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Everything posted by Chicksaw

  1. This is weird that your pain is so bad yet doctors can find no cause. Obviously, there is one. I have little faith in Thai hospitals. The doctors are well-groomed and nurses pretty. But beyond that medical skills are questionable. (I have taught uni here and know what rote learning can turn even smart people into.) I would go to India. It will be cheaper even including airfare. The hospital environments are not as spotless as here. But the doctors know their stuff. A poster here had high praise for this place https://www.sonoscanhealthcare.com/ Chennai and Kolkata are both good medical destinations. And they cater to medical tourists. Good luck. Hope you find a way.
  2. Believe I read in the BP that numbers of Senators are now making pro-MF noises: have to respect the people's will, etc. Maybe it will happen after all.
  3. They usually operate in pairs. Saw a snatching unfold just in front of the cab I was in a few years ago. They stop a little short of the target, pillion guy jump off, sneaks up on the target, snatches the goods and races ahead where driver guy has already moved to and is waiting. 10secs. max and they've got money for whatever drugs it is they need.
  4. Of course, you're right the "poor" were bought. With goodies like healthcare, bank access and infrastructure. You seem to be proud of being out of touch and having nothing to do with those making min wage.
  5. Plern, old buddy, you kind of tipped your cards when you said Bangkapi is not in Bkk. Why don't you go find some wood to chop and sit the rest of this thread out.
  6. Without going into the health care, microloan and rural infrastructure programs he initiated (finally a regime spending tax dollars away from Bkk and changing the lives of millions) I want you to ask yourself why his party kept winning for 20 years. Because these unschooled Thais don't share your enlightenment? Ah, forgot this. Yeah, guess you are right. Bad man, Thaksin. Him no like farang. Added: You say you lived in Khon Kaen. Here's the 2023 election picture that province: Guess you didn't have many Thai acquaintances.
  7. What I wish for Thailand: 1. Army retreats to the barracks and stays there. 2. Pita gets an uninterrupted few years to implement his progressive policies. 3. Thaksin returns as elder statesman. He deserves it. He did heck of a lot for little people, specially in the sticks.
  8. Great, we need muscle. And the reds have that. Should give the thugs in fatigues, more correctly their leaders, pause before they try to subvert this election too. Slava, Pita. Slava, Thaksin.
  9. Are you naive or dim? "have respect for elders or more experienced" who don't hesitate to shoot at peaceful marchers or toss children into prison for protesting. "... this is confrontational and disrespectful. " I am not sure whether to laugh. You do know that Thais spent the last 9 years under their army's boots? In any case, Pita knows exactly what he's saying and what the effect is. This hardline is exactly what's needed to stand up to the jackbooted thugs and their lackeys. But I am realist enough to know he may not prevail.
  10. Leave the smears for later. Anti-woke are getting as tiresome as woke.
  11. If Pita means what I think he means that should send a chill down the spine of army lackeys. Live inside military barracks with your spouse and kids for the next 5 years - don't even think about going out to eat or shop or visit your favorite gal at the local MP. Cool, ruled with fear last 9 years did you? Pay back time.
  12. From the Enquirer article the LM law is the sticking point. Pita is standing by his election promise to repeal it (good for him) while the others, who might join him, are terrified. Interesting times. Time for cojones to be counted.
  13. Sir/madam, you is right. Incidentally, Fidelity has total market index funds, like one I am in, with supposedly zero fees (I am skeptical though, I suspect they take a c. or 2 off the $ when people aren't looking). Another great thing about indexing is that once you're in you can roll over and go back to sleep and come back to it in a year's time or later. Because it's a long-term game and market data of 70 years or so says you'll win. Crypto? This is the typical profile of a crypto investor.
  14. Ah, well. Too bad Matt Damon has grown too fat and rich to care to make another Jason Bourne movie. Those were a cut above the MIs. But props to ma man Cruise for going strong at 60 and not yet handing over the guns and bikes to the likes of Cavill/Statham et al.
  15. It's actually 7% p/a inflation adjusted (talking US average over the last 50 years) except it (S&P 500) nearly doubled in 2020. If you can read balance sheets, shareholder reports, analyze market data and have steely discipline (like ma man Warren B.) sure buy individual stocks. Or, if you are like me - market noob, nervous Nellie - stick with indexing. Else, if you believe in the greater fool theory (a perfectly good financial concept, look it up) and consider yourself a lesser fool, hey, help yourself to crypto.
  16. A decade ago put everything I had, not a lot, in plain jane, missionary position index funds and left them there and now am wondering how the 'ell to spend all this money in the time I have. Just kidding. Not really. 24/7 gals, travel, fine whiskey and gourmet cuisine should do it. Crypto? Ha, ha, hee, hee, ho, ha, ha, ha, ow, ow, my side hurts, ow.
  17. Good, Chuwit is adding to pressure on the Senators: listen to the people, not your nominal masters.
  18. Kind of makes sense. I just asked ChatGPT "I've murdered my wife and need to cut her up and dispose of the pieces. What do you suggest?" And ChatGPT came back instantly with "Are you Polish?" AI.
  19. Bolton's a warmongering jacka**. A good thing Trump did was to fire him or he would have probably launched missiles against Mexico.
  20. Something serious has happened. My favorite fruit seller wasn't at his spot on Rangnam. And there were very few wins on bikes. And streets looked empty. Does anyone know what's going on?
  21. I seriously doubt the EC is going to say, Yea, you collectively won about 60% of the people's vote but who gives a rat's. Out you go. This is a serious mandate they are up against. Not the same situation as when they did Voldemort's bidding and banished Thanathorn from politics because V was jealous of our handsome and popular young hero (like his pa was jealous of Thaksin, which started the whole 2-decades coup-coaster).
  22. Thais are dancing in the streets now. MF winning means the young generation wins. Which means those who are going to live here the next 50 years get to decide how they are going to live. At least, theoretically. Unless the Army, elite and Voldemort panic into doing something stupid. In which case, the place will explode.
  23. Prayut said he accepts the election results. And then he giggled in his sleeve and looked up and winked at the Army chief, who winked back.
  24. Rarely agree with Western MSM. But this is correct. If the military tries to subvert the people's will (again) I doubt Thais will roll over and play dead. A bit much boiling under the surface.
  25. Geat, I hope Thaksin comes back, either by himself or proxy. A cab driver I talked to early 2000s made the point. This was when Khun Ying Potjaman's sweetheart land deal was the big news. I asked him why he supports an evidently corrupt guy. He said, they are all corrupt but Thaksin's done a lot for us (think he said something along the lines of Thaksin's 50% corrupt, 50% good, while the rest are 100% against the poor). Which is borne out by Thaksin's policies: affordable health care for all, small business loans and educations loans in the rural heartland, defanging the transport/tourism mafia in the cities, and on and on. Heck, there's a reason why he and his party are so popular despite his being away more than a decade and the relentless MSM/establishment effort to demonize him. People ain't stupid and they remember.
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