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Posts posted by LammyTS1

  1. Maradona?  He still has a say?  In la la land maybe.   Good footballer of course, some time ago. But a total nutcase.
    Why not increase to all FIFA members. this way 100 countries spend a lot of time and lots of resources to play only one match, then fly home again.
    Or should it last for 100 days maybe, so they all can play an entire group?
    An idiot idea, which is based upon money under the table, in "good old" FIFA style.

    This just goes to prove how out of touch with modern football you are.

    100 countries? Try 211 competing nations for Russia 2018.

    Which country are you from? Zaire? Rhodesia?

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  2. I think that we can all agree that the EU wasn't prepared for the mass influx of migrants descending into the continent.

    Yes Merkel was partially responsible for this along with other liberal politicians holding positions within the EU.

    The first response to this was Brexit. Whether that was the correct decision remains to be seen.

    Le Pen and right of centre politicians have gained popular opinion in France.

    Merkel? Well let's just see what happens. What's your guess?

    If UK, France & Germany being the 3 major powerhouses of Europe all decide to leave the EU then that will disintegrate the union. UK struck first, France & Germany to follow.

    I also can understand Greece & other lowland nations wishing to remain and grab as much money from the EU as possible but with the massive barriers facing these countries with uncontrolled migration from Africa & Middle East sweeping across these countries, who is going to support them if the big 3 leave?

    After over 40 years of unity and integration within Europe and continual efforts by independent but strong nations to join the elite, it will be a shame that uncontrolled immigration policies imposed upon all European countries by a select few will result in the break up of the EU.

    My prediction to be that the EU will be disbanded, not because of disagreement between nations but because of popular opinion duly caused by immigration from North Africa & the Middle East.

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    But all of you opposing her view are denigrating her. Why not just oppose her VIEW all I have seen are the Trump supporters slagging her off. She made comment about Trump ridiculing a disabled reporter. Spin it as much as you like, it is TRUE, so much so that anyone on this forum linking to fake sites trying to persuade us it is not true will face suspension. Trump ridiculed a disabled reporter and Streep made comment on that as is her right. Why do you all slag her off?

    She made that speech at an awards ceremony for US actresses.

    If she has an opinion then there are other means to do that. Shameful and an embarrassment.

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  4. This election was very different.
    This incoming president is very different. 
    We're in unchartered waters now, and if you don't see that, that's your problem. 
    I get it. The trump-piss-ta apologist agenda is trying to NORMALIZE the ascension of an American man baby demagogue that is totally unqualified by experience and temperament to hold the most powerful office in the world.
    Dude -- most of the world gets it ... this situation is anything but normal. 

    It's called democracy, nothing else. Trump is no different from the countless precedents before him.

    The only difference today is that the media is involved more than ever before. The media will be actively involved more so as the years go forward.

    If you think this election winning president elect was wrong to be elected then you must realise that this is absolute nothing compared to what will happen in future years.

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  5. That would depend on the specific cases, now wouldn't it? 
    There will be passionate people on both sides.
    As many have observed, the U.S. is now divided in a way we haven't seen since the civil war. It's pretty predictable that there will some trum-piss-ta vs. resistance violence during the trump era. It's impossible to prevent all of that. 

    You have had democracy before now? Yes?

    The US has always been divided. As has all other nations with democracy. So long as a country has democracy there will always be division within a nation.

    Please don't tell anyone that this election is any different.

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    Was it the "not in favour of a peaceful transition to power" that confused you into thinking they plan not to peaceful?   Peaceful transition of power is just another way of saying the inauguration of the next president, it does not mean they intend to make it unpeaceful, just that they are not in favour of a Trump being made president.  And don't worry, it will be Trump supporters who breach the peace, as they do wherever they go following Trump.

    No, more like the:-

    "Other surprises"

    What other surprises? Shouldn't all protest groups detail their actions to the police before hand?

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  7. Maradona?  He still has a say?  In la la land maybe.   Good footballer of course, some time ago. But a total nutcase.
    Why not increase to all FIFA members. this way 100 countries spend a lot of time and lots of resources to play only one match, then fly home again.
    Or should it last for 100 days maybe, so they all can play an entire group?
    An idiot idea, which is based upon money under the table, in "good old" FIFA style.

    Or why don't they just have 16 teams all from Europe? Would that be better for you?

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    Everything except the last line sounds fine, right?  All well within their constitutional right.  And if course you have taken the last line out of context, which should read, "they said they were concerned with the potential for violent clashes with Trump supporters, 'we are definitely worried about our safety' "
    Funny how people don't want their constitutional rights as soon as they don't suit their political agenda.

    Non peaceful demonstrations should not be tolerated.

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    Well thats your opinion but your argument in favor isn't up to much.  And have you noticed you are very much in the minority?  I find the argument against the increase completely logical but apart from saying more countries should be allowed in i don't here anything else from you backing the case.

    OK. So you want statistics that will completely validate how an increase has been long overdue & show how your argument against an increase is totally illogical:-

    1950 Brazil - number of entrants 34, number of finalists 13. 38% of entrants qualified.

    1982 Spain - number of entrants 109, number of finalists 24. 22% of entrants qualified.

    2018 Russia - number of entrants 211, number of finalists 32. 15% of entrants qualified.

    As you can see, with each World Cup, more and more countries are entering. From 13 for Uruguay 1930 to 211 for Russia 2018. How can they continue letting more and more countries enter without increasing the final places?

    2018 will be the lowest % of qualifiers in World Cup history at only 15%. 1 in only 7 teams qualify, ridiculous.

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    Have you been living on a different Planet?

    So she stars in 1 big film "out of Africa".

    I suppose your now going to tell me about the Baseball World Series and how famous it is and how it's played worldwide as in its name "World Series"

    Oh hold on, it's US only, but it's the World Series!

    Just because someone is famous in one country, does not mean they must be world famous. How ignorant

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    It was a speech made at her acceptance of a Lifetime Achievement Award.  Take a moment and let that sink it.
    All done?  Good.  Now think about it this way:
    Imagine if you were such a terrible person that world-renowned actress Meryl Streep used a Lifetime Achievement Award speech to tell the world how awful you were.  Ouch.

    What awards out with the US has she won?

    What non American films has she starred?

    I'm not debating how famous she is in the USA, that's obvious as Trump has felt the need to respond to her.

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    No, they are protesting against Trump and his policies. 
    "the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

    Protest agenda:-

    "Want to shut down."
    "Want to see a seething rebellion."
    "Disruptive demonstrations."
    "Not in favour of a peaceful transition."
    "We need to stop it."
    "Promises other surprises."
    "Concerned with the potential for violent clashes."

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect
  13. Trump supporters are as bad as the man himself. Somebody criticises their hero and messiah and suddenly a world class, accomplished and recognised professional in her industry is suddenly a crap actress. Do you know what you all look like to 'normal people'?

    I've heard of her but not many others have outside of the USA.

    Just wondering how some actress can cause such a stir?

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  14. 23 hours ago, ezflip said:

    Pattaya tried zebra crossing for a while but it didn't work. They turned off the electricity to sign posts after 3 month. Too many pedestrian getting hit and to many farang cars getting rear ended by thai drivers since only the farang stopped their vehicles at zebra crossing, as the law state you should.


    Even normal intersections in BKK are perilous, nevermind the zebra crossings.


    I did wonder why there was different rules here in regards to zebra crossings than to the western world! 


    Same as the roundabouts! 

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