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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. I don't know why you brought up the Twitter files, but since I suspect it is an attempted deflection I won't ask. I remember my first reason for opposing Trump which predates his election: He has never been in any way qualified to have access to the nuclear codes. I have many other reasons, but that has always been my number one reason. Yes, I'm vaxxed and boosted to the hilt and intend to remain so. I also don't recall having Covid or any other illness of any note for over ten years.
  2. No problem. Russia rarely uses them because they aren't that accurate and Russia doesn't have many.
  3. How does having an unnecessary and redundant second Florida State Guard make Florida a great place to live? Stemming the agricultural and septic tank run-off that is leading to more frequent and longer lasting red tides along Florida's beaches would make the state a better place to live, but that's hard and wouldn't get DeSantis on Faux News. So he does this nonsense instead.
  4. Audits were done. Ballots were checked. Votes were recounted. The plumbing problem in Fulton county was investigated. The results always came out the same: Trump lost bigly.
  5. Nah, he's just wasting Florida taxpayer's money to keep his name in the news, his face on Faux News, and promote his bid for President.
  6. Why is it relevant? The shaman loonie knew he was illegally entering the Capitol, he knew the police had been overwhelmed and the doors and windows smashed in, he knew he was trespassing on a secure federal building, in fact he was one of the first ones to enter through the smashed doors. Once inside he had a great time show-boating and encouraging the mob. "Multiple videos and pictures showed the defendant inside and outside the Capitol building, yelling at officers and leading a mob down the halls of the Capitol. He made his way into the Senate chamber, where he scrawled, "It's Only A Matter of Time. Justice Is Coming," on paper covering the desk where Vice President Mike Pence had been presiding over the Senate just minutes before, investigators said.".... "At the sentencing hearing, prosecutors showed the court profanity-laced videos of Chansley's participation in the riot and specifically addressed the letter he left on Pence's desk inside the Senate chamber." https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jacob-chansley-qanon-shaman-sentenced-january-6-attack-capitol/
  7. No, I saw him enthusiastically participating in the mob illegally trespassing in the White House and encouraging the mob on. He was one of the first ones in after the doors were "peacefully" kicked in.
  8. Trump is willing to throw Ukraine under the bus in order to make his pal Putin happy. Is anyone surprised?
  9. Make plastic manufacturers pay a hefty disposal tax, which could be recouped by recycling. Make the tax big enough to make most single use plastics unaffordable. It won't solve the problem but it might make a dent in it.
  10. By showing peaceful moments on January 6 without showing the violent moments Tucker is guilty of cherry-picking. By showing videos of people clearly breaking the law the January 6 committee was showing that what happened was clearly illegal. That is not cherry-picking, that is getting to the purpose of the committee; revealing the illegal activities of the day. Showing videos of times and places where trespassers were behaving reasonably peacefully would have drawn out the investigation without adding anything to it. Showing the "nothing to see here" videos during the trials of those charged (I hope you know the J6C was not where they were tried) would have been a waste of time for the courts. So the answer to your questions is "or what". The January 6 committee showed laws being broken, and Tucker Carlson is trying to obfuscate by showing irrelevant videos of illegal trespassers not engaged in violence at particular moments.
  11. It seems you define cherry-picking as going through 41,000 thousand hours of video, editing out the parts where nothing unusual is going on, and showing the times when crimes were being committed. Is that correct? If so, what is wrong with it? Returning to my earlier bank robbery example, if a bank with a video surveillance system was robbed, would it be cherry-picking for the police and prosecution to only use the videos showing the robbery? Or should they subject the court to years of videos showing business as usual when the bank wasn't being robbed?
  12. If there were a bank video showing Trump robbing a bank, the Maga crowd would focus on all the hours of video that show the bank not being robbed and insist that it was proof no crime was committed.
  13. “I would put Mexico on notice,” Graham said. “If you continue to give safe haven to drug dealers, then you are an enemy of the United States.” How would he feel about Mexico putting the US on notice for harboring arms dealers? "According to Mexican officials, some half a million US guns find their way to Mexico each year; the US Department of Justice found that between 2014 and 2018, about 70 percent of firearms recovered in Mexico and submitted for tracing originated north of the border. " https://edition.cnn.com/2021/08/28/americas/mexico-us-gun-manufacturers-lawsuit-intl-latam/index.html
  14. Are you being facetious? The US Capitol building has over 175,000 square feet on five levels.
  15. The Capitol police didn't abuse protesters who had been apprehended and didn't resist arrest or being escorted out of the building. That's how they're supposed to do things.
  16. I think Putin has relieved NATO of any need to justify its existence for the foreseeable future.
  17. Read the entire article. It's more than just personal, it's professional as well: "That's the last four years. We're all pretending we've got a lot to show for it, because admitting what a disaster it's been is too tough to digest. But come on. There isn't really an upside to Trump."
  18. Misleading title. Should read "Pentagon objections dissuade Biden admin..." If Biden really wanted this information shared it would be made available.
  19. "The Dems." listened to the Capitol security people who asked them not to release the videos. Now that the tapes have been released to Putin fanboy and right-wing agitator Tucker Carlson there is no reason not to release them to all the news media.
  20. 41,000 hours of video would require more than 20 years to review if one watched video for 40 hours a week. How many people are going to do that? Release the tapes to all news services. I doubt that the Democrats would have strong objections after this BS. Why isn't Kevin McCarthy doing that?
  21. The QAnon idiot walked in "peacefully" about one minute into the video, and seconds after the doors were kicked in and window was smashed, "peacefully" of course. "Last night an opinion program aired commentary that was filled with offensive and misleading conclusions about the January 6 attack,” Manger wrote in an internal department memo obtained by CNN, adding that Carlson’s show didn’t reach out to the police department “to provide accurate context.” Just as expected. This is the admitted liar Tucker Carlson; no one of any intelligence expected a "fair and balanced" reporting of what was on the videos.
  22. You neglected to mention that the Ukraine people and Parliament were pro-western and that the astoundingly corrupt Unukovich caved in to Russian pressure and is now living in Russia. Where a former PM lives is not relevant.
  23. Life expectancy the same as the desperately poor failed state of Haiti. Why do the Russian people put up with this?
  24. "I dont know this period well, never had enough interest in WW2" You should educate yourself. Britain and France threw Czechoslovakia under the bus by allowing Hitler to annex the Sudetenland, then did nothing after Hitler followed up with full occupation of the country even though France had a defensive alliance with Czechoslovakia. Proving themselves to be untrustworthy allies was a major reason why Stalin signed an agreement with Nazi Germany that led to the invasion of Poland and the start of World War II in Europe. Had Hitler not gone on to betray Stalin then Europe might be under the control of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union to this day. Betrayal has consequences. The United States, United Kingdom and Russia guaranteed Ukraine's security in exchange for its nuclear weapons in the 1994 Budapest Memorandum. Russia has already betrayed the agreement. Letting Russia get away with it would have serious consequences not only for Europe but also in Asia. China is watching to see how trustworthy an ally the US is.
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