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Posts posted by Sumarianson

  1. You cannot legislate against this virus! It has now been verified by both Russian and German governments that this is a weak virus and does not come near the flu in contagion or severity terms. So one begs the question, why the restrictions? What is going on? Why the subterfuge? I will not be using any premises that imposes restrictions like plexiglass, un-social distancing masks or checking temperatures. If everyone does the same this will dissapear like a bad dream.

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  2. Both the German and Russian governments have had leaked studies on COVID carried out and their conclusions were that COVID is far less dangerous and contagious than the flu and has a far better recovery rate than flu. So why do I have to look at my wife and kids through plexlass like a criminal? I have boycotted all places that use anti-social distancing and use plexiglass on tables. Restaurants should be allowed to choose whether to impose rules or not and let customers decide if they wish to use a restaurant or club that imposes rules or not. That would be the same as a non-smoker going into a club or bar where people smoke. They know it is a risk but they accept the risk or not. You could do that with all manner of businesses and let the intelligent, informed, non- fearing citizens make their own choices. Same with planes. I will not travel by an airline that imposes rediculous restrictions on their paying customers. Let them go bankrupt.

  3. It will not come as a surprise to the more astute of us that the government reaction to COVID was far reaching and absolutely devastating to the country's finances as well as the populations health and well being. Believing those "advisors" who were never heard of before make stark unrealistic predictions of doom and gloom to posture themselves in public as saviour's, while all the time secretly wishing and pushing the lockdown narrative and ignoring is obvious consequences. Now, the poor people of this country will have to pay heavily in additional taxes to pay for the mismanagement of this flu. They like to say COVID as if it is far more dangerous when in fact it is far less of a danger than the common flu. They are holding the current, unnecessary restrictions in order to validate to the public their immense failure to assess the virus and act accordingly and relied mainly on the advice of those you stood to gain from the announcement of a pandemic ( mostly foreign medical assessors)

    This government has spearheaded the biggest hoax since 2001. The consequences of which will be far reaching and more terrible than any virus! It is strange that they never gave basic advice to build the immune systems of the people and allow them to continue to work? Wonder why?

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  4. It is not as if the government have done this before. However, I would say you will have to apply and the voucher will be sent to you. I agree with the OP that the timing is way off. Noone in Thailand has money to spare after more than 3 months of COVID. 

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  5. 13 hours ago, totally thaied up said:

    If they are getting a few cases each plane load they are bringing returning Thai Nationals back in, I would hate to see if they opened up borders to the US, UK etc, etc as the virus certainly is not under control in many places yet. Cases will slip through the cracks for certain and we will be back at step one all over again. I agree, slowly you need to do it.

    Mr. Fear.

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  6. Xpat pensioners should take out a class action suit against the DWP to get the pension as residents. It should be made illegal as it is discrimination. Does anyone know if your pension was lower if you lived in a European Country prior to Brexit? 

  7. COVID 19 will definately be back but next time no closures as the current lockdown has cost too much both in monetary terms and the suffering, hardship and deaths as a result of closure. The deaths due to closure far outweigh the 56 mostly elderly, frail and sick people who supposedly died from COVID. I myself believe that COVID is an exasserbation to an already weak immune system and would never "on it's own" cause death. 

    The "weak virus" dies at extremely low temperatures so we don't want people recklessly going into saunas and on threadmills and gym bikes raising temperatures and killing it, do we? 

    Strange how Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos had no deaths? ( some of the poorest and least equipped countries in Asia) isn't that lucky?

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  8. On 5/12/2020 at 6:29 PM, Russell17au said:

    Where was the 2018 Spanish Flu? At least if you want to state something at least state the correct information. The Spanish Flu was 1918.

    Yes, he is free to leave on a repatriation flight at his own expense, he is not forced to stay here. It does not matter if they are at a premium fare, he is free to leave.

    Pedantic. You could see it was a Typo. 

  9. The standard masks do not prevent the spread of the virus nor offer protection from viruses it is stated clearly on the box. What they do do is get you to inhale the bacteria. Germs an carbon dioxide you are supposed to breathe out therefore changing the PH of your blood and subjecting you to illness. Making them compulsory could land a number of businesses with claims for compensation, especially from staff who are forced to wear useless masks all day every day just for show. An N95 hospital mask may offer some protection but those are extremely hard to breathe through and are not for long term use. They dhould only be used in a hospital setting by professionally trained medical staff. They can be life threatening to those with lung disease like COPD, Bronchitis or Asthma to name a few and therefore should not be worn by those affected under any circumstance. 

  10. The children are at home with their family, their family meet others and the children meet and play with other children. There is no way to stop the spread of this virus unless you want to live in a bubbl and never interact with anyone ever again. The only way to fight this virus is being healthy. Government giving good advice on what to eat and what supplements to take. We do not see this happening and it is the only logical thing to do." Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be your food" (Hippocrates). This so called virologist is an idiot.

  11. On 5/19/2020 at 3:34 AM, FritsSikkink said:

    Sure, a girl sitting on your lap ( who did the same with 10 others in the same night) would be less risky than having a meal with your family. Are you for real?

    You have been watching too much mainstream news. Need to curtail that as it is detrimetal for people and countries. If you are in fear, then protect yourself by wrapping yourself in celephane and hide in a cupboard. However, do not impose your totally illogical fear on the rest of the country as government " specialists" have been doing. Italy has downgraded their death count by more than 96% and tests of a PAW PAW have come back as posative in Tanzania. Durian is in quarentine. There is a cure announced by the President of Madagascar so do not worry about this flu.  

  12. The advice from medical professionals is that children up to the age of 17 should not spend more than 20 min. Looking at any screen (TV, Phone, Computer) without taking a break of 40 min. That is currently not being done. As my 12Yo plays on her computer daily during her spare time, this additional time on computer daily without sufficient breaks will have a detrimental effect on my child's health. I believe something should be done as schools will be open to law suits should children show adverse symptoms from too much screen time.

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