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Posts posted by Humpy

  1.  Our local police are happy to see youngsters and teenagers 'ambush' passing motorcyclists with buckets of water during Songkran. ........ four on a bike, no helmets, no licence...... driven by a kid not old enough to have a licence.

     Perhaps the bus 'driver' had difficulty seeing out of his windscreen which, if it was anything like other buses, was covered in stickers and other paraphernalia .

    Many countries call on the expertise of other countries for advice on how they maintain their high road safety measures. Are you listening Mr DPM ?

    • Haha 1
  2. So how close to the 'incident' were the 'hundreds' of people ? Did they actually see the copulation or was it a simulation ? Who , other than Chinese tourists queuing to para-sail, would be on the beach at that time of day ?  How many other perverts filmed the event and did they have a zoom lens to record more detail to prove  the act ?  The ' hundreds' who spent all of 31 seconds viewing this spectacular event must have been a little disappointed and  perhaps would have  wished for a longer performance . Was there any applause from the 'hundreds' who saw this news worthy event ?Detailed evidence would be required in a court of law to prove that sex took place.

  3. On 3/8/2018 at 7:36 PM, Humpy said:

    There was mention in a previous post by  Russell 17au.....'' looks like the student went down below his (song thaew driver's) line of sight '' .

    Difficult when half his windscreen was festooned with stickers and perhaps a few dangling ecclesiastical nick knacks !!....

    like so many lorries, buses and mini vans !!




    Having read nearly all the comments on this terrible accident I notice no reference to the song thaew's windscreen covered in stickers. Perhaps a good many Thai Visa readers have much the same on their car windows and 'lucky' charms hanging from their rear view mirrors........ not forgetting the heavily tinted windows all round. 

    I was in a slow moving traffic flow when a car was waiting to join from a side road. To get a better view of the tail back he wound down his heavily tinted  window and he was wearing sunglasses. !!

    • Haha 1
  4. Sadly , these Soi dogs should not be roaming the streets . No amount of medicines or vaccines will not stop them fouling the pavements. No good looking for someone to take them in because it very rarely happens. Families just don't have the enclosed gardens or whatever to keep them in. .... so back to the Sois they go... scavenging, peeing and pooing as they think fit. I have three dogs , all were strays, all are well fed, fit and happy to run around our 8 Rai of walled gardens...... yes ,I know I'm lucky and so are the dogs !

    • Thanks 1
  5.  No doubt the Road Safety Management Department (if there is such a thing !!) will be using this video to point out the examples of bad driving.. Not just the motorcyclists involved.

    Cars overtaking  on the yellow cross hatching , cars overtaking against the flow of traffic on the other carriageway (other side of the yellow markings).  Drivers seeing a hold up of sorts then seeing  fit to pull out and rush off to work or wherever.

    Did the m/c riders have licences and insurance ? So many Q's and so sad for the student. My thoughts go to his  family and friends. RIP poor lad.

    Time for Police Chiefs to start briefing their Officers to enforce the laws.

    No helmet, impound the bike.

    When police officers wear their uniform cap while riding their motorcycles it's hardly a good example to set.

    Time to get rid of tinted windows which serve only to hide the fact that the driver is using his phone or not wearing his seat belt. Perhaps the PM should set an example and arrive at the TV studios, for his weekly address, on a motorcycle and wearing a helmet, strap done up of course ....... just a thought !


  6. The police, each with their Go-Pro camera fixed atop their helmets, in our local market town were giving parking tickets to car drivers who had parked on the roadside facing the traffic. As these tickets were handed out scores of motorcyclists were riding by , many with three on a bike and no helmets. Many riders were clearly underage and were allowed to pass by before  the policeman was able to cross the road to give a car parking ticket. Riders were able to leave their parking space against the flow of traffic with ease.

     Surely the local police chief is responsible for briefing his me to enforce the law and not just one particular aspect of it.

    Until these local police chiefs start doing their job then the road chaos will continue, holidays or not.

    All wishful thinking I know !!!

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