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Posts posted by PoorSucker

  1. 18 hours ago, Captain Monday said:

    No way to do this in 6 hours, time to change your air tickets

    When I arrived in Phuket sandbox seven weeks ago, I got my result in three hours.

    Swab at airport, taxi to Patong, shower and welcome drink, call from reception saying I was negative and free to go out.

    • Like 1
  2. 36 minutes ago, Velleman said:

    How did you guys book your SHA+ website? I understand it must be some kind of package, 1 night + testing on hotel premises + pickup from airport by hotel (taking a normal taxi is not allowed?).

    Did Phuket sandbox last month.

    Boked SHA+ hotel on Agoda for 600 baht per night.

    Booked tests here https://www.thailandpsas.com/

    They had authorized taxis at the airport.


    No package.

    • Like 2
  3. On 10/30/2021 at 6:54 AM, Longwood50 said:

    So is this saying that if a vaccinated person does become infected with Covid they are 63% less likely of transmitting it to someone else?   That might make sense given that vaccinated people are suppose to have only a milder case of Covid. 

    This article explains it.


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  4. 15 hours ago, MrJ2U said:

    Totally dead the last time I was next door at the JW marriott.


    The trouble is Mai Khao beach can be notoriously dangerous to swim at. 


    These hotels were built before the Tsunami changed the area and the underlying seabed.


    Nice hotels but I preferred to stay at other beaches that are safer.


    Another thing is theres not much to do around there.  Without a car your stuck at the resort.  


    I imagine the asking price will be astronomical.

    Mai Khao beach is in Phuket.

    This topic is about Koh Samui.

  5. 2 hours ago, bang saen guy said:

    If a passenger tests negative when he gets on the plane, why does he require a test when he gets off? Makes no sense

    In Sweden one company got caught not sending the samples to a laboratory for testing.

    They just pocketed the money and wrote certificates.

    Makes me think of my PCR test before I left, I just spit in a test tube and got my certificate 12h later.

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