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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. That is why anonymous voting is popular. People can vote in a manner that may upset their employer, their union, their church, their neighbors, their family, etc. without fear.
  2. Hardly. You are assuming that currently anonymous votes can be changed without anyone knowing, but if some people choose to make their votes public knowledge the remaining anonymous votes could not be changed without anyone knowing. Can you see the fallacy in that assumption?
  3. If there were a move to make anonymous voting optional, the default choice should be anonymous. If such an option were available, how would you prevent conspiracy theorists like Trump and yourself from claiming that all the anonymous votes were changed?
  4. In other words, you want to eliminate anonymous voting. Bad idea.
  5. Bull. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/?ref=theflstandard.com#datatracker-home
  6. I fumble-fingered my original post. My post was a reply to EVENKEEL.
  7. As I understand it, the only reason Trump didn't lose everything in the 1980's is that banks had stupidly loaned him so much money they couldn't afford to let him fail. I also understand some bankers were doing a lot of cocaine in the '80's. These two things might be related.
  8. You think an honest, informed and properly qualified statement about the credibility of a laptop with an uncertain provenance is election interference? What do you think about storming the Capitol to prevent the certification of a legitimate election?
  9. "his political opponents" are doing it to him with evidence and grand juries. I don't think that's what Trump has in mind.
  10. It seems you hope Trump is elected and will be more deranged than ever.
  11. Do you need to have it explained again? That stuff about having average the rate or transmission per person driven below one by widespread use of a vaccine that lowers to risk of infection but doesn't completely eliminates it? Just read this: https://www.healthline.com/health/r-naught-reproduction-number
  12. Pay attention MAGA people; Trump is explaining how to really politicize the justice system.
  13. Is there no one in your life who is vulnerable? Or do you simply not care if you catch Covid and pass it on to them? I'm not worried for myself about catching Covid, but I have an 88 year old mother (in good health for her age, but still...) that I don't want to risk catching Covid from me or anyone else.
  14. "How is "we're going to use your tax money to fund a vaccine that you may not want" not a mandate?" Does that mean the promise of a wall is also a mandate? How about the "paid for by Mexico" part? As placeholder pointed out, you really need to look up the definition of mandate.
  15. You have learned from Trump: Rant, but through in a weak qualifier.
  16. If you read the entire article it does not state that Hunter Biden did anything. The closest thing to maybe something done by Hunter is a report of second hand info that Hunter called "DC". Also, the fact that the emails are from a laptop that was in unknown hands for an extended period of time raises suspicions. Shokin now claims he was fired for investigating Burisma. I wonder why it took so long for him to make the claim. Edit: Here are the reasons why Shokin was fired. https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/shokin-s-revenge-ukraine-s-odious-prosecutor-general-fires-honest-deputy-before-parliament-sacks-him/
  17. "Anti democracy haters are naturally not very credible sources." Correct. Democracy haters such as Trump and all those who attempted to overturn 2020 election are not credible sources." "I prefer level headed facts backed up by actual evidence. " Coming from you that is rich. We're still waiting for those facts that support your claim that President Biden is a criminal.
  18. "He added that it’s “tentatively” recommended “that everybody get it,” once the shots are ready." You understand that is not a mandate, right?
  19. Well, the best advice is to: Not smoke anything. Not drink any alcohol. Not eat any highly processed food. Eat very little meat and eat lots of raw or lightly cooked high fiber vegetables. Not inhale any pollution. Not drink any water with known or possible contaminants, even in trace amounts, but drink lots of this difficult to find pristine water. Exercise a lot (exactly what kind of exercise and how much "a lot" is changes frequently). And the list goes on. I've decided I don't deserve the best. I try to live a reasonably healthy life and have fun while I'm at it.
  20. Biden doesn't have to talk about covid mandates, the right will pretend he did and rage about it. They've already started here.
  21. Can you prove the Easter Bunny doesn't exist? It's difficult to prove a non-existence. In the US one must prove a crime was committed, not that it was not committed. How does it work in your country?
  22. Jared reversed the order: He crafted US foreign policy to suit the Saudis then was rewarded with a $2 billion investment, in spite of his lack of experience in managing such and fund and against the recommendations of the investment panel advisors. https://www.businessinsider.com/kushners-2-billion-investment-saudi-backed-fund-concealed-sec-rules-2023-2?op=1&r=US&IR=T
  23. Does that mean freedom of speech doesn't include the right to slander, libel and threaten people? Somebody better tell Trump.
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