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Posts posted by bberrythailand

  1. On 7/29/2017 at 10:15 PM, chickenslegs said:


    Most lazada hammocks seem to come from China ? They don't make them in Thailand ?





  2. 1 hour ago, Thai Ron said:

    Smart money goes for front load, Miele, Siemens or Bosch.

    If you can't stretch to those brands, then raise your budget and go as high as you can with Samsung, LG, Hitachi toploaders but do bear in mind that:-

    1 Top loaders are guff.

    2 Cheap top loaders are even worse.

    3 Your brand new shirt will look a year old after 3 washes in one of those manglers.



    Ridiculous. Electrolux are as good, but made in Thailand they are a lot cheaper, Parts too.



  3. On 6/14/2017 at 3:02 PM, ChristianPFC said:

    Taking a Thai car into Cambodia (Mon 5jun2017)


    Farang friend FF owns and drives a car in Thailand, which we took into Cambodia. This was possible without much delay or bribes or documentation, but can only be done at two border crossings: Hat Lek (Trat province) / Cham Yeam and Kap Choeng (Surin province) / O’Smach (information from internet). Taking the car back to Thailand should be possible at any border crossing, however upon entering we learned that we have to come back to the same place (Hat Lek, our place of entry), recent regulation. If I had known that before, I would not have gone. In addition, you are only allowed to drive in the province of entry, but we kept the red number plate they gave us (to be displayed behind the windscreen?) in the glove compartment as to not draw attention, and drove all over Cambodia without being stopped.

    I entered separately from FF as a pedestrian, and taking car in took about 30 min longer. Here what he told me: red number plate costs 1000 THB, an obscure fee 100 THB for stamps and documents, a tip 5 USD for a taxi driver who led FF to the various offices.

    Going back into Thailand on Sat 10jun2017 we did together, and indeed from their pile of documents they (Cambodian customs?) picked out the one relating to FF’s car, for him to present elsewhere at the border.



    Not true actually, you can go back to Thailand anywhere.



  4. On 5/24/2013 at 11:22 AM, phuketrichard said:

    as above;

    when i entered last July had to wake the customs guy up as he was passed out in his hammock behind the hut :-)

    heading back this way in July.

    Entering Laos has more paperwork involved PLUS u 100% have to buy insurance!!! For a thai car u need the purple registration book which is issued by the transport office ( where you get your license plates)

    You can not take ur car into Vietnam

    u drove from Bangkok to Surin and than SR?

    last exit i made in Sept with car was SR-Poi Pet- Pattaya 7 1/2 hours


    Any update ? 



  5. 12 hours ago, SantiSuk said:

    As far as I recall you can take a car out of Cambodia at any international border crossing and in at most border crossings (but not in at Choam Sa-Ngam). I think you can check out current status by clicking on the Internetaional Border Crossings link of this excellent official Cambodia online guide to Cambodia:




    [It is possible that the Choam Sa-Ngam border crossing is open both ways to cars by now. Maybe worth calling Sisaket immigration in any event,]



    Only 3 borders allow car crossing on the way to Cambodia. But from Cambodia Thai cars can come back anywhere.






  6. 12 hours ago, A1Str8 said:

    It may work. It may not. Everything is individualized! One of the posters mentioned above that he was on a keto diet for years then switched to high carb and lost quite a bit of weight easily. That's about keto. I train every day and experimented with everything under the sun. They say high carb is a must if you train regularly. Not true. On a high fat diet I was equally strong and big. They say a lot of protein is a must. Not true. I was equally strong and big when I cut my protein intake in half instead of consuming obscene amounts of it. 

    What you need to listen to is your body, not something that you read on the internet. 

    These days everyone knows everything but most people are still out of shape, unhappy and broke. 

    Your body already knows what it needs. Pay attention to how you feel after you eat the food. If it feels good it is beneficial. If it feels bad then it works against you. But very important, it's not about how it tastes! It's about how the body feels. 



    Smartest reply of this thread ! Thank you !


    For me reducing carb is just a way to eat less calories. Because most of my food was carb. So yes, what works is not to eat no carb, but just get less calories.






  7. On 11/10/2016 at 5:59 PM, mortenaa said:


    BMW has a head office in Bangkok, with several Europeans in manager positions. Its possible to contact the after sales manager. 


    In every country BMW and other brands has a network of dealers. If you are not happy with your current one, just change. I don't see the problem. Sometimes Thai companies are struggling to deal with foreigners. My dealer has an American owner, and they always take my inquiries very seriously.  



    Your dealer is at Chonburi ?



  8. On 3/3/2017 at 9:58 AM, Langsuan Man said:

    In ten years of living here I have tried these


    Bangkok Hospital Pattaya, female doctor that appeared to take delight in how much pain she could inflict


    Pattaya Memorial Hospital, incomptent doctor, who barely knows how to use the equipment


    Pattaya International Hospital,  same doctor as Memorial, a travelling side show I guess 


    So far the best treatment I have received (yesterday) Dr. Jaraprapaporn at Pyathai Hospital in Siricha, 1,120 THB total and worth the trip out of town 


    Do they use a machine ? It seems the cheapest around ?





  9. On 12/17/2014 at 2:58 PM, chris2004 said:

    Just highlights the level of corruption if so many thais (with an average income of 250,000 baht a year) can buy a car worth 3-4 million. Even in the west few people would spend $120,000 on a car.


    Since when most people living in the west are rich ? Of course many only buy $10000 cars because they are not able to make any good money.



    • Like 1
  10. On 12/17/2014 at 9:13 PM, wowjudo said:

    I think the reason why so many thais drive european cars is that most are used

    As many know, used price for european cars are very "low". especially bmw

    Finance 84 months no problem.

    and before the first major maintenance comes (swapping parts due wearing off) they realise how expenssive it is and sell it or dont swap parts at all

    But ye back to the topic

    I test drove the saloon model from a friend of mine 3 weeks ago (he bought it for 2.8M) and it is magnificent. Makes my 2013 accord feel like a plastic car. A big impressive step up from the last model

    Looks like a s-class which makes it even more appealing

    If you have the money for it, there is nothing wrong with buying what you want and mercedes is quality - just pick the right dealer that has a good reputation and where you can do future service

    good luck



    I agree that even the top accord model gives the feeling of a slow boat when driving it. Some people dare to think that we buy German cars only for a badge, but these people certainly have never driven one or really know and understand nothing.




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  11. 9 hours ago, yosib157 said:

    Can I jump in here and ask if any of you guys know if you can take your Thai car into Cambodia from this crossing.

    Other kind members have already written sound advice re paperwork required at Aranaypratet, just need to know if it's possible from Chon Chom.




    Also wondering !



  12. 12 hours ago, Thainess said:

    Just like all the other fad diets, it doesn't work (100% guaranteed) and it could actually do you a lot of harm. Total BS. To lose weight, you just need to eat a bit less (anything you want) and exercise more. Simple. All these fad diets are only trying to sell books or make money off you in some other way. Avoid them.


    Clearly talking about what you do not know.

  13. 2 hours ago, maximillian said:

    Yes, I would like to be super rich.

    I would buy a nice lot of one or two square kilometers in Khao Yai, build my house in the middle of it, so it will be quiet, grow fruits, vegetable, trees and flowers, keep cats, a dog or two, some geese, a pair of pigs,

    make a small artificial lake and have my own fish.

    Then I'd spoil my wife a little bit by travelling in good old Europe, South Africa, Namibia and New Zealand.

    Pay for her daughters university and give her niece a well paid job in my garden.


    The money left I would donate to the army so they could afford an aircraft carrier to fight whom ?


    No need to be super rich to reach your dreams, anyone who is working should be able to do it !



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