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Posts posted by Humpy

  1. Regular occurrence here in Mahasarakham Province.  School Heads allow these underage 'drivers' to use the school grounds to park the bikes. The police on duty outside the school gates stop the traffic to allow these underage kids , three to a bike ,no helmets and the driver with one hand on the handlebars and an iPhone in the other , to join the traffic flow.  Boy  riders , two up, celebrate the end of lessons with a few wheelies. ...... and the police do nothing..... the parents couldn't give a damn. TIT

  2. '' local residents complained about the loud fundraising performance ''   ....... I wonder if these same 'local residents' take time to complain to the police  about the brain-dead gofers roaring around the streets with hollowed out exhaust systems . ..... or the similar noise from the mirror festooned lorries with their dustbin sized exhausts !!!



    '' driving to school on motorcycles ''......... they drive every day of the week throughout the year for crying out loud.

    Exhaust silencers with the baffles poked out to make as much noise as possible much to the annoyance of the villagers. The bikes can be heard for 2 km.  The village headmen in this area turn a blind eye perhaps because of a headman being killed recently when confronting a rider's family.

    As usual the police do nothing. Parents don't give damn, Perhaps the PM should address the problem of underage motorcyclists , order the police to take action against the parents and the school heads for allowing the kids to ride and park on the school grounds..... Trying to stop a Lamsing  dancer's pelvic thrusts obviously has a far higher priority than kids risking their necks on motorcycles.


  4.  I installed one of those big black 'spherical' 2000 liter plastic/fiberglass septic tanks 10 years ago when we built the house in the wife's village. I used the internet to find the design of the leach/drain field.  The ''treated'' tank-waste flows into a cubic meter concrete distribution  'box' and then  through three outlets to three , twelve meter 4 inch perforated pipes. The pipes lay on a 40mm bed of course stones in  trenches over 1.5 meters deep. The pipes were then covered with another layer of stones and the stones covered with 2 layers of rice bags which prevent the soil falling through the stones. Trenches were then filled with soil. I incorporated a 4 inch inspection pipe in the top of the distribution box.

     The tank takes waste water from  two  toilets including toilet paper , an en suite  bathroom with 2 sinks , bath and two showers. From 2 kitchens, a dishwasher and a laundry room with a washing machine and a sink in the bar flat LEO !. The amount of cleaning chemicals, washing powders  etc are not 'green' friendly by any means. I take samples ,now and again, of the ''treated water'' from the 'box' and it is gin clear !! I have the septic tank emptied twice a year. The lawn above the drain field is a lush green ! Venting from the septic tank rises to the very top of the house roof some 10 meters high. 

     If your septic tank is of the 'local' design ie. concrete rings set on soil and taking only toilet waste then perhaps the other readers comments and advice on 'green' cleaning agents is  worth noting.  The 'local' designed septic tanks in my village are less than efficient ...phew !.... because  non-green cleaning agents from the village shop are obviously being used.




     Perhaps the PM should visit the rural parts of the LOS and take a look at the 'Lamsing' concerts that are staged regularly in the villages and enjoyed by thousands.

     Lines of teenage girls across the front of the stage thrusting their pelvic regions towards the crowd as the singer adds her 'nether region'  references and observations....... all enjoyed by all, young and old............  while a few police keep the hooligan element at bay.

  6. After a day of ethics, honesty and integrity in the classroom, the students , three to a motorcycle, no helmets , no licence, grab a take-away drink or food at one of the food stalls outside the school gates. They then roar off with the exhaust pipe sounding like a WW2  Spitfire and throw the empty drink cups and food wrappings into the road side as they go. Parental control and guidance should be the way to teach these ethics etc not the teachers who have better things to do with their time, like attending to their makeup , adjusting their hairstyle and making sure their medal ribbons are straight during the 3R's lessons !!

  7. So school children riding on the roof of the school bus is OK I presume. Three underage students on a , maxi decibel modified exhaust motorcycle , no helmets, no licence and no insurance, join the traffic flow on leaving the school entrance under the directions of the traffic policeman is also OK I presume ?! Wife and three infants in the motorcycle 'sidecar' is also OK ?  Students standing on the Baht bus rear step and clinging to the purpose made vertical grab handles is also OK ? The chance of them ending up in wheelchairs after being rear ended by a truck is also a risk worth taking no doubt ? Police riding their motorcycles wearing their peak caps is also OK ? Dustbin collection operatives hanging one handed on the back of the moving lorry whilst sorting out the rubbish with the other hand is acceptable I suppose ?



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