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Everything posted by mikecha

  2. no lofty position just 1 bottle of beer less i live here more than 10 years so also i see many price hikes so realy just live with it
  3. Not even a euro u must be hard up or u have long pockets and short hands
  4. live in the boon docks half hour no video no e learning bar of chocolate cy done
  5. had steak from tops Lampang last week Australian brand was good had also local brand /cut not good
  6. Walk away leave it as it is u will not win if u stay around after settlement they will find u and u will get probably a beating but no one will see and is this all worth it or are u making out as a populist
  7. Never Mock or joke about people at war if you have never been in the military and active service u would not understand it doesn't matter what country is involved the human misery is something that most service people do not Forget ,what they see ,what they did many dont want to be part of it ,but no choice , 1 guy 1 bus a few Baht surviving So what the Thai taxi mafia jealous again what's next can not pick up people that visit from airport
  8. Travel light no need wait
  9. buy a fast track no need to stand hours
  10. mistakes happen everybody makes them big or small why should the child be placed to someone who cares do u know this guy do u know he doesn't care odd comment really
  11. world megapack Ais what i use can get all sport and any language english movies 6000+and many more it costs some but if you have good i net then works good
  12. sorry https://www,myultra.net
  13. ultra tv myultra.com they online after 3 pm can chat them what u need
  14. Go to Limping supermarket they have TGM brand thai german meats is quite good
  15. how People look good bad gangster or what ever walks this earth you are not the one to judge look at yourself in the mirror maybe you look like a gangster also ad some pictures to your body even more impressive ,
  16. yes Pathetic The Immagration are doing ther job they were here also no problem like everything here, if you keep documents up to date visa up to date 90 days up to date and be polite be a normal Ex pat then life here is good . try to act the clown not have everything in place try to screw the system then u can expect problems
  17. normally u get this when u get your work permit and stamp in your passport i would keep 1 hour extra when get to airport
  18. stupid comment this guy is just making sure he do the good thing from people in this forum that have experiance why bother being in this forum if you are not helpfull and only write <deleted>
  19. yes correct Stiebel is Fairley pricy but fantastic machine good quality we have 2 never a problem and we use well water with a micron filter
  20. yes are ok
  21. At the beginning of this year everybody buying and laughing now as they say most gas supply full for winter next year is the big question who is creative enough to fulfil the need . of course some countries have no choice so pay in Rubels others dont care so long as they get delivery. but Europe being a massive gas buyer and buy nothing think this a few billion that the Russian federation will miss Russians are survivors which ever way you look at it every war every bad winter every hot summer every crisis they still go on as nothing has happened now goverments want all to go electric the eco plan but war will break out where can i load up my car it already happens in Norway people fighting for a loading parking place No Joke i seen it the networks of cables can not cope with all this voltage they say that is extra needed 5 more years to update and then obsolete again when i was a child i remember we had open fire in the house for heat in living room upstairs no heating but many blankets in the morning you could see the frost patterns on the glass sleep with big pajama use wollen night gound to go downstairs in morning cold but in the room warm eat big breakffast go work same as work places workshops cold work harder keep warm maybe we going back to this stage again and maybe the people will get to start building immunity again instead of every small pain or fart they let go run to the doctor conclusion if less energy be creative if you cook for 1 cook for 6 and splitsame gas same amount of energy here Thailand we baught solar lights 1200 watt chargable by the sun or from the net last 9 hours full on never see for sale in Europe what a pity the cos was 22 euro life goes on i hope this grisley war from P ends and gets the world back to some normality For land or money or power the fight will never stop and the powers to be with there donkey heads nodding disagreement but acutely do nothing just bla bla actuely there are millions of Russians that suffer the cold like Europe will do but they have over the centueries found the way to keep warm have been there seen it was amazed how they do it
  22. great thinking but how to submerge n a rice field
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