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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. "That the Biden "criminal Mafia family" are using all means at there disposal to discredit Trump and deflect attention from there nefarious business dealings" Let's ignore, for now, the fact that you have no evidence to support your claims about criminal activity by any Biden and focus on "using all means at there (sic) disposal to discredit Trump": Are you claiming that Trump did not take boxes of documents from the White House, documents that he clearly had not right to keep and included highly classified material, and fought returning them? Are you claiming that Trump did not pay off a porn star for a fling he had while his wife was recovering from giving birth to his son? Are you claiming that Trump did not make a phone call to the Georgia's Secretary of State to make discredited claims about election fraud and ask him "to find 11,780 votes"? Are you claiming that Trump's repeated lies about a stolen election had nothing to do with the January 6 insurrection? Unless you can show that Trump did not do these things on his own initiative, then I see no reason why anyone would have to do anything to discredit Trump. He's doing a fine job on his own. Anyone with half a brain can see that.
  2. So you think civilization and rule of law are scams, eliminating smallpox and (almost) eliminating polio are frauds and major corporations should be allowed to dump filth into the land, sea and air because it's the most cost effective way of making the filth someone else's problem.
  3. The rate of change doesn't matter? Do you realize the rate of change is the difference between a controlled stop and a fatal collision? Do you realize that ecosystems can evolve, adapt and even relocate given slow changes in the environment but will get wiped out with a fast change? You are just posting uninformed nonsense on this topic.
  4. The man is an immature narcissist and massive security risk. He reveals classified with the enthusiasm of a child saying "I know something you don't know...". God help the US and the world if he gets back in office.
  5. "As I understand it''' Please share with us the credible, independently audited accounts of Trump's net worth that led you to this understanding.
  6. He started benefiting before he took office: "Mar-a-Lago, the Palm Beach resort owned by the Trump Organization, doubled its initiation fee to $200,000 following the election of Donald Trump as president. " https://www.cnbc.com/2017/01/25/mar-a-lago-membership-fee-doubles-to-200000.html He didn't stop there, but I won't attempt to give an overview of the ways Trump profited or attempted to profit from the Presidency.
  7. "Great, at least he does things for to the country..." That's more like it.
  8. There is an important overlap in the definitions of "dormant" and "defunct". They both mean that the investigation was not going anywhere.
  9. Really? You have proof that climate change has happened globally this fast in the past? Please show us this proof.
  10. Get a grip on science will ya? It's not based on uninformed opinions.
  11. Clearly pointless to argue with people who don't know the difference between climate and weather.
  12. You are confusing President with king of dictator. Try checking the US Constitution. https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/articleii
  13. Considering how effective Ukraine has been at stopping and in many cases reversing an invasion by a numerically superior force, it's safe to assume that the military aid is being used properly.
  14. Right. Of course you can't give us a single sourced example of these false claims by the media companies, but you continue to insist it's true.
  15. Afghanistan: Very poor, backwards, thinly populated country that doesn't want to be dominated by outsiders. Ukraine: Comparatively prosperous, modern, populated country that doesn't want to be dominated by outsiders. Russia's economy, well: https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/currencies/russia-economy-putin-gdp-forecast-ukraine-war-western-sanctions-oil-2023-4?op=1 https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/currencies/russia-economy-worsens-current-account-ruble-energy-exports-2023-7?op=1 https://www.npr.org/2023/05/31/1176769042/russia-economy-brain-drain-oil-prices-flee-ukraine-invasion History is full of examples of smaller powers outlasting greater powers. That's how the US lost in Vietnam and Afghanistan, how Russia lost in Afghanistan, how colonial powers lost to their colonies (including Britain to the US in the 18th century) and how Yemen is currently getting the better of Saudi Arabia.
  16. It was a good movie, but the best superhero ever? I'm more of a Shrek and Despicable Me fan. If I ever have sons they will be named Shrek and Gru.
  17. I didn't post that it was global. Where did you get that idea?
  18. DeSantis is hoping Trump's legal problems will force him out of the race and Trump's base will vote for the man promising a pardon. In other words, Ron's desperate.
  19. 600 out of 9000 in the US, and many other temperature measurement stations and techniques globally. Plus, if the heat sinks remain the same while the temperatures near them increase over the years, you still have evidence of increasing temperatures.
  20. How does that fact do anything but support the charge that climate change is being driven by human activity?
  21. First paragraph: Unsubstantiated claims. Second paragraph: Unsubstantiated conjecture.
  22. Right. When your going 100 km/hr it doesn't matter if you come to a stop in 10 seconds or 1/10 of a second. Well....in the latter case you'll die, but beyond that rate of change doesn't matter.
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