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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. It seems Trump's defenders have now resorted to denying reality and complaining that the investigation isn't being conducted the way they want it to be conducted.
  2. JohhnyF's first two posts on this topic https://aseannow.com/topic/1268315-politics-trump-says-fbi-raiding-his-mar-a-lago-home/#comments began with "Wow. State sponsored raids on the homes of political rivals? " and "Of course it was politically motivated." yet he insisted he was neutral on that one as well. I don't think he knows the meaning of "neutral".
  3. And bad information is best avoided.
  4. If "Why would he?" is the entire defense, the case will be resolved quickly.
  5. I question whether Trump received any intelligence briefings of significance after January 6. I hope not.
  6. Circling back to "why would he" are you? It doesn't matter why he would. He did. He kept these documents that did not belong to him, he failed to keep highly classified material properly secured, returned some but not all when all were requested, had his lawyer lie about not having any classified, etc. "Why would he?" is not a defense in court.
  7. You have now confirmed that you have never worked extensively with classified or in the bureaucracy of a large organization. To answer your question: Yes, many important documents are stored in cardboard boxes. The security comes from the number of sturdy locks, doors, walls, and security checks a person would have to go through to get to them. In the White House there would be a lot of security measures. It is clear that was not the case at Mar-a-Lago.
  8. "Precedent shows that even people who were not President had similar documentation at home, and it was deemed to be a non-event by the director of the FBI. " Please tell us about these precedents that involved TS/SCI. Better yet, provide credible references. Regarding the rest of your post, I got a good laugh out of "a never-before-revealed" "standing order" to declassify documents without any documentation of the order or the documents declassified. However I don't think the courts would find it as entertaining, and I pity the lawyer that makes the argument that this should be taken seriously.
  9. I think Trump has been operating a financial shell game--shuffling around income from properties and loans, many from questionable sources, to stave off foreclosure on his highly leveraged properties. The shell game would come to an end with either conviction and house arrest or flight to a friendly country; his house of cards would collapse. Trump may be well and truly trapped this time. One can only hope.
  10. No, it's accented the corruption of Trump. Obviously crimes were committed, but Trump's base refuses to see the obvious.
  11. No, it's accented the corruption of Trump. Obviously crimes were committed, but Trump's base refuses to see the obvious.
  12. Do you understand that there is no record of Trump ever declassifying these documents, that he had no right to possess them regardless of classification, that he failed to return them and lied about possessing them? Crimes have definitely been committed and Trump and his people are in deep. It only remains to be seen what charges will be filed. And don't repeat the childish question of "Why haven't any charges been filed yet?", that one has been answered repeatedly.
  13. Any fair minded person can see that Trump had classified documents that didn't belong to him, kept them in an insecure location, refused to give them up, denied having them, then had them seized in a legally approved raid after months of talk failed to get them returned. An obvious crime that warranted an investigation. Not even Trump and his team deny the above. The response of you and other Trump supporters: Ignore the obvious truth of the situation and speculate about the sinister motives of the government.
  14. How has the UK been an unreliable ally to Ukraine?
  15. Are you really unaware of how Trump monetized the Presidency and post-Presidency? After the election and well before taking office Trump doubled the admission fee at Mar-a-Lago from $100k to $200k, then announced that it would be the "Winter White House". https://www.cnbc.com/2017/01/25/mar-a-lago-membership-fee-doubles-to-200000.html Lot's of people were going to Mar-a-Lago to curry favor with him, and maybe get a peak at some classified even in the early days. Of course people were also staying in his other hotels, also to curry favor. Trump's only legislative accomplishment (which was actually Mitch McConnell's doing) was a tax cut that more than compensated for his PR stunt of forgoing his salary. There's also all the people staying at his hotels and Mar-a-Lago to curry favor with him. He played the Presidency in a manner that paid him for the PR stunt salary donation many times over. Now he's playing the post-Presidency in an even more profitable manner. His non-existent "Election Defense Fund" has taken in hundreds of millions from gullible supporters https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/matters-trumps-election-defense-fund-didnt-exist-rcna33326 and he's now using his latest fiasco to solicit more money. You are truly blinded by Trumpiness if you think Trump ever intended to lose money by running for President.
  16. I think she is one of many who could be the mole. I'm certain that Trump's inner circle is just as opportunistic and self-serving as he is; there is no contest between loyalty to Trump and personal self-interest in any of their minds, Trump children included. It's kind of an interesting whodunit.
  17. I'm certain of it. If there is one thing Trump does know, it is how to get in and out of marriages with the minimum of cost and inconvenience.
  18. Maybe sending him to prison will get her out of the ironclad pre-nup she had to sign.
  19. Republicans have endless patience when it comes to investigating Democrats, as Benghazi and White Water showed. However investigations of Republicans they want to be able to time with an egg timer. I mean Trump knew he had the government documents and knew the government knew. Why didn't he return all of them? Why did he lie about still holding some? I think from the position of winning the next Presidential election the Democrats would like for Trump to run again.
  20. As a reliable ally and a force for democracy and stability in the world. Why? How do you think Biden regards the UK?
  21. It was Trump's peace deal that was an incredible gift to the Taliban, Biden was the one stuck with delivering it. The border is no more or less secure than under Trump. The USA became a laughingstock to the world when it elected Trump.
  22. Take our former President.....Please!
  23. " If anyone is still unsure about who is on the right and wrong side of this awful raid..." This awful legal raid to recover stolen classified documents that the President refused to return and denied having. A better indicator of Trump's patriotism came on January 6 when he watched his supporters riot and assault the Capitol while doing nothing to call them off.
  24. I think it is more likely Godfather-speak for "Let's negotiate", indicating that Trump is scared.
  25. I've cracked the code: "Speaking as a Brit" means the poster has views far outside the mainstream for the UK but wants people to think he speaks for his country.
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