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Posts posted by bberrythailand

  1. 3 hours ago, Silurian said:

    Have you tried exercising on an empty stomach? There is the theory that "fasting exercise" is better at targeting fat. The idea is when carb stores are low in the body, your body will start to burn stored fat.


    A lot of people will "carb load" before exercise which is good for increasing muscle mass and stamina but not so good for reducing body fat.



    Urban legend forever it seems...



  2. 13 hours ago, alocacoc said:

    I liked the kebap. I wish they would offer a sauce like BBQ. Like it does Döner King at pattaya klang. The garlic sauce was ok, but it needs something else for balance.

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk


    Hello, where is Doner king ? Never seen it. Thank you.



  3. Hello,


    it seems that most standard dentists now don't do root canal and give you an appointment with a specialist at another date ?


    Or do you know a dentist that does all (and well). For how much ?


    Thank you.



  4. 1 hour ago, phuketjock said:

    I think you are well aware that the funds are not the overriding criteria on whether someone is 

    allowed in or not. I think you are also well aware that all these posts on TV and, if any, on other

    social media sites are completely one sided and are probably/possibly very unlikely to bear any

    resemblance to what actually occurred or was said by both parties and without the view from both

    sides it is not possible for you or me or indeed anyone to come to any viable conclusion. 

    BTW 2 doesn't amount to several, that would be 3 or more.


    You seem such an expert, we are lucky to have you here !










  5. 7 hours ago, ChidlomDweller said:

    I enjoy reading his opening piece each week and also the weekly letters from readers.  Used to enjoy the reader's submissions too, but now there's a huge lot of chaff among the rye.  Especially the attempts at fiction make me cringe, but the nonfiction pieces can be a good read, both tales about personal experiences, and articles with thoughts and observations about Thailand.  Lots of good stuff on that site going back 15 years.  In the early days there were many entertaining tales of woe from men who fell for bargirls' tricks.  For example, search for "a phuket surprise" by warlord.  Hilarious.


    I don't understand the vitriol towards that website.  What's it done to you? It's a website for chrissakes.  Don't like it, don't go there.  


    And as for being stupid to leave after 17 years, people's preferences change in 17 years.  He was probably mid-twenties when he came and is now in his 40s.  Does it need explaining?



    Yes it's always surprising how much people know nothing about their life and their future.


    Nothing against him, but just like when the truth and facts are said about anyone. HE is for me a loser, but just my opinion.





  6. 2 hours ago, samsensam said:


    far too much of the content was aimed at the sex tourist, it gets pretty boring after a while and i stopped reading it ages ago. if he had any imagination and talent as a writer (he is very verbose) he could have made a half decent site that appealed to a larger audience, but then sex sells and i guess he wanted to make money


    what i thought was interesting was after being such a high profile user, condoner and promoter of the sex industry and sex tourism in thailand how is he regarded in his homeland among his friends, family and future work colleagues. and when you go for a job and your cv reads efl teacher (seems he didnt even make management) and owner of sex tourism oriented web site, just what career path is open to you? i'd be embarrassed.


    oh yea and contrary to what he believes he's an awful photographer.



    Nobody needs to know that he owns a website. But as Mr Pau Owen is too stupid to even be able to hide his real name online, you might be right.


    His photos have no interest and I also believe that stickman was not interesting for anyone in Thailand or they would have not let it go.


    I think he lost a lot of money when he lost Google Adsense ads because of wrong content ?







  7. 10 hours ago, Pdaz said:

    Ironic is that. No matter what it says on the back of your standard 3 or 5 series it pretty much has the same cc four cylinder motor. Same with local Mercs here. Many C, E and even some S class have the same poverty spec four cylinder. So as your car gets bigger and more expensive it gets slower.. In my own misguided opinion the main reason to have a big high end car is to have the big cc high end multi cylinder engine and associated performance.

    Unfortunately here you get hit by the tax triple whammy. Large cc, power over 230hp and high emissions. 


    200 or 300 hp is good enough. Bigger engine means more gasoline and I am lazy to go to the station !



  8. 8 hours ago, melvinmelvin said:

    Some years ago, about 8 I think, I was in a similar situation as the OP.


    Was not married, but had a long time GF, we sort of planned getting married and me


    adopting her daughter (16).


    We talked about things like inheritance, adoption, divorce, marriage, pension and the like in Thailand and in my home country. (I was working full time then.)


    It was like hitting a wall over and over again, no way she would take what I said as the right information. She had an older sister living in Europe which she discussed with now and then and took her words as gospel.


    Weird, she was a fairly modern woman, 42, financially independent, masters degree. But no way I could get through with how things were/worked where I come from.




    I decided that I couldn’t be bothered to waste my time in a relationship with such lack of trust/confidence in me and discontinued the relationship.


    Since then I have opted to stay away from Thai women and life in LoS has improved vastly.




    It is OK adapting to the Thai way but I can’t be bothered to endeavour to adapt to lack of trust and confidence in me.




    Yes, exactly, I also prefer to pay them by act now ! Paying full time for a GF or wide that you do just few times a month is really stupid, I will never do it again !




  9. 23 hours ago, cambocleve said:

    The Park Condo is jomtien has the fastest internet of any of the condo's i have been involved in.


    They have multiple high speed fibre lines joined together and they are  using high speed wireless ac routers 

    to share the connection.




    Where is it located ?



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