal blind. "Not a credible source", "Right wing". In reality, the liberal left wing cannot fully expect to suppress the truth anymore.

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    That has got to be the lowest I have ever seen someone stoop.
    Of all refugees leaving Syria, 38% are under 11 years of age, 22% are over 60 and 23% are women, do you really expect women, children and the elderly to fight for their country?

    Your statistics are wrong. You state all refugees? Where are you getting these figures?

    62% of officially registered refugees are of ages between 12-59.

    This does not include refugees awaiting clearance and ones having problems with verification. This figure would then increase above 62%.

    Now if you were to include economic migrants in these figures....

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  3. I also lived in N. Iraq, but we are straying off topic.  
    Some groups are going to be more adept at resettlement and less troublesome, but it requires planning, preparation and direction on the part of the country.  
    One of the best ways to integrate people is to put them in school or put them to work.   Public schools exist in part to teach people to be good citizens.   Work gives people exposure to the dominant culture and how it functions in a day-to-day fashion.
    My point is that people cannot be allowed to stagnate in places that are similar to ghettos.  

    This is true, although integration is difficult if immigrant children are being sent to Muslim schools in Sweden.


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  4. My frustrated experience today at Central Festival Pattaya
    I have ''O non Imm'' and condo contract of 3 months:
    -Bangkok bank: you need Immigration document with proof of residence in P.
    -Kasikorn bank: you need immigration paper (??)
    -Krungthai: you need working visa
    They speak only few words of English, none full explanation.
    If I showed them my driving licence, probably same answers
    They do not want my money. Good luck

    Yes can understand how frustrating banks can be. Each branch of the same bank have different rules. Even the same branch can have different rules depending on which day & which staff you speak to!

    I've managed to open 2 bank accounts very easily with minimum of fuss & with just a tourist visa. I just get my Thai friend to do it for me for a nominal fee & saves me all the anger & frustration.

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  5. I will try once more.
    One year ago Jomtien answered:  no one year visa? no cert.of residence :saai:

    I have obtained 6 certs of residence from jomtiem immigration over the past 4 months. Each occasion I only had a tourist visa with under 1 month validity.

    I've opened 2 bank accounts, bought 2 bikes & obtained a Thai bike license & a Thai car license. All on tourist visas.

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  6. A massive influx of immigrants from the Middle East and other third world nations is fundamentally changing Swedish society. During 2015, Sweden brought in an additional 163,000 migrants and refugees, and that was the highest level in all of Europe per capita.


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    The fact is, there are a lot of immigrants living in poverty in Sweden and the stats show that the crimes are linked to economics not race or religion,


    Sweden has recently seen a serial killer who targeted Muslims, many local people believe they have another, it is in the link I posted to you if you understand the reference.


    Not sure what you are on about with the, not a school boy already left school thing, he was a 16 year old boy who was murdered for no apparent reason, you have tried to pretend that he was a gang member, that is the important thing, to nonsense that shameful lie.


    Are you not aware of the different gangs in Sweden?  The Bredang Warriors, the Brodraskapet, the HA, the Bandidos, they are hardly all immigrants mate, and the Swedish gangs are fighting each other as well as the Albanians, Gambians, Iraqis, Bosnians and Turks.  This is a Swedish problem and a problem throughout Europe, it is not an immigration problem, it is a capitalism problem, where there is inequality there are gangs and where there is money there are gang turf wars, the world over.  The hand grenades are from the Balkans, there are lots of Albanians and Bosnians in Sweden, the grenades are a problem, as is all the violence, not sure why you were trying to link everything to recent immigration and specifically to Muslims though, that is disingenuous, this is a gang problem and these people have been in Sweden for a long time.


    There are gangs the world over.

    However why is gang violence suddenly being a problem that Swedish police cannot control?

    Reports show that police have identified the grenade attacks coming solely from Somali gangs in Gothenburg. Maybe your right & Albanians & Bosnians also posses hand grenades in Sweden but this has not been identified by the police, only Somali gangs.

    The Iraqi guy was probably shot for a reason, whether by a white guy or an immigrant gang. If not then maybe he was shot because of mistaken identity. We do not know the reason yet.

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    The link you posted was not to any well known site, and there is no story of a school on that page.
    I think we are all aware of how the reports of a coverup affected public opinion, you may not be aware but allegations are not the same as facts and there has been no evidence presented of any attempt to cover anything up, just someone claiming it.  Just further evidence of what your lots "media" does not people, people need facts not distortions written by foreign media outlets with a political bias, obviously.
    And I have answered your questions, answer mine.  What made you think the police man in the OP was not referencing the Iraqi boys murder?  What made you think the boy was a gang member?  What made you think his killing was gang related?  What made you think the killers were Muslim?

    Please read my post #110. This is a link from a liberal newspaper, not any of your so called right wing websites. It describes the celebrated refugee school.

    You speak about facts? These are covered up by the police in Sweden if it involves ethnic minorities, immigrants, refugees.

    You already know this. Look at each migrant crime committed in Sweden & how the press fails to give a description of the perpetrators, indicating it could be native swedes when most people know better.

    The young Iraqi man who was not a schoolboy but had already left school?
    Look at any site you wish. People have been demonstrating on the streets for a curb on gang violence. Do you believe this to be white gangs or migrant gangs? Umm.
    Everybody accepts this problem comes from migrant gangs. Nowhere does it describe the shooting was done by a white nazi.

    Police want to concentrate on & enforce a law to jail anyone found in possession of hand grenades. These hand grenades are evident in Somali street gang wars in Gothenburg.

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    WOW, no, the one I posted is the real news, making clear that although the nut job in the article claims that swimming pool attacks are rife, the pool she protects has only had one attack, she has been the victim of the fake news, she has been turned into a bigot., I thought that would have been clear!

    Also as well as the widespread reports of rape and sexual assaults in swimming pools throughout Sweden, she also acknowledges problems in other countries:-

    News of a 10-year-old boy being raped by an Iraqi refugee at a leisure centre in Austria and sexual harassment at pools in several German towns have fuelled fears.

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    WOW, no, the one I posted is the real news, making clear that although the nut job in the article claims that swimming pool attacks are rife, the pool she protects has only had one attack, she has been the victim of the fake news, she has been turned into a bigot., I thought that would have been clear!

    I was talking about the link to the liberal expressen site about the school that won awards because of its large amount of refugees on its role but has now become a battle ground surrounded by barb wire?

    Please though, let's discuss your link to the independent. If you read the full story:-

    Public opinion has shifted following reports that police covered up widespread sexual assaults by teenage migrants at a Swedish music festival and alleged attacks by male asylum seekers at a public swimming pool in Stockholm.

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    Do you not actually know what a credible source means?  It is not some wackjobs blog full of blatant lies!
    Try this one:
    Managers at the leisure centre in the city of Kalmar, where the “Tafsvakten” group was started, say only one assault has been reported in recent months but founder Siri Bernhardsson claims women are becoming too afraid to visit.
    “The news is completely overflowing with articles about molestation and rapes at Sweden's bathhouses,” Ms Bernhardsson’s mission statement reads. “I've had enough! I want to give my support.” 
    Do you not see what your lots fake news is doing to people?  It is turning normal people into bigots.

    Fake news? From a well known independent liberal newspaper?

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  12. Swedish school that recieved prize for accepting the most refugees now a war zone surrounded by barbed wire.

    Oh but wait, this is a liberal independent newspaper.

    Maybe the left are suddenly seeing that they must report the truth before things escalate to an uncontrollable level?

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