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Posts posted by Humpy

  1. ''Passenger van safety scrutinised ''   ...... a bit like checking the seat belts on the roof of the school buses, the rear lights of mud covered lorries, the windscreens festooned with stickers and the bunches of ecclesiastical nick- nacks hanging from the rear view mirrors, the mirror tinted and all tints of windows, school kids three to a bike to and from school...no helmets.no insurance, no licence . Will the safety record get better, no, not until the police do their job. Perhaps some driving tips on TV might be an idea to highlight the actions of  the brain dead gofers behind the wheel and their lack of knowledge of the highway code......... what highway code ?

  2. ...and what about the other polluters ? ....... lorries with dustbin sized exhausts belching clouds of smoke together with the associated noise . Similarly brain dead gofers on motorcycles with their modified exhausts that can be heard two kilometers away. Students, three to a motorcycle, each busy drinking with a straw throw their empty plastic cups into the roadside about a kilometer after leaving the  school gates.

  3. Kids on motor bikes....... who gives a damn ? The parents certainly don't care, the police are happy to control the traffic out side the school gates  to allow the students to join the main road ... no helmets ,under age , no insurance, no licence and two pillion riders and the driver holding a soft drink in one hand !!   One hundred meters down the road is a safety banner showing a crash helmet and the caption '' 100 % '' .......  and I have to jump through every hoop to legally drive on Thai roads !!!

  4. 14 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    The culturally correct thing to do is lower the head to show thanks.

    ....... what ?...... and take my eyes off the road for a split second..... !!!!  I doubt if they'll see my 'lowered' head   through their blacked out mirrored finished tinted windows adorned with all the bunches of ecclesiastical nick knacks hanging from their rear view mirror !!

  5.  One of the reasons car owners have dark tinted windows is to avoid being seen using their mobile phones, texting or not wearing a seat belt. Ecclesiastical nick knacks hanging from the rear view mirror can only be a distraction. Likewise the lorries with their windscreens 2/3 covered with posters. I noticed a bus in our local town with its windscreen covered with the past 12 years of road tax stickers down the center 1/3 of the screen.... together with a massive bunch of the usual ecclesiastical bits dangling halfway down the screen. The lower half of the screen housed a selection of rag dolls and toys. A driver wanting to join my road from the left had difficulty seeing the oncoming slow moving traffic....... to see a little better he wound down his heavily tinted window....... and he was wearing sun glasses !!  Time to ban tinted windows, and   things hanging in the driver's field of vision . Car designers go to great lengths to provide the driver with the maximum amount of widows commensurate with a safe  and strong car bodywork . Will things change ?...... I doubt it. 


  6. '' using their motorcycles for disruptive behavior ''  ....... just like the other 500,000 or so racers around the country.  Most are underage, therefor  no licence or insurance , no helmet and the police seem to turn a blind eye. Poked out exhaust baffles or modified exhausts to amplify the engine noise. Students departing the school gates race each other along the highways and throw in a couple of wheelies on the way. Time for the police to stop the rider and take away the bike.  The villagers where I live are fed up with the noise but are reluctant to complain. The village headmen will say nothing on their morning broadcasts to the village about the noise...... perhaps ever mindful of the village headman that was murdered when he confronted the family of one of these idiot teens.  

  7. 1 hour ago, Jorgendk said: '' The water in a drill is not efekted by rain, as the water takes up to 20 years to get down to it.'' 

    This is good news as I have a bore-hole over 50 meters deep and a leach field nearby for my septic tank.... so the washing up water, dishwasher detergents, bath water plus all the other contents of a septic tank won't be tasted for a good few years yet ... by then I will not be around to sample them.

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