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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Once again, rate of change matters. Putting high levels of CO2 in the atmosphere in an unnaturally short period of time has resulted in a dangerous rate of change.
  2. How many of these people seeking preliminary discussions about discussions were high up in the Japanese military and thus had any hope of influencing the military government? The Emperor's meeting was hardly a call to action, more of a "Let's study what happens if we take such actions...". That's not the sort of thing that leads to an immediate surrender.
  3. I see....Clinton supporters are guilty of "thought crimes". That much worse than fake electors, pressuring state officials and the Vice President, rallying a mob and sending them to storm the Capitol, etc. Is that what you think?
  4. They were being kind. Devon Archer's testimony did not fuel more questions about President Biden's "involvement" with his son's business dealings, it showed that the Republicans had once again failed to come up with evidence. Archer's testimony is what was once called a damp squib, and now called a nothing burger.
  5. Evidence that brain-washing by right-wing MSM is having an effect.
  6. What has Trump ever done that was patriotic? Don't cop out with bland MAGA generalities, give us some specifics.
  7. I'm saying Biden is a far more viable candidate that Trump. I thought that was obvious from my post.
  8. Don't forget about the Japanese forces in China that could be drawn upon: "Now faced with a wider war, the Japanese army remained bogged down in China with between 500,000 and 600,000 troops, according to Mitter, and 38 of 51 infantry divisions stationed in the country." https://www.history.com/news/china-role-world-war-ii-allies
  9. Japan was "already debating a surrender"? Do you have a source for that? My understanding of history was that the military was firmly in control and willing to let the population starve rather than surrender. The bombing was not a war crime, it was the least bad option. Not true. Japan still had the ability to resist an invasion, which would have cost hundreds of thousands of allied casualties and millions of Japanese deaths. A blockade to force a surrender would have resulted in millions of Japanese starving and an entire generation mentally and physically stunted by malnutrition. When you have nothing but bad options, the least bad option is the best one.
  10. Let's see, on one side is a career politician with decades of experience, including eight years as Vice President, currently serving as President and getting important things done. On the other is a businessman/conman/reality TV host with multiple bankruptcies and out of court settlements, currently facing multiple felony charges, whose only experience in government is four chaotic years as President. I definitely choose Biden.
  11. I assume you mean the ballot that US voters used to hand Trump a decisive defeat in 2020.
  12. Implicit in his statement is the assumption that President Biden has been directing the investigations and prosecutions, which is false. However his cult will accept it without hesitation.
  13. Explain what is illegal about anything Biden has done (he's kept a proper distance from the investigation and the decisions regarding charges) and why it is improper to charge Trump when there is ample evidence that he has committed several crimes.
  14. "Putin has no interest in the rest of Europe. His objective was to help Russians, and take away UA military capabilities." Total BS.
  15. There is no sharp dividing line between military and civilian targets once a nation's economy has been directed to supporting a war. My argument is that these Moscow ministries are more legitimate "military" targets than Ukraine's power, port and grain storage facilities. There is also a precedent of reciprocity in war: If one side intentionally targets civilians and civilian infrastructure the other side can respond in kind. Russia has been getting away with massive war crimes since the start of its "special military operation" BS. Ukraine has a right to do the same, but so far has shown incredible restraint.
  16. "The building that was hit is known as the "IQ quarter", which houses the ministry of economic development, the digital ministry and the ministry of industry and trade." https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/drones-target-moscow-high-rise-building-hit-2023-08-01/ Two ministries responsible for Russia's wartime economy and one responsible for censorship and propaganda. Had Russia limited itself to only military targets in Ukraine your argument might make sense. However these ministries are much more legitimate targets than Ukraine's power infrastructure, grain supplies and port facilities, which Russia has actively and unapologetically targeted.
  17. Perhaps. Or perhaps it will remind people that a war of choice has consequences for the nation that chose to invade another country. My understanding (sorry, I can't give a specific source) is that Putin is trying to protect the major cities from any hardship caused by the war because he assumes a serious threat to his rule can only come from these cities, not the more sparsely populated parts of Russia. So far it seems (accurate and unbiased reporting from inside Russia is difficult to come by) that Moscow residents are shrugging off the attacks because they have been inconsequential. However I'm sure that Putin will maintain, and possibly increase, air defenses around Moscow. That will come at the expense of air defenses protecting forces in or near Ukraine, which Ukraine will hopefully take advantage of.
  18. Blame that on Rudy Giuliani, he obviously mistimed his attempt at creating an October surprise--plant "evidence" that looks incriminating before the election to throw doubt on one candidate but not so long before the election there is time to discredit it. Rudy started the laptop story before there was time for reputable news organizations to investigate and report it. Even the Washington Post wouldn't run with the story without some checks. Too bad Trump didn't have someone to throw the election like FBI Director Comey did in 2016.
  19. If Putin responds to these drone attacks on Moscow by pulling air defense systems from Ukraine, these "insignificant " attacks will have served a very useful purpose.
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