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Everything posted by BTB1977

  1. 120,000 baht gold necklace??? Let's see. Report it to police, Than file an insurance claim for that amount. That's my take on that. 555
  2. Biden couldn't recognize his a$$ from a hole in the ground. Trump warned NATO and Europe about doing business with the enemy. (Russia) But did they listen? Noooo.
  3. Not like in other cities. A few check points are set up on the larger roads now and again. But rarely on the smaller soil.
  4. My wife has a small shop with parking in the front for about 4 scooters. About 8 feet in from the street And some side parking for her scooter and mine. Many times cars or pickups want to park blocking customers from parking or leaving. They ask sometimes and I say as long as they don't block customers from entering or leaving. Which is impossible because most cars block the complete area. They have the most stupid look on there face when they see it can't be done. Many times I have to ask them how the scooters parked there can get out. Again a stupid look????. Also the street is not very wide so they block the street so two cars can no longer pass each other. If they still don't understand normal logic I point out what a poor neighborhood it is and there are many vandals in the area.
  5. The thai witness protection program consist of no pointing. That way no one knows who you are.
  6. Guessing they need some new blood for their very shallow gene pool. LOL
  7. I tell the wife she's fat. Man it gets hot in my house
  8. I have traveled to the south. Krabi area. Hardly anyone wearing a mask. Today I went to 7-Eleven in Hua Hin. Half the people in there no mask. Both shopping malls alot of people no mask. I have one in my back pocket, but haven't been using it. If I see 100% of the people wearing one I will put mine on to be polite. But if I go in someplace and there are others without. It stays in my pocket.
  9. This is my step ladder????. Never met my real ladder.
  10. My wife's mother just died this year. I was asked to kick start the funeral expenses. Gave 10,000. After that the donations received each day covered the costs. Plus a village fund was given the last day. I sat back and let the family handle the expenses. I told my wife after I donated the rest is up to the family of how much THEY can afford. I did chip in on some beer for the evening activities. But so did others too. And you say a family member of your wife's. I donated because it was her mother. And will do the same for her father. But an aunt, uncle or cousin I have never been asked to help pay funeral expenses. 1,000 baht in an envelope is enough. Your wife can add what she wants.
  11. My wife's mother just died this year. I was asked to kick start the funeral expenses. Gave 10,000. After that the donations received each day covered the costs. Plus a village fund was given the last day. I sat back and let the family handle the expenses. I told my wife after I donated the rest is up to the family of how much THEY can afford. I did chip in on some beer for the evening activities. But so did others too.
  12. Putting my wife on my account has never crossed my mind. Remember you can only control your actions. You can never control the actions of ANYONE around you.
  13. She was just revealed today? No one knew her in 1972? Guess it's been a secret all these years.
  14. Can't spend 500 million baht if dead. Snitches in the drug world most definitely end up dead. And sometimes there families. So he wants everyday delivery people to do the job his department and men can't. Good luck with that plan.
  15. University girls. And factory girls. Cheap as chips.
  16. I moved to Chile back in 1980. Would call my folks every couple months just to let them know I was alive. Guessing 24 year olds are still sucking from their moms breast nowadays.
  17. Past relatives is the least of your problems. The fact that your drinking Federbrau concerns us most. LOL
  18. Go pound sand is a good response. 23 years later is a joke. I would think trees and grass could have grow back by now. But than with the millions and millions of tourists at 200 baht per tourists isn't enough. The Film studio should send them a bill for advertising the area. What a joke.
  19. I wish mine cost 5 or 6 thousand baht. My last pair was 32,000
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