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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Because the publicity hound DeSantis would have advertised the invite at every opportunity.
  2. It's not generosity, it's fraudulent use of taxpayer money to fund election stunts for DeSantis. If Texas wants this "generosity" from Florida, why hasn't Governor Abbot or anyone else in Texas asked for it?
  3. You seem totally confused about what is going on. Florida is not shipping migrants out of Florida to other states, it is going into other states uninvited and rounding up migrants to ship to other states. Why is it so difficult for you to grasp that?
  4. You haven't been paying attention. Florida hasn't been shipping migrants from Florida. Please try to keep up.
  5. Then instead of invading its neighbors Russia should get its house in order and grant independence to those regions where a majority want independence.
  6. Should Chechnya be allowed to break away and become another country? They tried it once, Russia did not respond well. Should Russian Manchurian be allowed to break away and join China? If the people there expressed a desire to do so, would you be ok with China invading the area to liberate them?
  7. You responded with nonsense, and are still avoiding the key question: Why should Florida taxpayers pay to send immigrants from Texas to New York, Massachusetts, or anywhere else?
  8. Read the topic article. They are not shipping immigrants out of Florida, they are sending agents to other states to round up immigrants and send them to another state. Immigrants that weren't in Florida and won't be sent to Florida. I assume the hurricane Ian clean-up using immigrants is largely completed, so DeSantis can once again climb on the immigrant bashing bandwagon. Unfortunately for DeSantis, Florida doesn't have as many illegal immigrants arriving as other states, and the ones that are here are usually employed by farmers and businessmen who are DeSantis voters. In order to grand-stand about being tough on illegal immigrants, DeSantis has to send agents to other states to round them up. The legality of this will be challenged in court, so more Florida taxpayer money will be wasted defending an unnecessary policy. How would you feel about your tax money being spent for election stunts for your governor?
  9. A tediously long story. Can you point out the parts where evidence to support the story is provided?
  10. What is reasonable about Florida taxpayers paying to shuffle immigrants between states hundreds of miles away from Florida. This clearly is DeSantis using taxpayer money to fund election stunts.
  11. The depth of ignorance displayed by some posters about modern aviation and what it can do is amazing.
  12. Are you trolling? Or do you not understand the difference between shooting down a balloon at 20,000 feet over lake Huron and shooting down a massive balloon carrying a payload the size of three buses at 60,000 feet over the US?
  13. I hope it is well protected. If not there are ghoulish souvenir hunters who will dig up weapons and bones.
  14. Pence and Biden have invited the FBI to search their homes for classified. I wonder why Trump won't? ????
  15. Repeated failures? You had to go back 18 months to a withdrawal negotiated by Trump to find something to criticize in a topic about the State of the Union message. Seems like you were desperate to find something to criticize even if it were off-topic.
  16. Minuteman III test launches are routine, happening about once a year. They are usually announced in advance, as this one was: https://www.sanluisobispo.com/news/local/article272286638.html There was a test launch in 2022: https://www.defensenews.com/training-sim/2022/09/06/us-air-force-to-test-launch-nuclear-missile-wednesday-morning/ And in 2021: https://www.vandenberg.spaceforce.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/2513052/unarmed-minuteman-iii-test-launch-from-vandenberg/ And in 2020: https://abcnews.go.com/us/us-launches-icbm-california-overnight-test/story?id=68773164 And in many years before.
  17. No, I have explained, you have not. You have claimed that what is clearly impossible is somehow sort of true. Once again: The US has the ability to pick up payloads of a few hundreds pounds on the ground when the payload is tethered to a balloon by a specially designed elastic rope or cord using a slow, low-flying aircraft. No country has ever had the ability to snag a payload the size of three buses from a balloon floating at 85,000 feet. Saying the two thing are similar is akin to stating that since a circus can shoot a man out of a cannon, the army can drop commandos behind enemy lines by shooting them out of large artillery. It's ridiculous.
  18. "The legislation passed on Friday would “facilitate the transport of inspected unauthorized aliens within the United States.” Unauthorized aliens include individuals who have “documentation from the United States Government indicating that the United States Government processed and released him or her into the United States without admitting the individual in accordance with the federal Immigration and Nationality Act,” according to the bill." https://news.yahoo.com/florida-legislature-passes-bill-approving-210839986.html In other words, Florida taxpayers will now pay for future DeSantis campaign stunts of sending agents anywhere in the country, rounding up immigrants, and shipping them somewhere else in the country. This does not benefit Florida or the US in the least, but it will keep DeSantis's name in the news and ensure future Faux News appearances.
  19. You think the difference between possible and impossible is hair-splitting? Or are you stubbornly refusing to admit you're wrong? You started out defending Newt Gingrich's demonstrably incorrect statement “We had plenty of capacity to scoop that balloon out of the air,”. It was explained that the statement was clearly wrong, was always wrong, that we don't have and never have had the capability to "scoop that balloon out of the air". Instead of admitting you are wrong, you started "hair-splitting" about how a capability that is literally miles away (in vertical distance) from the capability necessary is sort of capable, even though it clearly isn't. Give it up. Admit you are wrong. You don't look good arguing against the obvious.
  20. Why does thee FBI and DOJ "pester" someone who held thousands of government documents, many of them highly classified, and refused to return them? Because it's their job. Afghanistan was a debacle created by President George Bush, made worse by Trump's cut and run peace plan, and ended by Biden.
  21. I added a qualifier to fit the situation. I could have gone further; the recovery system you refer to can only be accomplished at very low altitudes and low airspeed and with a payload attached to a line specially designed to stretch rather than jerk the payload to pieces. We have never had the ability to snatch the balloon or its payload out of the sky at anywhere near the altitude the balloon was at. That is what Gingrich claimed we could do and you agreed with him. Just admit you are wrong, and consider not commenting on subjects you know nothing about. Just because you've seen it in a movie doesn't mean it's real.
  22. You should really read and understand the posts you agree with.
  23. I have evidence from your post that you agreed with SunnyinBangrak that all of "what the left" called conspiracy theories have been proven to be true. I'm still waiting for evidence of that from you or Sunny. Lizard people, blood drinking pedophiles, child sex slaves in pizza restaurant basements, millions of illegal votes, etc., these are all claims from the right and the Qanon idiots that "the left" calls conspiracy theories. None have been shown correct, most would be funny if it weren't scary that so many fools believe them.
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