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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Judging both Trump and Biden by accomplishments, you're correct, Biden is by far the better option.
  2. And here's another one; someone who literally can't distinguish between a mountain and a mole hill. HRC did not in any way contest the election result or attempt to keep Trump from taking office. She did state that she thought Russian interference in the election de-legitimized Trump, but that was long after he took office. If you can't distinguish between that and Trump's actions, there is no hope for you.
  3. I'm sure Trump's game plan, as always, is to delay and appeal until he dies of old age. But I would love to see one or more convictions before the election. Before the Republican Convention if possible.
  4. He wasn't shot for dissent, he was shot for pointing a weapon at FBI agents and refusing orders to drop it.
  5. A memo with a "can constitute", which makes it a maybe. Even if such a bribe took place, unless you can show President Biden was knowingly involved he is in the clear.
  6. Now I see; you get your news from Russia Today. That's why you can't give sources. I hate to rain on your delusion, but Russia Today lied to you. The US never gave Russia that assurance. Also, there would have been no need for expansion if Putin/Russia had respected the borders of its neighbors.
  7. I get to use the same source twice. The country going downhill is growing faster than any other rich country, and much faster than your country. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1392678/g7-gdp-growth-since-covid-19-pandemic/
  8. Right, I'm sure there was no pressure to go after any of the January 6 instigators before Biden took office. ????
  9. If Trump is against globalization why is he so eager to put his name on properties around the world?
  10. Please do tell us what samples sizes the climate scientists used and explain your expertise that allows you to challenge the validity of those sample sizes.
  11. Basically, if there were evidence of crime, charges would be filed. Any charges filed against anyone but Hunter?
  12. He tried repeatedly, and failed repeatedly. That's when he started doing the stuff leading to these indictments.
  13. More false analogies and irrelevant clutter. I didn't say that CO2 is the only thing that causes climate change, I said that climate scientists agree that it is the driving cause of climate change now. There isn't just a correlation between CO2 levels and rising temperatures, there is causation. CO2 is a known greenhouse gas and CO2 levels have gone up 50% since the beginning of the industrial revolution. When you have a known cause and effect relationship the results are not correlation, they are causation.
  14. Prosecute the criminals that duped them. BTW: What kind of clueless idiots were these fake electors?
  15. The last 200 years is not a "benchmark", it is the time covering the beginning of the industrial revolution and large scale burning of fossil fuels. It is the time of interest to us. Would you argue that using the past year when a patient had cancer as a benchmark of his health ignores the many years without cancer, therefore we can't assume the patient is unhealthy? CO2 has been scientifically determined to be a product of the burning of fossil fuels and to be a greenhouse gas. There is a correlation between CO2 levels and global temperature because there is a causative effect. There is no causative effect between sandwiches and global warming that I am aware of.
  16. The chart showing dramatic increases of the cost of climate disasters is not based on someone's recollection of past newspaper stories, it is based on credible data.
  17. You are still posting weather reports on a topic about climate. Are you sure you know the difference?
  18. Not a very coherent post. Should I explain to you that there is a difference between local weather and global climate, or are you unclear on some other issue?
  19. Casualties are reduced by better weather forecasting and transportation. However structures can't be evacuated, which is why climate related disasters have gone up 30-fold in cost in the last 40 years in the US. https://www.climate.gov/media/13979
  20. Did no one ever tell you that July and August are winter months in Australia?
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