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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. So don't use a chisel. Use rough sand and hand held wooden blocks to polish the rough faces smooth. BTW: Builders in medieval Europe lifted heavy blocks very high in the air when constructing Cathedrals. They used cranes made of wood, rope and pulleys. The tools weren't that different from those used a thousand years earlier.
  2. I don't know how long an investigation of this sort normally takes and I have no reason to think that this one is proceeding at an unusual pace. Do you have any credible evidence that it is?
  3. Why would the accuracy have been impossible? It would have been difficult and time consuming, but in between planting and harvesting agrarian societies had lots of surplus labor accustomed to doing hard physical labor.
  4. This tangent began with the following series of posts and replies: I don't know if the military ever took advantage of UFO/UAP stories to cover up secret weapons tests and embarrassing failures, but I wouldn't be surprised if it happened.
  5. What great works of art do you think required alien technology and why? Amazing things were done in the past using lots of manpower, lots of time, and basic tools.
  6. I disregard testimony like that unless it comes with substantiating evidence. Lazar's testimony doesn't have that. It also doesn't have anything to do with the military using UFO "threats" to increase its budget.
  7. So you're claiming the Trump administration impeded these investigations?
  8. You really need to tell us, with supporting sources, what your investigations of these secret works have revealed. BTW: I'm retired USAF. I was once in on many secrets. All of them addressed real threats, not fantasies.
  9. Please note that the first, second and final "memorable moments" did not have any supporting evidence.
  10. Only someone who is blind will not see the obvious trend in the graph.
  11. Do explain how all this "evidence" in any way incriminates President Biden. Regarding the money, it's been explained to you many times why a system accustomed to corruptly influencing leaders could easily be duped. You either have a very short memory or are in denial.
  12. NcConnell isn't the RINO; his politics have stayed consistent for decades. It's the Republican Party that morphed into something tragic, it's the RINO.
  13. The military has more than enough real existential threats to use to justify its budget. It doesn't need fantasy ones.
  14. There is a difference between declaring martial law as part of a coup against an elected government and declaring martial law because your country is invaded. Really, the obvious things that have to be explained to some people....
  15. "there is no smoke without a fire" Thank you thank you thank you! I'm going to use this every time someone uses the term "witch-hunt" regarding another high visibility political figure being investigated for numerous serious crimes.
  16. If the DOJ, FBI and DHS under both Trump and Biden could not find grounds to bring Hunter to trial, and now the House is making noise but also not finding sufficient grounds, then perhaps there is no there there. The fact that you ignore that reality is why your answer is a vague non-answer.
  17. As soon as Trump releases his tax records and an independently audited listing of his assets and liabilities I would love to do that. I'm certainly not going to take Trump's word for it on his net worth.
  18. You clearly did not understand "This old chestnut". When industries "cut" costs by dumping toxins and other waste into the ground, air and water the costs don't disappear, they are shifted to society. That is a very expensive subsidy allowed polluters. A carbon tax, done properly, would eliminate that subsidy.
  19. Just as I regard the Democrats as being the lesser of two evils in most elections, I regard McConnell as being the lesser of the two evil camps in the current Republican Party; the rational camp that I disagree with on many things, and the batsh*t crazy camp that currently dominates the party.
  20. Why not? We've been waiting for years for the smoking gun that will implicate Joe Biden in something, what's a few more years of waiting?
  21. Are you insinuating that a plane did not fly into the Pentagon? That somehow that was staged and done so without any of the thousands of people who would have been in on the staging ever talking about it?
  22. Devon Archer has been convicted of fraud. https://nypost.com/2022/02/28/devon-archer-sentenced-for-role-in-hunter-biden-fraud-scheme/ Taking the testimony of a convicted fraudster with some skepticism is not being close minded. As I've pointed out on another topic, the testimony of a convicted fraudster like Devon Archer will be useless unless there is supporting evidence. Is there any supporting evidence for whatever you think Archer will testify?
  23. "The impeachment will be over the depth of Joe Biden's involvement in the influence peddling and bribery schemes." They have been looking for evidence for years and come up empty. What makes you think that's about to change?
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