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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. With the exception of inflation, which is coming down rapidly, the economy is as good or better than under Trump. Putin started the war and Biden responded brilliantly.
  2. Attempting to overturn the result of a legitimate election, undermining democracy, almost preventing the peaceful handover of the Presidency, stuff like that.
  3. The only thing political about this is how carefully the investigation has gone. Trump called a mob to Washington promising them a wild time, revved them up, told them to go to the Capitol and "fight like hell", and at one point used the word "peacefully", though I haven't been able to find it in his long, rambling rant. That is on top of all the other stuff he's done. Being a cult leader does not put Trump above the law.
  4. I remember a peaceful transfer of power with no one questioning that Trump won the Electoral College. Quite a contrast with 2020.
  5. "On that note, hasn't the man already been tried and acquitted of some of these charges by the American senate ?" Seriously? You don't know the difference between impeachment and a criminal trial?
  6. Has anyone disputed that Hunter Biden was trading on his name and his father knew about it? BTW: "if only the dems would release their fish because that's tiresome as well."? Could you explain that?
  7. I called Archer a fraudster because he has been convicted of fraud and will go to prison for it.
  8. I posted repeatedly that he is a convicted fraudster and anything he testified would be useless unless it is supported by corroborating evidence. I stand by that. This may make you feel better; I'm sure there will be House Republicans insisting they have evidence (probably from an unavailable whistleblower) that proves President Biden entered into substantive business discussions during these phone calls. Of course they won't release that evidence...
  9. Who needs evidence when you have a cult leader telling you what to believe.
  10. Do Trump supporters ever read the "evidence" they post? The letter clearly says that President Biden was busy with President Hu and didn't talk to Devon. It makes no mention of business.
  11. The same reason people paid to go to Trump University, the same reason people voted for Trump, the same reason exceptionally gullible people still send Trump money--they were suckered. No one has shown any evidence to the contrary.
  12. I agree that the Republican's tax cuts that were to be paid for by wishful thinking are the primary driver of the deficits, and that makes Republicans primarily responsible. However I haven't seen any significant push for deficit control by the Democrats. Neither party seems to have responsible adults in charge of budget matters.
  13. Sure. And your being out of touch with reality prevents you from presenting evidence to support your claims.
  14. You are clearly not well informed. Perhaps too much time seeking entertaining "news" instead of the real stuff.
  15. I take it you now concede that nations defending themselves against larger invaders sometimes do win by outlasting their opponents. That's Ukraine's goal; they don't want to invade and occupy Russia, they just want Russia out of Ukraine. With sufficient support Ukraine will win, Putin will lose and probably be deposed or fall down an elevator shaft, and Russia will put its imperial ambitions aside for a while.
  16. Let's not forget Trump's lawyer, Sidney "Release the Kraken" Powell: "Ex-Trump attorney Sidney Powell's weekslong campaign to invalidate the results of the 2020 election was not based in fact, her lawyers said Monday. “No reasonable person would conclude that the statements were truly statements of fact,” Powell's attorneys said in a court filing defending her against a billion-dollar defamation lawsuit from Dominion Voting Systems, the manufacturer of the election equipment she claimed was involved in the conspiracy to steal the election." https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/sidney-powell-s-legal-defense-reasonable-people-wouldn-t-believe-n1261809
  17. You like to see dangerously incompetent people in important jobs? I bet you'd love a reality TV show about orangutans doing brain surgery. (I'd watch it if you were the patient.)
  18. I think it would be the strong majority that voted against Trump in 2020, and had the wisdom of their choice confirmed on January 6.
  19. Read the article. Note the part "a "steady deterioration" in governance over the last 20 years". President George W. Bush started the massive debt increase during his first term when the Republicans insisted that the surplus in place after the Clinton administration was a bad thing. Their answer, as always, was to cut taxes and increase spending. However there is no denying that the Democrats did little to slow down deficit spending. They saw the Republicans were not paying any noticeable price for their reckless borrow and spend policies so they did the same. This one is on both parties.
  20. Do you think that it's just a coincidence that CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere have increased 50% since the beginning of the industrial revolution? https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/carbon-dioxide/
  21. What kind of evidence? I assume that to file charges there would have to be some kind of proof that Joe Biden did something of benefit for Hunter Biden's client and received something of value in exchange. What has Joe Biden done of benefit for Burisma?
  22. I always use the US address for anything of importance in the US, such as taxes. I've had mail go missing between the US and Thailand. If there was anything of importance I had to receive from the US I had someone send it to me by FedEx or something similar. It wasn't that difficult having a US and Thai address. I was worried that I might be breaking the law, but with the response from the embassy I assumed I was in the clear, or at least had cover if the law ever questioned my dual address status.
  23. This is ridiculous. It has been explained to you many times that Shokin was removed from his office for not doing his job. What part of that do you dispute or don't understand?
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