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Posts posted by Sumarianson

  1. I nor my younger daughter (11) have not seen my eldest daughter (23) who lives in the UK for two years. I and my younger daughter have advised her to postpone her trip in Easter until the danger is passed. It is both a sensible and advisable action to take as you are taking no chances with your family or loved ones being infected and not contributing to the spread of the virus. I believe that the selfish money orientated decision to cancell of compulsory

    quarantine of individuals from the dangerous countries will have a very detrimental negative effect on Thai people and will cost more monetarily and in lives.

  2. On 2/14/2020 at 8:58 AM, theoldgit said:

    Yes, this is one of many areas that are regularly considered by the policy sections, compulsory travel insurance being another.
    The instruction to Entry Clearance Officers is quite clear "You must not seek or accept a written guarantee or undertaking concerning length of stay. It is not currently possible to enforce guarantees by third parties that a visitor will comply with their conditions of stay, or to leave the UK at the end of a specific period".
    And whilst I have no doubt that the poster who commented on this is confident that his personal guarantee swung the application in his partners favour, I'm equally confident that it didn't.

    If it is a policy they were considering implimenting but thought it unworkable. Does anyone think that providing such a guarantee although uninfoceable may have some sway in the mind of the individual making a decision on an application? Just maybe?

  3. On 2/14/2020 at 8:58 AM, theoldgit said:

    Yes, this is one of many areas that are regularly considered by the policy sections, compulsory travel insurance being another.
    The instruction to Entry Clearance Officers is quite clear "You must not seek or accept a written guarantee or undertaking concerning length of stay. It is not currently possible to enforce guarantees by third parties that a visitor will comply with their conditions of stay, or to leave the UK at the end of a specific period".
    And whilst I have no doubt that the poster who commented on this is confident that his personal guarantee swung the application in his partners favour, I'm equally confident that it didn't.

    I did not say or believe that the guarantee I gave swung or did anything. I merely said that I provided it in the application and it was accepted and not handed back to me as an irrelavence to the application as they are prone to do with material unnecessary or irrelavant to the application. Therefore despite guidelines, the individuals, who read the applications have their own ctiterion and oft times they are the ones who swing the balance. If you look at the application as some computer reading the details you may not get the reqired result. As I said in my post, I saw a very deserving girl with all the right information, funds, property, reason to return etc. Being flately refused. You can only put that down to an individual who probably saw her beauty and thought she is unlikely to get out of the UK for the throng of admirers or more likely that she said she had family and friends there. I personally think it was the latter. If you go by immigration rules then there is no rule which prevents you from visiting family or friends in the UK however, as I said it is individuals that make the decision and there is little you can do if they refuse.

    There is nowhere in the application that says if you provide these evidences and documents you will be given a visa? Individuals make these decisions based on their training their own personality flaws, failings and attributes. 

    If you have too much money and friends and/or relatives in the UK then you have to provide assurities in one form or another that you will return to Thailand in accordance with the terms of your visa. 

    While people on here may say that this document or that document bears no relavence to the application, it is wise to utalise "all" of your resources in an effort to achive your goal. Too much evidence is better than too little as any decent judge will tell you!

  4. Remember that the residency certificate is free from IO but they will try to charge you 200 Baht a time for it in Changwattana. They say it is for postage, however I don't know of any P.O. that charges 200 Baht to send a single A4 paper. Tea money maybe? If you want it without paying for it then they will make you wait a month and you will have to collect it yourself. 

    The last time I paid for it to be sent, it never arrived, so a complete waste paying tea money! Going to your own Embassy is a complete rip-off at the price they charge. Does anyone complain to their Embassy? After all they are supposed to look after their citizens abroad presumably without ripping them off. A passport is expensive enough!

    • Like 1
  5. 57 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

    How do you perceive that all illegal aliens are contributing to the economy?

    More chance the legal ones are doing so much more, and by being illegal he is avoiding contributing.

    He has to eat, buy stuff, get around on transport, live somewhere! All net contributions to taxes. I did not say all illegal aliens. I implied if he was not committing any other offences. That is why if he were doing something illegal other than staying in Thailand they should say that, but they don't.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  6. 6 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

    Sorry, I read your post too quickly when I replied before. I have no idea how much the above committments were stressed but please consider the following: When you apply you need to go into detail on this. I am not suggesting that lies are told but sometimes too much information dilutes the intention. For example, stating that the business provides CASUAL employment has a lesser ring to it than simply stating that the business provides employment for 6 workers - the 'casual' part dilutes it and is unnecessary.


    Again, I don't know the precise details but a claim to the existence of a business - tying the applicant to their homeland can be made by anyone. Proving that business exists and that it provides a living for both the applicant, their family and staff can be difficult given that we are talking about a business in Thailand. I know a few people in Thailand that have businesses that provide them with a decent living yet SOMEHOW, they manage to stay under the tax threshold. Therefore, when the need to prove their income or the existence of such a business arises, they fail.


    If your partner's business is registered and she pays tax and social security - give details.  If its not - well the ECO may place little or no importance in any statement regarding the business, it could just be made up.  Any detail you can give, bank statements, a lease - anything that proves the existence of the item the applicant is claiming, will help.


    When I say go into detail - you need to be very careful on that. ECO's are no different to the rest of us - endless pages may bore them and the have been known to miss important points, presumably because they were lost in acres of text.


    What I've done in the past is to read and edit, read and edit again, all the information that I've provided. You need to hold the ECO's attention.


    If its impossible to condense the information down to one or two sheets of A4 then simply make reference to the item in the written statement and provide detailed evidence separately. For example you could write:


    I am self employed, run my own restaurant business that employs 6 staff and provides me with an income of 50,000 baht per month (see item 1 in the attached annexe).  That way the ECO is given the basis of the applicant's claims on one, easy to read, page and should they want to check details, they can do so. Oh, and paragraph it.


    Alternatively you can do what I did to help someone in a not disimilar situation to your partner a few years back and actually make reference to the refusal. The details submitted were much the same as the original application and this was made clear in the covering letter accompanying the new application. However, the letter then went on to say something similar to this:


    'I previously made an application for a Visitor's Visa on 11/22/33 which was refused for the following reasons: 'You have failed to provide convincing evidence of your business activity and other reasons that would lead me to believe that you will return to Thailand before the expiry of your visa, therefore.......bla bla bla.  I have therefore provided more detailed information to address the points in the refusal notice. Please see the attached sheet for details of my business which include my tax receipt for the year 4444 and a copy of the lease for my business premises'..... etc. etc.


    Do not try to pull the wool over the ECO's eyes. They know very few Thai's are fully fluent in English. If they have received help with the application it is better to state that. It is vitally important that the applicant fully understands everything that's been written in the application. They may be called for interview or receive a phone call so they need to be singing from the same hymn sheet.


    One final point, as I said before, Visit Visas can be a lottery - you just have to keep plugging at it and deal with the reasons for refusal. As another poster has said here, I've seen people have no problem with a visa with very little supporting evidence and others fail with what I would consider as adequate. I sometimes wonder if, in cases where the sponsor is a lot older than the applicant for example, the ECO's personal feelings on that relationship come into play?


    I remember one member of another forum who's girlfriend had no job, lived on the family rice farm upcountry, no savings, nothing. If I'd been asked to guess her chances I'd have said 5% at the most. She got 3 visitors visas without refusal before eventually coming to live in the UK!! Hang in there.

    It is actually better in my opinion if the girl has no finances and is reliant on the sponsor as in my case. The age gap was not a question in my case and there is a substantial gap nearly 2.5 times my age. No! that's not right, the other way round 555. That wouldn't be a mature older woman, not like a mature cheddar, more like a stilton or blue cheese! One that had been rotting for many centuries and smelling bad too 555.

  7. On 2/4/2020 at 3:03 PM, theoldgit said:

    For the benefit of other forum members who might consider enclosing such a guarantee, it would carry no weight whatsoever as it’s totally unenforceable, it would wouldn’t be considered by the ECO.

    However well meaning nobody can absolutely guarantee that a visa holder would leave the UK.

    In my case I could. However, you may be right or wrong about it carrying any weight in the situstion but you cannot know that. I have known my partner for 5 years and know what she would and would not do and she would not abscond in any circumstance let alone the circumstance she was in. She knew no one and had no funds of her own which would make it impossible for her to survive. There are also immigration police that can enforce the terms of her visa if it came to that.

    I think the guarantee is as valid or invalid as any guarantee which based on trust and may be backed up by law. I think my guarantee was valid in those terms. I believe It would certainly not be valid in the majority of cases as you have poinently put it. Every case is different and has its own merits. I simply say to any applicants do and say all you can in truth to validate your application.

    • Like 1
  8. It may be that it might not have been considered by immigration but you personally cannot know that it did not carry weight. If a person absconds in breach of their Visa terms then the immigration police can be contacted.

    As to the validity of the guarantee, It comes from two places, one is the fact that I have known my partner for 5 years and know what she would and would not do. Secondly, she would not have the funds to cater for herself if she absconded as she was fully reliant on my financial support. Those are the reasons why I personally was able to make the guarantee. It is no more vslid or invalid than any other guarantee, however, I gave it and she got her visa when very deserving others (in my opinion) did not.

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  9. When I was collecting the result of the application for my GF in Bangkok, i met and talked with a very beautiful girl who was also waiting for her result. She told me that she worked for the local government in a good permenant job for a number of years, had her own condo and had sufficient funds for the trip. She failed to get the visa!

    I believe it was because she was visiting distant family relatives and friends there and was staying with them. I think you are better to show you are a tourist with no connections to the country. Staying at hotels or B&B. 

    I had a provable personal relationship with my GF.  I booked all the hotels in UK and Ireland for 2 weeks along with car hire and London shows. Showed I had immediate family

    (daughter) to visit and a purpose, ( her graduation). I also provided a written personal guarantee that my partner would return. Evidence in the form of letters from family members and friends who had visited us in Thailand to back up evidence of our relationship. Letter from juristic of our condo in english attesting to our long term relationship and ownership. 

    Condo blue book with her name in it. No stone left unturned. Lots of evidential pictures and accounts both Thai and UK. Letter from her employer. Letter stating I would cover all her expenses (she had very little in her account). I would say if you have evidence of your reason to return then show it. Close family and friend ties, property, job relationship etc. Good luck.

    • Thanks 1
  10. Did you not know that Thailand is bereft of crime so they are catching the small fry now. Everyone knows that there is little or no crime of any sort in Thailand now due to the splendid efforts of the RTP an IO officers. They are now working on the bugs and dust on the leaves as the root of criminality in Thailand has been truly routed. Hooray 3 cheers for a splendid job well done.

  11. 12 hours ago, emptypockets said:

    Just over 400 USD a ton at present. The sugar price varies considerably over time. The farmers get 1000 baht a ton the last time I asked, but that was 5 years ago. The farmers get paid by weight, not sugar content which doesn't encourage good practices. In Australia they get paid by a calculation of weight and sugar content. All cane is mechanically harvested in Australia and has been for decades. Majority is cut green, i.e. unburnt.

    The Thai government must be akle to buy some cheap havesters from Austrailia now with the drout that is there now.

  12. Let them find a use for the stalks that would allow someone to harvest them for free like making bags or something like that. Could they be used for thatch on barns or even houses? Shurely there must be a use for the product? However the burning has to be stopped. If arrests and large fines are the only way the so be it. If a 100,000 baht fine per burned acre is levied, I am sure it will have the desired effect. I am severley affected and am a prisoner in my own condo as I have emphysema, bronchitis and asthma. My child is also suffering. 

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