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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. I missed that one, but Candide covered it nicely. A "peace plan" that doesn't include one of the two parties that need to agree with it is not a peace plan.
  2. I did. I even checked the link. https://www.chicagotribune.com/nation-world/ct-aud-nw-nyt-barr-durham-russia-investigation-20230126-uw7fl7ftabcuxanbhu3qoab33a-story.html It references the NYT, but it is a Chicago Tribune news story.
  3. But, but, but....Mac Mickmanus said Trump brought peace to the Middle East! ???? So....no peace?
  4. So some politicians exaggerated their mundane accomplishment. Does this surprise you?
  5. A protest by people who don't need evidence to justify overthrowing a legitimate election and our democratic system. When did stating well known facts become immaturity?
  6. You thought the goal of arming Ukraine was to freeze the battle lines into an indefinite war of attrition? A war decided when one side decides it can bleed no more? Where did you get that idea? The purpose of arming Ukraine was so Ukraine could defend itself and kick out the Russian military.
  7. They signed a piece of paper maintaining the status quo. Not much of an accomplishment.
  8. "So why does Ukrain suddenly want offensive weapons?" So they can retake territory taken by Russia. You're a vet and you couldn't figure that out?
  9. The countries involved were already speaking, trading, and living with each other. I don't recall any attempt to solve the Palestinian problem. Please explain. Also, "Donald left his position of POTUS" is a funny way to say he was booted out by a comfortable majority of the voters.
  10. Peace deals between nations that were not fighting, and nothing to stop the violence between Palestinians and Israelis. Why do you think that's a big accomplishment?
  11. You posted "Trump also Bought peace to Israel and some of its neighbours". The region is no more or less peaceful than it was before Trump. So how did he bring peace?
  12. Bull. How did the west meddle in Ukraine's internal politics? Provide credible sources.
  13. Ok, now that you can see the video; how does it show anything other than a violent assault on an old man? I know this has been answered before, but the CNN link explains why the tape was "kept secret": "Lawyers for DePape argued against the public release of the audio and footage, writing it would “irreparably damage” his right to a fair trial."
  14. Either blatant trolling or stubbornly willful ignorance. Once again, Russia started the war when it invaded Ukraine. If Russia withdraws the war will end. If Russia and Ukraine agree to reparations for the incredible damage done to Ukraine then a peace deal might be signed, Why is this so difficult for you to grasp?
  15. Was there a raging war between these countries before Trump? Since you won't answer, I will. No, there wasn't. That means that the situation in the MidEast regarding Israel is no more peaceful now than before.
  16. "the laptop has been authenticated" That's funny. Did someone dispute that it was a laptop? Did they bring in a laptop expert to say "Yep, that's a laptop."? Thousands of emails, which represent a small fraction of the contents on the hard drive of the laptop, have been verified as authentic emails. "The vast majority of the data — and most of the nearly 129,000 emails it contained — could not be verified by either of the two security experts who reviewed the data for The Post. Neither found clear evidence of tampering in their examinations, but some of the records that might have helped verify contents were not available for analysis, they said. The Post was able in some instances to find documents from other sources that matched content on the laptop that the experts were not able to assess." https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/03/30/hunter-biden-laptop-data-examined/ Also, verifying the emails are authentic does not verify that everything stated on the emails is true.
  17. Why don't you call it what it is: Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
  18. The commitment of Abrams tanks is symbolic; it provides cover for other countries to deliver tanks that Ukraine can learn to operate and maintain in a short time. However it is an important symbol. I expect many more countries will offer tanks now.
  19. Yet Ukraine isn't complaining, it's asking for further aid. Could it be that Ukraine understands the situation better than you?
  20. Poor intelligence, depleted reserves of smart munitions, general incompetence...
  21. Do you mean the mystery double-voters that nobody can find?
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