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Everything posted by BTB1977

  1. I'm guessing they will open and stop the war now that they know you need to do a visa run there.
  2. Pay the fines, put up a fence/ wall. Lock it up and finish the build . File some kind of trespass judgment against the builder and the woman who wanted this plot of land over the one she actually bought. My guess she did this as she felt entitled to it. I would also put a 10 million baht price on it . Up to them to buy or not. But at least you tried to resolve the problem they created.
  3. You would have thought that Spiderman could have gotten away easily. The thai police have done what no others have been able to do. Thay must have used those high tech metal poles to apprehend Spidey.
  4. One baht is too much to watch a bunch of over paid men kick a ball.
  5. Could have blown his wife's head off at the same time if he was 5 minutes sooner.
  6. Or the van driver can check the bus evertime he parks it. Just a thought and doesn't cost anything.
  7. DON'T DO IT!!!!!!! Let her stay over a few nights a week. If she gets a foot in the door for more than that you will never be able to get rid of her. And some day you WILL want her out. Just tell her it's not fair to all the other girls if she moves in.
  8. The German is acting like an animal. Setting fires, climbing up on the roof of his house. Ordering his dogs to attack. Not following police orders. The police doing there job can and should use as much force to detain him as possible. I do don't think I would have been as kind as the police were.
  9. Should have dressed up as the thai guy that killed all those school children october 6th. Same same but different.
  10. Seems 20 years is the magical number. 15 years for lesser crimes.
  11. I thought thailand had a statute of limitations on criminal offenses. Something like 7 years???
  12. All 4 groups of people that qualify are people that wouldn't live in Thailand. With that much money you can retire in a much better country. And have a much better lifestyle 55555
  13. Sad. Blame the roads and rain. But not the one person who is in control of the vehicle. A better head line would include. "Driver loses control of his vehicle" As he is the only contributing factor that can make a decision to slow down and drive safely.
  14. Hay looks at us . We are letting frang own land. But only the stupid ones that would invest 40 million for one rai of land. No ones that stupid.
  15. These geniuses think just because you come to thailand your electric and heating bills stop? That's funny as hell.
  16. Half of them will break down before getting here. A very unreliable bike. Don't know what all the fuss is about?
  17. I read it was 10 kilometers FYI.
  18. I have friends that are in love just like a teenager. All of them are bleeding money like no tomorrow. Their 20 year younger thai wife's are all smiles. But have no respect for their husbands. I know enough thai to understand what they say when they all get together. One says her old husband isn't dieing fast enough. Another cut off all sex waiting for him to cheat so she can kick him out. Another says she is always looking for a bigger sucker with more money. They all give each other advice on how to get more out of their rich farang. So am I in love. Hell no. But she buts up with me . And trusts I will take care of her as I have promised as long as she doesn't do or act like a gold digger.
  19. Didn't know the French could fight. The frogs usually run away from a fight.
  20. "I want my father to treat me like everyone else. I'm your son. Now I'm confused. I thought he? Wants to be a she? So wouldn't he/she address herself as his daughter??
  21. SAIC Motor Corporation Limited owns and manufactures MG. All Chinese thank God.
  22. My first girlfriend had a job. Made over 37,000 baht a month. I told her that one of the reasons I considered dating her was because she worked/had a job. I wasn't going to support an unemployed person. I wouldn't do that back in my home country so I definitely wouldn't do it here. This worked out good for about 4 months and one day she comes home and says she got fired after 12 years with the company. She said I could take care of her. ???? So I went and talked to her boss a few days later. Found out she quit. She was shocked I did that. I told her she either go back and get her job back or find another one in the next 30 days. After that she would be out of the house. She thought I was bluffing. After 30 days she was packed up and out. I have no time for BS in my older days. 555.
  23. She's probably in disbelief you want to do it again like the rest of us.
  24. Yes
  25. Seems the thai news agencies are crying. Having to blur out faces, knifes, guns, cigarettes and beer bottles must get old . Not being able to report the factual news without censorship. The only thing they have are many photos of pointing.
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