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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. If you mean the far-right groups will not know where libraries are, you may be correct. If you mean far-right groups are not capable of violence and stupidity; remember the neo-Nazis marching in Charlotte Virginia and chanting "Jews will not replace us"?
  2. At least he didn't lash out at them. Remember when DeSantis, who insisted mask wearing should be a choice, repeatedly telling students to take off their masks for his photo op? https://news.yahoo.com/please-take-them-off-de-santis-scolds-students-for-wearing-face-masks-200256803.html
  3. I wonder why "The Life of Rosa Parks (Famous Lives Series), by Kathleen Connors" was banned.
  4. What is a "valid education media specialist certificate"? What is the criteria for determining approved books? Keep in mind that the law carries harsh penalties for violating it, but is too vague for anyone to know what is or isn't allowed. This results in censorship--when it doubt, ban it. Also, pity the person tasked with approving an entire library of books. Florida is among the lowest in education spending on a per student basis. https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2021/public-school-spending-per-pupil.html School districts will probably have a single person doing the job of screening all books, possibly with additional job responsibilities as well. Finally, but must important: What is driving this? No one, including you, has given any examples of this terrible indoctrination and grooming that the law is supposed to prevent.
  5. No. This is about a vaguely written law with stiff penalties that restrict what teachers can teach, how they interact with their students, and what books they can use. Teachers, schools and school districts are practicing self-censorship to the extreme of removing classroom libraries to avoid falling foul of the law.
  6. Because, as has been explained repeatedly, they are banning every book from school libraries (not just the classroom) that is not on their approved list.
  7. Correct: The DeSantis ideology of banning all books not on a government/Big Brother approved list.
  8. First: The next time reply to a post of mine by first editing out the pertinent information I will report you. Second: This is the quote you edited out, which in no way limits the ban to classrooms only (as if that weren't bad enough): "Some Manatee County teachers have covered their classroom libraries with construction paper or otherwise eliminated students' access to make sure they comply with new Florida law requiring all library books to be approved by a certified media specialist." https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/news/education/2023/01/23/fearing-prosecution-manatee-county-teachers-cover-up-classroom-books/69832276007/
  9. Please read the OP and the link provided or stop trolling. You can start your reading with the first paragraph of the link (this is the third time I've provided this paragraph in this topic): "Some Manatee County teachers have covered their classroom libraries with construction paper or otherwise eliminated students' access to make sure they comply with new Florida law requiring all library books to be approved by a certified media specialist." https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/news/education/2023/01/23/fearing-prosecution-manatee-county-teachers-cover-up-classroom-books/69832276007/ That's pretty clear: All books are banned in Florida school libraries unless they are on a government approved list. I don't know if this will hold up in court. If not, it will go on the list of laws passed under the DeSantis administration that were tossed out by the courts (after costing the taxpayers the legal expenses) that result in nothing other than DeSantis getting air time on Fox.
  10. Read the first paragraph of the link in the OP: "Some Manatee County teachers have covered their classroom libraries with construction paper or otherwise eliminated students' access to make sure they comply with new Florida law requiring all library books to be approved by a certified media specialist." I'm still waiting for examples of the ideological indoctrination used to justify this extreme censorship,
  11. Can you give us one credible, sourced example of this happening? The only deviant news stories I recall involving teachers has been heterosexual adults having sex with underage students.
  12. "books aren't banned, just the one's that haven't been approved yet." Ok, do you really not understand that only allowing a government approved list of books results in the overwhelming majority of books being banned?
  13. "unsolicited theories"? Right, we don't want students exposed to new ideas! Regardless, all books that are not on the approved list are banned. That's definitely taking censorship up to 11.
  14. "many teachers are introducing radical texts with the aim of indoctrinating children into their ideology" Can you give us a credible example of that happening? Don't tell us to Google it, support your claim with sourced examples.
  15. By denying students access to books that haven't been reviewed by the government. That is the overwhelming majority of books.
  16. "Some Manatee County teachers have covered their classroom libraries with construction paper or otherwise eliminated students' access to make sure they comply with new Florida law requiring all library books to be approved by a certified media specialist." What's worse than banning specific books? Banning all books that are not on a government approved list. I wonder if "Uncle Tom's Cabin" is on the list?
  17. The United Arab Emirates has never been in armed conflict with Israel. The last armed conflict between the US and Canada was during the War of 1812. A peace agreement between Canada and the US would be pointless, as is the peace agreement between Israel and the U.A.E.
  18. Hopefully so, but the tanks, spares, maintenance facilities and sufficient munitions need to be in place, staff trained, strategy and tactics worked out, etc. before they will make a difference. Don't expect dramatic results right away.
  19. By that logic the US signing a peace accord with Canada will make America more peaceful. That's some low-hanging fruit.
  20. It worked for me the first time. Apparently I was only allowed one free view.
  21. Or Paul Pelosi opened the door with his right hand (that's what right-handed people do) then used his right hand to grab the hammer. This comically desperate search for something wrong with the video speaks more about the credibility of the posters than credibility of the video.
  22. Your original post on this subject: "Trump also Bought peace to Israel and some of its neighbours" Clearly Israel is no more peaceful now than before Trump.
  23. No, the sound on the Fox News video indicates the police knocked on the door at about 20 seconds into the video, then the police officer and his camera turn around and sweep the area. When the camera is back on the door at about 40 seconds in the door is swinging open with Paul Pelosi close enough so that he could easily have been the one who opened the door and stepped back to put an hand on the hammer. Nothing magic about it.
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