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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. I provide Trump's complete answer to one question and a link to the entire interview transcript for those who cared to read it. My reply was factual. It is also a fact that I'm not allowed to post the entire transcript of the interview. Trump said many contradictory things, as usual. That allows him to disavow the consequences of his words. You know, saying stuff like "fight like hell" but also "peacefully" in an otherwise inflammatory speech.
  2. Right, it's not like the title mentions Republicans. Oh, wait.....
  3. Its quite funny that the "But, but, but....Hunter Biden's laptop!" crowd is complaining about whattaboutism. However, as noted earlier, since the topic is about how the Republicans are reacting to Biden's gaffes, comparisons between the two party leaders communication abilities are legitimate.
  4. Hopefully this source is acceptable. If the Republicans are going to criticize Biden's gaffes, I think it only fair that these gaffes be compared to the leader of the Republican Party, who goes way beyond gaffes into total incoherence. So: “It definitely doesn’t help that so often what Trump says is complete nonsense,” said Oliver. “We often read transcripts of Trump’s speeches, and it’s something that everyone should actually do once in a while. When you strip away his blindingly confident delivery and just read his words, it is staggering how incoherent he is.” https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2017/nov/13/john-oliver-trump-an-iphone-would-be-a-more-coherent-president John Oliver's claim is well supported by the source, as is his conclusion: “An iPhone would be a more coherent president of the United States.”
  5. I use a US bank. Often the bank wants to send a verification code to my US phone number. From what I can determine from the carrier's (T-Mobile) website, I should be able to receive this text in Thailand, but I've never tried it. Does anyone know if a text sent to a US phone number will arrive in Thailand?
  6. Trump on injecting disinfectants, and an example of his 'coherence': "And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.” https://www.politico.com/news/2021/04/23/trump-bleach-one-year-484399 Trump on the Charlottesville white nationalist protesters, and another example of his coherence: "Reporter: "The neo-Nazis started this. They showed up in Charlottesville to protest --" Trump: "Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves -- and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group. Excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name."" https://www.politifact.com/article/2019/apr/26/context-trumps-very-fine-people-both-sides-remarks/?aff_id=1262 Regarding US Intel; why don't you give me five examples of mistakes made by the US Intelligence Agencies in the past 20 years, and I'll give you five examples of mistakes made by Trump in his inauguration speech. Even if Trump didn't trust his intelligence people, why would he trust Putin? Trump called the countries that immigrants to the US come from as "<deleted>hole countries", thus insulting the backgrounds of every US immigrant. Regarding Biden's ability to form a coherent thought, why don't you offer proof? I've already given examples of Trump's incoherence.
  7. "Did any of Biden's speeches or policies contribute to increasing fuel prices?" Probably not, certainly not to any significant degree. However counterfactuals are unprovable. "Prove that demand for fuel increased so much between trump and biden?" Wow! Have you actually forgotten about the pandemic and it's affects on travel and the economy? https://www.statista.com/statistics/1320443/average-monthly-us-gasoline-consumption/
  8. My understanding is that it is closed in both directions. Does anyone know why, and if this will change any time soon? BTW: I know about the coup, civil war and military dictatorship, but this is the normal state of affairs in Myanmar. I assume Covid is no longer an issue. I've heard a rumor that one side wants the other to pay a significant amount of money to open the border, but I don't know if that is true.
  9. It is my position that basic supply and demand determines gas prices. Can you identify which Biden policy or policies caused price increases? Can you quantify how much of the price increases were caused by his policies? Can you present a convincing argument to the fossil fuel industry that it should make a multiyear and multi-billion dollar commitment to increasing production because of a short price blip?
  10. UV is not X-ray, they are very different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. UV does not penetrate far into skin, and what little penetration that does occur causes sunburn and skin cancer. You'd think a person who bragged about his really good brain and that he was smart because he had an uncle who taught at MIT would understand this basic, high school level physics.
  11. National Archives says it still doesn’t have all Trump White House records Let's not forget what this topic is about. There is a troll who is leading us far off-topic with ridiculous claims and speculation.
  12. I believe the evidence provided by audits and recounts. Trump lost.
  13. Do you want to subject these results to multiple audits and recounts? Just as in 2020, it won't change the outcome.
  14. "...which is but one of the reasons." Yes, a very small part of the reason. Increasing demand post-Covid and restrictions on the sell of Russian energy are the primary drivers of the increase in energy prices.
  15. Why don't you provide a link to the evidence that the US blew up the pipeline? So far you've only provided links to people speculating.
  16. Myanmar has been in a civil war for most of its existence as Myanmar, and the Mae Sai border crossing has been open most of the past 20+ years. Why should the latest coup keep it closed now? I know the current status is that the border is closed. Now that Covid is no longer being treated as an emergency, does anyone know if there are plans to open the border?
  17. Myanmar in civil war is nothing new. The border has stayed open through much of it.
  18. Yes, I know. Why is it closed and for how long?
  19. He's probably trying to generate fear, but no one can be certain. The problem with dealing with nuclear blackmail is that the consequences of standing up to it are scary but uncertain, while the consequences of caving in to it are more scary and more predictable: Russia will use the tactic repeatedly, China will begin using it, and every nation (or terrorist group) capable of developing or buying nuclear weapons will rush to do so, with Iran in the lead. NATO, the US, and other democratic countries must stand up to Putin's empire building, in spite of the nuclear threats. Not standing up to him will lead to a much more dangerous world.
  20. What is the status of the MaeSai/Tachileik border crossing? A friend told me it is currently flooded, but there is also some issue between the two governments that will keep it closed after the water goes down. Is that true? I couldn't find anything on the internet. Any info is appreciated.
  21. Some people insist that their "news" be entertaining. Others prefer factual.
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