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Everything posted by Chicksaw

  1. Added: Apparently, according to another YT channel, Disney's stopped using Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls in their announcements. Not inclusive enough:-)
  2. I saw it first on Twitter. But now it's gone viral on YT on multiple channels. Here's one:
  3. Moral of the story: Rent, don't buy. At least not anything bigger than a washing machine.
  4. They had. She was the face of their Easy Carry Contest. More than just a trans spokesperson, they had a "pronouns" cans line for her to boost as well. The AB marketing team basically pulled out a gun and fired with pinpoint accuracy. At their own face.
  5. I thought DeSantis was being silly picking a fight with Disney. Until I saw a vid of a bearded lady with hairy arms welcoming children to a toy shop in Disneyland. I understand letting people be what they want to be, but rubbing 3-4 year olds faces in it is a bit much. I hope Disney gets Budlighted.
  6. Lordie, the lefty liberals have their panties in a twist as their end-to-end oversight of socials media begins to unravel. The Old Twitter was a censorship cesspit. Babylon Bee banned because their satire hit too close to home. Trump and Tucker Carlson banned. Understandable you don't like them, but take away their right to communicate? Really? And the list goes on. Not just this numpty French Minister who's terrified that Those Whose Voices Must Not Be Heard won't be silenced any more, but a whole array of power-hungry pols. Kick these weasels off Twitter instead, Elon.
  7. I don't buy it. The kid annoyed him so the uncle killed the little fella and tossed the body into a septic tank? Hmm. There's more to it I'll wager. Start with severe bad blood between dad and uncle. "Promptly suspecting Boonhome, the 55 year old uncle, the police ..." suggests the provincial police had a tip along this line.
  8. Smart young people moving into leadership roles. Good things happening in the LOS.
  9. I would appreciate a tight security regime. I travel too and don't have any problems. I access Wise only on the web though and keep my Thai phone/Sim active wherever I am so that I can get Wise's OTP. I suspect if you've got their app on a bunch of different phones with different numbers then that makes them paranoid.
  10. Edercashun is impotant. Dont matter none if thems Thai or thems American. If you dont larn you aint goin nowheres.
  11. Wuss of a country, Germany. Their, cough, cough, ally blows up their pipeline and they pretend to see no evil and hear no evil. Recession? Of course, if you replace billions of cubic meters of cheap gas with billions of barrels of LNG from the same country, except it's rerouted and rebranded in India, you gotta pay. Follow the numpty Baerbock off a cliff.
  12. No. I know a Thai woman who changed both her first and last name on the basis of advice from a fortune-teller. I guess what's unique (what identifies, e.g., their high schools/college/employment records) is their ID card (Baat Prachachon) which stays with them from birth to death.
  13. The picture says it all. Kuwaiti oil baron fallen on hard times.
  14. I see where you are coming from. But I don't see the question of raising the bar arising here. Yet. How many items do we read in the news along the lines, "destitute expat seen begging", "destitute expat in hospital asks help", "gang of expat drug dealers caught", and the like? Very few. There're no red flags for authorities to glare at us. Which is what I mean by not rocking the boat. E.g., if increasing numbers of expats began to default on their hospital bills then that would draw scrutiny and lead possibly to tightening of regs. Exactly as they are mulling what to do with tourist health insurance given the number of tourists banging themselves up here. Of course, they want multimillionaires to move here and are making up new visa categories to lure them. But I don't see they have need to come after the rest of us.
  15. Why would the new government or any government for that matter care about a cohort of wrinkly pensioners riding bar stools to meet the Lord? I am not kidding. For the elite Thais who run this place, including Pita et al, we don't exist because they never see us. Their only encounter with farangs are those like them that work out of the C-suite. We just aren't important by any measure, numerically, economically or politically. So as long as we don't rock the boat by doing something stupid there's no reason for the status quo to be touched.
  16. Get on your knees and beg for a grace period. Wrap your arms around his leg and weep and tell him that you gave your last baht to save an orphan with cancer. Sometimes it works, sometime it doesn't. But ever since weed's been legal a lot of things work that didn't use to.
  17. Wonderful that the military-ellite-Voldemort nexus got a massive kick in the pants from the electorate. And if the US had something to do with it, great, it's one good thing they did after an endless list of horrific subversions in other countries. But the smear that the MF-PT won because of the US is an insult to Thai people who want out from under the boots of the evil nexus and believe in the MF agenda.
  18. Amazing athlete. For such a large - well, let's be honest, borderline obese - man he's incredibly light on his feet, quick and with terrific cardio. Wonder why he's coming here though? Certainly not for the check, peanut money for the big guy, and he's apparently not going to put on any sparring sessions with local talent. Ok, maybe "pairing" sessions with local talent. Certainly, I'll show myself out.
  19. I am going to stick my neck out and guess you're rarely invited to happenings.
  20. I'll wager my subscription to AN she moves right back in with him once the current furor settles.
  21. Bit of a conundrum for Thailand: (a) Demand proof of adequate health insurance of all visitors and dampen the tourist trade. (b) Charge a small fee (1k b exit fee?) of all and cover visitor health insurance internally, which sends the message "Come one, come all, party, go nuts, we've got you covered".
  22. Beautiful cars, Lamborghinis. Seen them a few times on Sukhumvit. And once parked in front of a restaurant near my place on Rangnam, when I lusted more for the babe who stepped into the Lambo than the car itself. But then realized one couldn't get the one without the other.
  23. I was puzzled. What does this mean? Then I looked it up and learned: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_load_of_old_cobblers Obviously, I am not a Brit but this is fascinating!
  24. Ok, I speak from experience. Just go to a mall barber's talk to someone there and tell them what you want. I did just that and had someone come after the shop had closed and happily give me a trim for 300b. In fact, I am sure any "chung" at any barber's will be happy to drop by for adequate compensation. Heck, if you are as lazy as you say you are you could google barber shop and ask them.
  25. Not true. It's almost impossible for an Indian-born doctor who's got his qualification in India to emigrate to the west. Re the US, where there is a large number of Indian doctors, these are Indian Americans, born in the US who've graduated from US schools. I want to clarify my comment about Thai hospitals. I think they are great if you are in a situation where the problem is understood and it's a matter of doing x and y and z and off you go. Diagnostics is another matter. From my experience Thai docs try to map symptoms/test results to a book or paper they've read and draw the conclusion there. Little room for their own intuition/experience. Ok, here's an incident related to friend who went to India for diagnosis. Coincidentally, he too was suffering acute abdominal pain like the OP and had been advised everything from immediate surgery to massive doses of medicine. The Indian doc looked over his history and talked to him at length, then palpitated (is that the word?) him carefully and came up with a diagnosis from left field "diabetic neuropathy". Turns out he was right.
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